- Canadian doctor accused of using own sperm to inseminate patients to pay $10.7M in tentative settlement Fox News
- Fertility doctor accused of impregnating women with his sperm agrees to pay millions NBC News
- Settlement reached against fertility doctor accused of using his sperm to impregnate women USA TODAY
- Settlement reportedly reached in lawsuit against fertility doctor who allegedly used his own sperm to impregnate patients CBS News
- Victims of Canadian IVF doctor who used own sperm win settlement The Guardian
- View Full Coverage on Google News
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Canadian doctor accused of using own sperm to inseminate patients to pay $10.7M in tentative settlement - Fox News
要不是这个中国的科技小玩意儿东京奥运会记者要憋坏了 - 新浪网
- 要不是这个中国的科技小玩意儿东京奥运会记者要憋坏了 新浪网
- 日本单日新增确诊病例数破万。难道是主办东京奥运之过? RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 東京奥运・一 悲情的五轮日本社会何以纷纷说不?|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网
- 东京奥运:日本单日新增确诊病例首次过万 东京医疗系统濒临超负荷 BBC 中文网
- 日本扩大紧急状态覆盖范围,因奥运会期间新冠病例暴增 华尔街日报中文网
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
亚马逊:为落实世界主教会议精神和培育执事,许多工作有待进行- 梵蒂冈新闻网 - Vatican News
亚马逊:为落实世界主教会议精神和培育执事,许多工作有待进行- 梵蒂冈新闻网 Vatican News https://bit.ly/3zVKXgk
FDA vows 'all hands on deck' effort to get Pfizer coronavirus vaccine full approval as quickly as possible - The Washington Post
- FDA vows 'all hands on deck' effort to get Pfizer coronavirus vaccine full approval as quickly as possible The Washington Post
- Covid vaccine booster shots for the delta variant are being over-hyped by drug companies NBCNews.com
- FDA plans 'sprint' to accelerate formal review of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine STAT
- For a safe return to school, children must be vaccinated The Boston Globe
- Why BioNTech Stock Jumped This Week Motley Fool
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Kyle Kuzma posts emotional goodbye to Los Angeles on Instagram: 'I'm a Laker for life' - CBSSports.com
- Kyle Kuzma posts emotional goodbye to Los Angeles on Instagram: 'I'm a Laker for life' CBSSports.com
- 'LeBron James needs Russell Westbrook' - Kendrick Perkins reacts to the Lakers trade | Get Up ESPN
- Commentary: Russell Westbrook makes the Lakers' roster more interesting, weirder; is it better? Yahoo! Voices
- The Sports Report: Clippers in familiar playoff territory Los Angeles Times
- McClung signs undrafted free agent deal with Los Angeles KCBD
- View Full Coverage on Google News
南京疫情关联病例已累计报告262例 - 新华网
- 南京疫情关联病例已累计报告262例 新华网
- 蔓延8省22地,一图看懂南京疫情传播链 新浪网
- 中国Delta疫情:源头指向俄国航班 张家界恐成新疫情中心 Deutsche Welle
- 南京追查毒株源头追到俄罗斯,传播链继续加长 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin
- 11天本土确诊245例,超10省份有感染者!全国多地发布紧急通知 新浪网
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
北京冬奥宣讲团组建四年线上线下受众超过1亿人次 - 新华网
- 北京冬奥宣讲团组建四年线上线下受众超过1亿人次 新华网
- 英国外交大臣拉布表示“非常不可能”出席北京冬奥会 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin
- 英外交大臣:非常不可能出席北京冬奧 大纪元
- 美议员呼吁美国公司退出北京冬奥会赞助中国外交部表态|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网
- 美议员施压大企业撤回对北京冬奥赞助 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
科研攻关组疫苗研发专班专家组成员邵一鸣:打疫苗以后被感染,我们叫“突破病例”,它是常态,不是例外,但 https://bit.ly/3xhkoAa
科研攻关组疫苗研发专班专家组成员邵一鸣:打疫苗以后被感染,我们叫“突破病例”,它是常态,不是例外,但 https://bit.ly/3xhkoAa
7月全国新增本土确诊病例328例 接近此前5个月总和
国家卫健委新闻发言人米锋31日表示,近期,境外输入引发的本土聚集性疫情已先后波及多个省份,截至目前, https://bit.ly/3zPu2M4
国家卫健委新闻发言人米锋31日表示,近期,境外输入引发的本土聚集性疫情已先后波及多个省份,截至目前, https://bit.ly/3zPu2M4
郑州新增1例无症状感染者 对部分区域实行分类管理
一、对以下区域执行封闭区管理 1、二七区京广路街道洁云社区广兴洁云花园小区;2、二七区长江路街道张魏 https://bit.ly/3BZYcy5
一、对以下区域执行封闭区管理 1、二七区京广路街道洁云社区广兴洁云花园小区;2、二七区长江路街道张魏 https://bit.ly/3BZYcy5
近日,网上流传一份“2021年8月份进京出京最新通知”,表示“进京检查站严格执行疫情管控要求,入京的 https://bit.ly/3fgTzWS
近日,网上流传一份“2021年8月份进京出京最新通知”,表示“进京检查站严格执行疫情管控要求,入京的 https://bit.ly/3fgTzWS
发现多名疑似病例,一医院闭环管理,郑州市疫情有多严重? 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内 https://bit.ly/2WJPswd
