Wednesday, June 30, 2021
48小时内两次打破温度纪录!“高压锅”式热浪席卷美加—新闻—科学网 - 科学时报
48小时内两次打破温度纪录!“高压锅”式热浪席卷美加—新闻—科学网 科学时报在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
学习进行时丨习近平向这些“平凡英雄”颁授“党内最高荣誉”-中新网 - 中国新闻网
- 学习进行时丨习近平向这些“平凡英雄”颁授“党内最高荣誉”-中新网 中国新闻网
- 习近平为什么再提我将无我 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 颁“七一勋章”习近平重提“我将无我” 他是抄袭李登辉? 自由亚洲电台
- 第1视点|习近平:“七一勋章”获得者事迹可学可做精神可追可及 新华网
- 回顾光辉历程,致敬平凡英雄,习近平出席这几场重要活动 新浪网
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功过几何?勒夫15年德国队主帅生涯谢幕- 体育- 内蒙古晨网—传播最有价值资讯|内蒙古重点新闻网站 - 内蒙古晨网
- 功过几何?勒夫15年德国队主帅生涯谢幕- 体育- 内蒙古晨网—传播最有价值资讯|内蒙古重点新闻网站 内蒙古晨网
- 欧洲杯-斯特林进球凯恩破荒英格兰2-0淘汰德国 新浪网
- 斯特林+凯恩破门 英勇三狮碾压战车 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily
- 冠军相?英格兰4连零封挺进八强决赛之路一片坦途 新浪网
- 【欧洲杯】宿敌对决! 英格兰2-0击败德国| 体育 马来西亚东方日报
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组图| 最新数据:中国共产党党员总数为9514.8万名
实测体验!今起北京地铁可刷数字人民币乘车 怎么用?
川北在线核心提示:原标题:鸟巢的五星烟花是为了这一刻 这样的构思和表演把控太赞了! 鸟巢烟火表演的五
本文图均为 微博@正观新闻 图6月29日,全国优秀共产党员、全国优秀党务工作者和全国先进基层党组织名
本文图均为 微博@正观新闻 图6月29日,全国优秀共产党员、全国优秀党务工作者和全国先进基层党组织名
奈雪的茶港股上市首日破发 市值跌破300亿港元
经济观察网 记者 老盈盈 6月30日,奈雪的茶在港股上市,上市首日就遭遇破发。奈雪的茶开盘报18.8
经济观察网 记者 老盈盈 6月30日,奈雪的茶在港股上市,上市首日就遭遇破发。奈雪的茶开盘报18.8
世卫认证中国消除疟疾 外交部回应
中新网北京6月30日电 (记者 郭超凯)中国外交部发言人汪文斌30日在例行记者会上表示,中国获得世界
中新网北京6月30日电 (记者 郭超凯)中国外交部发言人汪文斌30日在例行记者会上表示,中国获得世界
NASA Curiosity rover may have solved Mars methane mystery - CNET
- NASA Curiosity rover may have solved Mars methane mystery CNET
- NASA Scientists Closer to Explaining Mars Methane Mystery NASA
- Glauconitic-like clay found on Mars suggests the planet once had habitable conditions
- Clay Dug Up by NASA Mars Rover Makes It Seem Like Red Planet Could've Supported Life Futurism
- Like a Ghost: Scientists Closer to Explaining Exciting Mars Methane Mystery SciTechDaily
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Astronomers detect black holes swallowing up neutron stars for the first time - SFGate
- Astronomers detect black holes swallowing up neutron stars for the first time SFGate
- Rare black hole and neutron star collisions sighted twice in 10 days BBC News
- Astronomers Find 2 Black Holes Gulping City-Size Neutron Stars NPR
- That's one big gulp: Astronomers see black hole swallow neutron star
- For the first time, astrophysicists detect a black hole swallowing a neutron star NBC News
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Kim Jong-un: North Korea sees 'grave incident’ after Covid lapses - BBC News