国家卫健委医政医管局监察专员郭燕红表示,截至31日8时,南京现有重症患者9位,占到住院治疗患者总数的 https://bit.ly/3j5AeJo
国家卫健委医政医管局监察专员郭燕红表示,截至31日8时,南京现有重症患者9位,占到住院治疗患者总数的 https://bit.ly/3j5AeJo
Should Los Angeles Lakers worry Phoenix Suns after trading for Russell Westbrook? - The Arizona Republic
- Should Los Angeles Lakers worry Phoenix Suns after trading for Russell Westbrook? The Arizona Republic
- 'LeBron James needs Russell Westbrook' - Kendrick Perkins reacts to the Lakers trade | Get Up ESPN
- Commentary: Russell Westbrook makes the Lakers' roster more interesting, weirder; is it better? Yahoo! Voices
- Westbrook is the quickest fix in the NBA, but the Lakers still depend on Davis’ health OCRegister
- A Big Week In Trades (Especially To Los Angeles) For DC Teams DCist
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis bans school districts from requiring students to wear masks - New York Post
- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis bans school districts from requiring students to wear masks New York Post
- Gov. DeSantis says he will bar Florida school districts from mandating masks Yahoo News
- Florida coronavirus cases jump 50 percent in one week | TheHill The Hill
- Miami-Dade schools chief to follow science on masks. Too bad Florida’s DeSantis won’t do the same |... Miami Herald
- As a Florida crisis deepens, DeSantis seems immune | Steve Bousquet South Florida Sun Sentinel
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Friday, July 30, 2021
东京奥运:日本单日新增确诊病例首次过万 东京医疗系统濒临超负荷 - BBC 中文网
- 东京奥运:日本单日新增确诊病例首次过万 东京医疗系统濒临超负荷 BBC 中文网
- ◤2020东京奥运◢伊朗射击金牌得主弗鲁吉 被指为恐怖组织成员 China Press
- ◤全球大流行◢ 东奥2裁判确诊 从防疫酒店落跑 China Press
- ◤2020东京奥运◢面书发文为自己打气 李梓嘉向前看 China Press
- ◤2020东京奥运◢奥运金牌价几许? 英媒:不够缴房租 China Press
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
Some top storylines to watch in track and field at Tokyo Olympics. Can U.S. dominate? - USA TODAY
- Some top storylines to watch in track and field at Tokyo Olympics. Can U.S. dominate? USA TODAY
- Pandemic Protocols In Tokyo Have Given Us An Adorable New Olympic Tradition NPR
- Opinion | Are the Olympics Too Broken to Fix? The New York Times
- Japan to widen virus emergency after record spike amid Games Associated Press
- US sprinter Noah Lyles is at the top of his game, on and off the track, ready for Tokyo | USA TODAY USA TODAY
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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Democrat, arrested during DC protest - Fox News
- Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Democrat, arrested during DC protest Fox News
- Third Black lawmaker arrested this month during voting rights protests in DC CNN
- Sheila Jackson Lee is third Black lawmaker to be arrested during voting rights protests The Guardian
- ‘I engaged in civil disobedience’: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee arrested in Washington D.C. during voting rights march KPRC Click2Houston
- Jackson Lee is third CBC member in three weeks to be arrested protesting for voting rights | TheHill The Hill
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First person charged under Hong Kong's national security law sentenced to 9 years in prison - CNN
- First person charged under Hong Kong's national security law sentenced to 9 years in prison CNN
- Hong Kong protester given 9-year term in 1st security case The Washington Post
- Hong Kong: First person sentenced under security law gets nine years jail BBC News
- Hong Kong Court Set to Show How Tough China Security Law Can Be Bloomberg
- Hong Kong radio host in first 'sedition' trial since China handover Times of India
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Robinhood Raises Almost $2 Billion in IPO, Falls Short of Expected $35 Billion Valuation – Bitcoin News - Bitcoin News