- Kim Jong-un: North Korea sees 'grave incident’ after Covid lapses BBC News
- Kim Jong Un warns of 'grave consequences' and fires top officials after Covid-19 incident CNN
- Kim Jong-un Lost Weight. No One Knows How or Why. The New York Times
- North Korea reports 'grave incident' related to COVID-19 | TheHill The Hill
- What North Korean Propaganda Tells Us About Kim Jong Un's Weight Loss | WSJ Wall Street Journal
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悼念美佛州大楼坍塌遇难者迈阿密海滩取消独立日庆祝-中新网 - 中国新闻网
- 悼念美佛州大楼坍塌遇难者迈阿密海滩取消独立日庆祝-中新网 中国新闻网
- 补壹刀:下面还埋着150多个人呢!美国就这样救援? 新浪网
- 佛罗里达大楼倒塌现场搜救工作进入第六天 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin
- 佛州公寓楼倒塌救援缓慢美媒:美国始终无法正确应对灾难|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网
- 佛州大樓坍塌 大三學生描述與家人逃生一刻 大纪元
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加密货币市场7月将再次疯狂 - 财富中文网
- 加密货币市场7月将再次疯狂 财富中文网
- 数字货币:新一轮打压下中国矿主贱卖矿机纷纷“出海” BBC 中文网
- 41 岁比特币亿万富豪意外身亡所持比特币可能从此消失- 人物 cnBeta
- 比特币连续第三日攀升并突破关键的20日均线 新浪网
- 中国全面封杀之下比特币是否前景堪忧? 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin
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Tuesday, June 29, 2021
EXCLUSIVE TP ICAP to launch crypto trading platform with Fidelity, Standard Chartered - Reuters
- EXCLUSIVE TP ICAP to launch crypto trading platform with Fidelity, Standard Chartered Reuters
- TP ICAP to launch crypto trading platform with Fidelity, Standard Chartered Yahoo Finance
- World's biggest interdealer broker TP ICAP to launch crypto trading platform with Fidelity and others The Block Crypto
- Bitcoin (BTC USD): ICAP to Launch Crypto Trading Platform Bloomberg
- TP ICAP Plans to Join Fidelity, Standard Chartered to Launch Crypto-Trading Platform: Report Yahoo Finance
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边打疫苗边听现场音乐是一种怎样的体验?上海市徐汇区徐家汇街道 T20 大厦疫苗接种点吸引过往的行人纷
【#初中生被骗100元民警视频帮要回# 骗子:警察叔叔,我好害怕】近日,江苏徐州一初中生报警称,自己
鸟巢上空焰火盛放 6月28日晚,庆祝中国共产党成立100周年文艺演出《伟大征程》在国家体育场鸟巢盛大
“卫国戍边英雄”陈红军 “全国脱贫攻坚楷模”黄文秀 …… 29个闪亮的名字 29面共产党员的旗帜 迎
艾德证券期货:纳斯达克指数与标普500指数双双创纪录 - 新浪网
- 艾德证券期货:纳斯达克指数与标普500指数双双创纪录 新浪网
- 美股表面风平浪静,实则暗流汹涌 华尔街日报中文网
- 一周展望:美股涨势虽有望延续 但谨慎气氛也日益浓厚 路透
- 高盛全盘推翻美股预测?三种假设之下美股将面临不同命运 新浪网
- 标普500指数和纳指双双创下收盘纪录 华尔街日报中文网
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COVID-19 Lockdowns Cut Pollution, but Not All of It – “It Was Kind of a Surprise”
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear from satellite observations and human experience that the world’s air grew cleaner. But new research shows that...
The post COVID-19 Lockdowns Cut Pollution, but Not All of It – “It Was Kind of a Surprise” appeared first on SciTechDaily. denounces Barr over election in latest bitter break with a top aide - Fox News
- Trump denounces Barr over election in latest bitter break with a top aide Fox News
- Author: Barr called Trump's election claims 'all bullsh*t' CNN
- Trump blasts McConnell over claims in book about election | TheHill The Hill
- William Barr’s bombshell about Trump is more revealing than it seems The Washington Post
- Opinion | America owes thanks to Trump's lawyers — even William Barr The Washington Post
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Hong Kong's Security Law: One Year Later, a City Remade - The New York Times
- Hong Kong's Security Law: One Year Later, a City Remade The New York Times
- One year in, Beijing’s security law leaves Hong Kong in an authoritarian home Yahoo News
- Beijing's national security law takes a toll in Hong Kong Axios
- Hong Kong Bars British Travelers Over Delta Variant Concerns The New York Times
- AP PHOTOS: The rise and fall of Hong Kong's July 1 protests Yahoo News
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新华社举办“'颂歌献给党'——庆祝中国共产党成立100周年职工大合唱”活动-新华网 - 新华网
- 新华社举办“'颂歌献给党'——庆祝中国共产党成立100周年职工大合唱”活动-新华网 新华网
- 中共建党百年: 合法性危机下的一次次“赶考” BBC 中文网
- 中共建党百年大庆背后的隐忧 华尔街日报中文网
- 中共百年党庆临近 北京草木皆兵如临大敌 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin
- 要闻解说 - 从毛泽东到习近平 中国庆祝中共建党百年 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
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United Airlines closes in on $30B post-pandemic jet order - Fox Business
- United Airlines closes in on $30B post-pandemic jet order Fox Business
- United Airlines closes in on $33 billion jet order Reuters
- United bets on a pandemic recovery with order that includes 200 Boeing Max jets The Washington Post
- United Airlines closes in on $30 billion post-pandemic jet order Yahoo Finance
- United orders 270 next-generation jets, upgrading fleet with TV screens Business Insider
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Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 with Wear OS will add One UI into the software mix - Wareable
- Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 with Wear OS will add One UI into the software mix Wareable
- Samsung’s new Google-based smartwatch software addresses a lot of old annoyances The Verge
- Galaxy Tab A 8.0 (2019) gets updated to Android 11 SamMobile
- Samsung's next Galaxy Watch interface revealed CNET
- Samsung’s Galaxy MWC 2021 event: start time and how to watch The Verge
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House GOP bristles as a Jan. 6 investigation lands in its lap - Politico
- House GOP bristles as a Jan. 6 investigation lands in its lap Politico
- Rep. Kevin McCarthy reveals GOP framework for Big Tech legislation New York Post
- The Technology 202: Rep. Ken Buck is trying to convince the GOP to hold tech companies accountable The Washington Post
- Dark horse candidate may seek House speaker role if GOP wins in 2022 Fox News
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布林肯会晤教皇及梵蒂冈高层 谈中国及全球挑战 - RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 布林肯会晤教皇及梵蒂冈高层 谈中国及全球挑战 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 美国务卿布林肯:美法就中国崛起风险达成共识 纽约时报中文网
- 教宗“友好气氛中”会见布林肯 曾因中国宗教问题拒见蓬佩奥 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin
- 意大利外长声称:与美国关系比与中国关系更重要 新浪网
- 美欧跨大西洋联盟是否能携手抗中? 自由亚洲电台
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王毅:二十国集团成员应采取负责任的宏观经济政策— 中华人民共和国外交部 - 中华人民共和国外交部
- 王毅:二十国集团成员应采取负责任的宏观经济政策— 中华人民共和国外交部 中华人民共和国外交部
- 王毅29日视频出席G20外长会议 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 避免與布林肯交鋒?王毅將視訊參加G20會議 大纪元
- G20外长会意大利举行中国外长王毅以视频形式参与|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网
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Monday, June 28, 2021
United Airlines Takes Delivery Of First Boeing 737 MAX 8 - Simple Flying
- United Airlines Takes Delivery Of First Boeing 737 MAX 8 Simple Flying
- Boeing's largest 737 Max aircraft just took to the skies but it won't see passengers for another 2 years - take a look at the $134.9 million jet msnNOW
- Wow: American Airlines Adds Stop To Flight To Pick Up Stranded Passengers Simple Flying