- Robinhood Raises Almost $2 Billion in IPO, Falls Short of Expected $35 Billion Valuation – Bitcoin News Bitcoin News
- Robinhood Has the Worst Debut Ever for IPO of Its Size Yahoo Finance
- Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev on the free-trading app going public CNBC Television
- Robinhood Users Get to Own Robinhood Bloomberg
- Robinhood falls in its public market debut, closes more than 8% lower at $34.82 per share CNBC
- View Full Coverage on Google News
Remarks by President Biden Laying Out the Next Steps in Our Effort to Get More Americans Vaccinated and Combat the Spread of the Delta Variant - The White House
Remarks by President Biden Laying Out the Next Steps in Our Effort to Get More Americans Vaccinated and Combat the Spread of the Delta Variant The White House https://bit.ly/3ibagoj
13名感染者曾同坐常德一游船南京疫情扩至7省21市 - 新浪网
- 13名感染者曾同坐常德一游船南京疫情扩至7省21市 新浪网
- 南京疫情|当地宣布各景区恢复开放惹议中国网友怒骂迷惑行为|多维新闻|中国 多维新闻网
- 要闻解说 - 南京疫情传播链暴露何种漏洞? 美国会领袖提彻查新冠起源三大建议 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 南京:已有感染者185例分布9区 新浪网
- 鍾原:南京疫情擴散瞞不住 黨媒再甩鍋 大纪元
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
As new school year looms, debates over mask mandates stir anger and confusion - The Washington Post
- As new school year looms, debates over mask mandates stir anger and confusion The Washington Post
- Broward County School District votes to continue requiring face masks in school WPTV News - FL Palm Beaches and Treasure Coast
- SC school officials say they won't mandate masks despite CDC advice: 'Our hands are tied' Charleston Post Courier
- Opinion | Do Mask Mandates Work? The New York Times
- Governors and local school boards reignite the mask mandate fight in wake of CDC's newest guidance CNN
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Third Black lawmaker arrested this month during voting rights protests in DC - CNN
- Third Black lawmaker arrested this month during voting rights protests in DC CNN
- Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Democrat, arrested during DC protest Fox News
- Sheila Jackson Lee is third Black lawmaker to be arrested during voting rights protests The Guardian
- ‘I engaged in civil disobedience’: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee arrested in Washington D.C. during voting rights march KPRC Click2Houston
- Jackson Lee is third CBC member in three weeks to be arrested protesting for voting rights | TheHill The Hill
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BEHIND THE CREST | USWNT Closes Group Play, Heads to Olympic Quarterfinal - U.S. Soccer
- BEHIND THE CREST | USWNT Closes Group Play, Heads to Olympic Quarterfinal U.S. Soccer
- USWNT underdogs in Olympic quarterfinal, but players are trusting the process under Andonovski ESPN
- Familiar foes: USWNT, Netherlands ready for quarterfinal clash NBC Sports
- U.S. Women’s Soccer’s Next Headache: the Most Lethal Scorer in the Olympics The Wall Street Journal
- What lessons can USWNT learn from the 2019 World Cup final to beat the Netherlands? Goal.com
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CDC internal report says Delta variant as contagious as chickenpox - NYT - Reuters
- CDC internal report says Delta variant as contagious as chickenpox - NYT Reuters
- CDC document warns Delta variant appears to spread as easily as chickenpox and cause more severe infection CNN
- If you aren't vaccinated and haven't had COVID, you will get Delta variant: Brett Giroir Fox News
- WaPo: CDC Document Warns Delta Variant Spreads Like Chickenpox MSNBC
- Ex-Trump official: 'Matter of time' before unvaccinated contract Delta variant New York Post
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东京奥运会:何冰娇陈雨菲会师羽毛球女单半决赛_体育_新闻 - 星岛环球网
- 东京奥运会:何冰娇陈雨菲会师羽毛球女单半决赛_体育_新闻 星岛环球网