- Russia’s MC-21 – How Does It Actually Compare With The 737 MAX? Simple Flying
- United Airlines closes in on $30 bln post-pandemic jet order Reuters
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A former Trump Organization executive says he 'deserves to go to jail' - Business Insider
- A former Trump Organization executive says he 'deserves to go to jail' Business Insider
- Report: Trump Organization lawyers have until Monday to persuade prosecutors not to file charges Yahoo News
- Trump Organization attorneys given Monday deadline to persuade prosecutors not to file charges against it The Washington Post
- D.C. Prosecutors Set Their Targets on Don Jr.'s Posse Daily Beast
- 'Trump deserves to go to jail': Ex-Trump Org. exec on looming criminal charges CNN
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GSMA expects 5G connections to near 2B by 2025 - Mobile World Live
Here is Minnesota's COVID-19 update for Sunday, June 27 - Bring Me The News
- Here is Minnesota's COVID-19 update for Sunday, June 27 Bring Me The News
- Summerstock Charlotte offers new COVID-19 vaccine incentives WCNC
- MDH: 4 COVID-19 deaths, 101 new cases in latest report KSTP
- Minnesota reports 101 new COVID-19 cases, 4 more deaths Sunday FOX 9
- 5 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Luzerne County on Sunday; 1 death Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
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Swedish study reveals how long immunity lasts after mild COVID -
- Swedish study reveals how long immunity lasts after mild COVID
- Why COVID-19 vaccines can provide stronger immunity than natural infection New Atlas
- Structural Changes Identified in COVID Alpha and Beta Variants – Suggests Need for Updated Vaccine Booster SciTechDaily
- COVID-19 Virus Can't Survive in Pools, According to New Research Yahoo Lifestyle
- Why SARS-CoV-2 delta variant is more infectious
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UK health minister resigns after breaching coronavirus rules; Massachusetts releases vaccine lotto details: Latest COVID-19 updates - USA TODAY
- UK health minister resigns after breaching coronavirus rules; Massachusetts releases vaccine lotto details: Latest COVID-19 updates USA TODAY
- States hesitant to adopt digital COVID vaccine verification The Associated Press
- Sunrise coronavirus update - June 28, 2021 WTHR
- COVID-19 In Maryland: More Than 3.33 Million Residents Fully Vaccinated WJZ
- PODCAST: What Matters to Me Most Ep. 6 - Kids, Vaccines and COVID FOX 2 St. Louis
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Kate and William helping son George grasp the idea of becoming the future king - Geo News
- Kate and William helping son George grasp the idea of becoming the future king Geo News
- Prince William Reportedly the Royal Leading the Charge Against Meghan Markle for Being 'So American' Yahoo Entertainment
- Prince William, Prince Harry allegedly argued at Prince Philip's funeral: ‘No reconciliation’ Fox News
- Diana's Friends Are "Shocked" by This Decision About the Unveiling Best Life
- Queen Elizabeth Was Seen Driving to Frogmore Cottage After Harry’s Arrival to the UK Yahoo Lifestyle
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Lenovo Smart Clock 2 adds an optional wireless charging dock that’s ‘MagSafe-compatible’ - 9to5Google
- Lenovo Smart Clock 2 adds an optional wireless charging dock that’s ‘MagSafe-compatible’ 9to5Google
- The Lenovo Smart Clock 2 gives Google Assistant a new look The Verge
- Lenovo Smart Clock 2 Hands-on Engadget
- Lenovo makes the Smart Clock 2 and its wireless charging add-on official Android Police
- This Google Nest Hub alternative can wirelessly charge your phone Tom's Guide
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State TV: NKoreans heartbroken over Kim's 'emaciated looks' - The Associated Press
- State TV: NKoreans heartbroken over Kim's 'emaciated looks' The Associated Press
- North Koreans worry over 'emaciated' Kim Jong Un, state media says Yahoo News
- North Koreans 'heartbroken' by Kim's purported weight loss, Pyongyang resident tells state media CNN
- North Korea Highlights Kim's Weight Loss as Food Shortage Builds Bloomberg
- N. Koreans worry over Kim's weight loss: State TV Yahoo News
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美国网球名将小威将不参加东京奥运会 - 桂龙新闻网
- 美国网球名将小威将不参加东京奥运会 桂龙新闻网
- 小威确认退出东京奥运会不想细谈决定背后原因 新浪网
- ◤2020东京奥运◢把握倒数3周冲刺 期待雨后绚丽彩“虹” China Press
- 科舍列娃宣布退出俄罗斯女排不会参加东京奥运 新浪网
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Sunday, June 27, 2021
Tour de France Fan Sign Causes Massive Crash News | HYPEBEAST - HYPEBEAST
- Tour de France Fan Sign Causes Massive Crash News | HYPEBEAST HYPEBEAST
- Fan holding sign causes huge crash during first stage of Tour de France CNN International
- Tour de France sees 2 massive pileups as spectator causes initial crash with sign Fox News
- The peloton reacts to a chaotic opening day of the Tour CyclingTips
- Tour de France organisers aim to sue spectator who caused mass stage 1 crash
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Windows 11: Price, compatibility, release date and features for Microsoft's big new update - CNET
- Windows 11: Price, compatibility, release date and features for Microsoft's big new update CNET
- You'll be able to sideload Android apps in Windows 11 PC Gamer
- Free app lets you check if you can upgrade to Windows 11 better than Microsoft's official utility - MSPoweruser
- Windows 11: All the big differences from Windows 10 CNET
- Windows 11 new Start menu: Everything you need to know Tom's Guide
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California swimmer, 35, bitten by great white shark; in ‘serious’ condition: reports - Fox News
- California swimmer, 35, bitten by great white shark; in ‘serious’ condition: reports Fox News
- Man hospitalized in serious condition after shark bite in Northern California CNN
- Great white shark attacks surfer in California Yahoo News
- Great white shark bites man swimming at beach near San Francisco SF Gate
- Shark bites swimmer off Northern California beach KCRA News
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Gov. Kate Brown Will End Most State COVID-19 Restrictions on June 30 - Willamette Week
Gov. Kate Brown Will End Most State COVID-19 Restrictions on June 30 Willamette Week
Americans Seek Urgent Mental-Health Support as Covid-19 Crisis Ebbs - The Wall Street Journal
Americans Seek Urgent Mental-Health Support as Covid-19 Crisis Ebbs The Wall Street Journal
欧洲杯:意大利、丹麦晋级八强 - 台海网
- 欧洲杯:意大利、丹麦晋级八强 台海网
- 贝尔一个画面展示领袖魅力这样的他在皇马从未见 新浪网
- 连场4球赛史首见·丹麦屠“龙”童话再续 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily
- ◤2020欧锦赛◢ 4球横扫红龙 丹麦欲8不能 China Press
- 芬兰丹麦百名球迷新冠阳性半决赛决赛满座遭专家警告 新浪网
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泰国曼谷等地收紧防疫禁止堂食关闭工地_新闻中心 - 厦门网
- 泰国曼谷等地收紧防疫禁止堂食关闭工地_新闻中心 厦门网
- 泰国收紧曼谷和周边五个府的防疫措施 联合早报
- 曼谷及周边5府收紧防疫措施 禁堂食及20人以上派对 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily
- 突发!曼谷及多个府明天起“封城”,堂食再被禁止! 泰国头条新闻
- ◤全球大流行◢ 曼谷及5省推新措施 禁堂食 逾20人集会 China Press
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拜登夫人拟出席东奥开幕式日美政府协调中_国际_新闻 - 星岛环球网
- 拜登夫人拟出席东奥开幕式日美政府协调中_国际_新闻 星岛环球网
- 拜登夫人擬出席東奧開幕式 日美政府協調中 中時新聞網
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XDA Basics: Will my printer work with Windows 11? - XDA Developers
- XDA Basics: Will my printer work with Windows 11? XDA Developers
- Windows 11: Price, compatibility, release date and features for Microsoft's big new update CNET
- You'll be able to sideload Android apps in Windows 11 PC Gamer
- Win11SysCheck and WhyNotWin11 tell you why your PC is incompatible with Windows 11 Ghacks Technology News
- Windows 11: All the big differences from Windows 10 CNET
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世卫:德尔塔毒株传染性最强已致多国疫情反弹 - 新浪网
- 世卫:德尔塔毒株传染性最强已致多国疫情反弹 新浪网
- 世卫:德尔塔变异株是迄今最易传播的新冠变异株- IT 与健康 cnBeta
- 世衛內部報告:新冠疫苗要隔年打一次 老人年年打 NTDTV
- 世卫组织:德尔塔变异株是最易传播的新冠病毒变异株 新浪网
- ◤新冠又一年◢游泳公会促政府开放泳业 业者:世卫阐明 水不传播病毒 China Press
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Pop Smoke's Fam Thankful for Travis Scott Dior Collab, Want to Create More - TMZ
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Satellite Systems & 5G Technology Market Size 2023 Booming Worldwide by 2031 - Benzinga
Satellite Systems & 5G Technology Market Size 2023 Booming Worldwide by 2031
New COVID-19 outbreaks reported at schools in Grand Rapids, Michigan Tech and St. Clair County The Detroit News
State health officials prepare for COVID-19 vaccine despite 'extremely unlikely' November timeline KTOO
MDH: 444 new COVID-19 cases, 6 new deaths KSTP