- 三局逆转奥原希望何冰娇率先杀入羽球女单四强 新浪网
- 陈雨菲何冰娇会师4强中国锁定女单1决赛席位 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily
- ◤2020东京奥运◢何冰娇终结奥原 4强内战斗陈雨菲 China Press
- 陈雨菲横扫韩国天才少女与何冰娇会师女单半决赛 新浪网
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
Robinhood IPO Was No Feather in Its Cap - The Wall Street Journal
- Robinhood IPO Was No Feather in Its Cap The Wall Street Journal
- Robinhood Has the Worst Debut Ever for IPO of Its Size Yahoo Finance
- Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev on the free-trading app going public CNBC Television
- Robinhood Users Get to Own Robinhood Bloomberg
- Robinhood falls in its public market debut, closes more than 8% lower at $34.82 per share CNBC
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Chinese Stocks’ Crash Offers a Harsh Tutorial - Barron's
- Chinese Stocks’ Crash Offers a Harsh Tutorial Barron's
- Hong Kong's Hang Seng ends Friday lower, posts 5% weekly loss after volatile trade CNBC
- China Stocks Slip to End Wild Week as Traders Price New Reality Yahoo Finance
- How China Played American Investors The Wall Street Journal
- The China Crackdown Is Real, But These 3 Chinese Stocks Will Survive InvestorPlace
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You Don’t Care About the Infrastructure Bill - Slate
- You Don’t Care About the Infrastructure Bill Slate
- Trump blows fuse over GOP moving forward on infrastructure deal | TheHill The Hill
- Schumer says he has votes for moving $3.5 trillion package POLITICO
- Opinion | The Senate still remembers how to legislate. Who knew? The Washington Post
- Editorial: Democrats are itching to sacrifice the country’s infrastructure needs to the gods of bipartisanship San Francisco Chronicle
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CDC COVID risk map: Cook Co. to issue mask rules as data shows 'substantial' COVID-19 transmission - WLS-TV
- CDC COVID risk map: Cook Co. to issue mask rules as data shows 'substantial' COVID-19 transmission WLS-TV
- Map: See if the CDC recommends indoor mask use in the county where you live NBC News
- Cook County, Most Of Illinois Now Seeing 'Substantial' COVID Spread; CDC Urges Masks Indoors CBS Chicago
- Masks should be worn in 70 percent of US counties: CDC | TheHill The Hill
- CDC says Americans should wear masks in nearly 70% of U.S. counties Reuters
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We’re Happier Than Ever That Billie Eilish Dropped Her New Album - Vulture
- We’re Happier Than Ever That Billie Eilish Dropped Her New Album Vulture
- Billie Eilish - Happier Than Ever (Official Lyric Video) BillieEilishVEVO
- Billie Eilish – ‘Happier Than Ever’ review: an artist secures her status as a generational great NME.com
- Mask mandates, Suni Lee Day, Billie Eilish's new album: 5 things to know Friday USA TODAY
- New Music Friday: The Top 8 Albums Out On July 30 : All Songs Considered NPR
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AMD's Radeon RX 6600XT is its next flagship 1080p GPU - Engadget
- AMD's Radeon RX 6600XT is its next flagship 1080p GPU Engadget
- $380 AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT GPU Specs, Release Date, Die Size, & Performance Gamers Nexus
- AMD announces '1080p beast' Radeon RX 6600 XT for $379 PC Gamer
- AMD's Most Affordable 6000-Series GPU Is Here to Level Up 1080p Gaming Gizmodo
- AMD’s new Radeon RX 6600 XT offers 1080p RDNA 2 gaming for $379 The Verge
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Nanjing: New virus outbreak worst after Wuhan, says China state media - Yahoo News
- Nanjing: New virus outbreak worst after Wuhan, says China state media Yahoo News
- China's delta outbreak tests limits of zero-tolerance covid approach The Washington Post
- Nanjing: New virus outbreak worst after Wuhan, says China state media BBC News
- Beijing reports first Covid case in 179 days as alarm grows over Nanjing Delta cluster CNN
- City of Nanjing isolated as China fights worst Covid outbreak in months The Guardian
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Russell Westbrook traded to Los Angeles Lakers in blockbuster deal with Washington Wizards - CNBC
- Russell Westbrook traded to Los Angeles Lakers in blockbuster deal with Washington Wizards CNBC
- Sources - Los Angeles Lakers reach deal to acquire Russell Westbrook, sending 3-player package and pick to Washington Wizards ESPN
- Stephen A. reacts to the Lakers eyeing a trade for Russell Westbrook | SportsCenter NBA on ESPN
- Opinion: Why Russell Westbrook will be able to coexist with Lakers' LeBron James and Anthony Davis Yahoo Sports
- Woj on how Russell Westbrook ended up with LeBron James and the Lakers | SportsCenter ESPN
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Thursday, July 29, 2021
Google is banning 'sugar daddy' apps as part of new sexual content restrictions - Engadget
- Google is banning 'sugar daddy' apps as part of new sexual content restrictions Engadget
- Google bans 'sugar daddy' apps from Play Store Android Police
- New Google Fit ‘Browse’ tab centralizes all health data from devices & apps, allows more logging 9to5Google
- Take Control of Your Home Screen The New York Times
- Google Will Require All Apps on the Play Store to Have a Privacy Policy Starting in April 2022 Gizmodo
- View Full Coverage on Google News
'Weird' fossil from 890 million years ago could be evidence of earliest animal life - CNET
- 'Weird' fossil from 890 million years ago could be evidence of earliest animal life CNET
- Animals Emerged 350 Million Years Earlier Than Previously Thought, Fossil Discovery Suggests Gizmodo
- New find shows animal life may have existed millions of years before previously thought CNN
- First sign of animal life on Earth may be a sponge fossil The Associated Press
- Canadian geologist may have found earliest sign of animal life on Earth TRT World
- View Full Coverage on Google News
What Is a Breakthrough Infection? What You Need to Know About Catching COVID-19 After Vaccination
If you’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, maybe you figured you no longer need to worry about contracting the coronavirus. But along with the rising...
The post What Is a Breakthrough Infection? What You Need to Know About Catching COVID-19 After Vaccination appeared first on SciTechDaily.
https://bit.ly/3BR2Hv15G trial held up due to delay in spectrum allotment – The Kathmandu Post - The Kathmandu Post
樊振东七局苦战险胜中国台北选手 挺进男乒单打决赛
樊振东七局苦战险胜中国台北选手 挺进男乒单打决赛 在刚刚结束的东京奥运会乒乓球男子单打半决赛中,中国 https://bit.ly/3BSqSsN
樊振东七局苦战险胜中国台北选手 挺进男乒单打决赛 在刚刚结束的东京奥运会乒乓球男子单打半决赛中,中国 https://bit.ly/3BSqSsN
美国阿拉斯加州以南海域发生8.1级地震 震源深度10千米
【美国阿拉斯加州以南海域发生8.1级地震 震源深度10千米】中国地震台网正式测定:7月29日14时1 https://bit.ly/3zMrJcH
【美国阿拉斯加州以南海域发生8.1级地震 震源深度10千米】中国地震台网正式测定:7月29日14时1 https://bit.ly/3zMrJcH
市疾控中心副主任庞星火发布特别提示,新增确诊病例7月25日乘坐G486次高铁5车厢于21:26到达北 https://bit.ly/3xbcN6p
市疾控中心副主任庞星火发布特别提示,新增确诊病例7月25日乘坐G486次高铁5车厢于21:26到达北 https://bit.ly/3xbcN6p
鸿星尔克系统崩溃!官方求大家退款 前沿科技阵地 发布时间: 07-2911:58 7月29日消息,在 https://bit.ly/2VgPGds
鸿星尔克系统崩溃!官方求大家退款 前沿科技阵地 发布时间: 07-2911:58 7月29日消息,在 https://bit.ly/2VgPGds
北京增2例确诊 均去过张家界
最新数据显示,南京疫情传播链增至206人,涉及6省15市。 具体来看,除南京外,北京29日通报,7月 https://bit.ly/3BW1qTh
最新数据显示,南京疫情传播链增至206人,涉及6省15市。 具体来看,除南京外,北京29日通报,7月 https://bit.ly/3BW1qTh
感染已达15人 张家界游客来自哪?
这些新增的本土病例中,不少确诊者的行程轨迹中,都有到张家界旅游这一程。截至目前,去过张家界旅游的感染 https://bit.ly/3iaH80F
这些新增的本土病例中,不少确诊者的行程轨迹中,都有到张家界旅游这一程。截至目前,去过张家界旅游的感染 https://bit.ly/3iaH80F
河南:此轮强降雨已致99人遇难 失踪人员仍在核查中
中新网郑州7月29日电(记者 韩章云)河南省应急管理厅副厅长李长训29日在发布会上通报称,7月16日 https://bit.ly/3f822f4
中新网郑州7月29日电(记者 韩章云)河南省应急管理厅副厅长李长训29日在发布会上通报称,7月16日 https://bit.ly/3f822f4
7月29日下午13:34,肖若腾微博发文,感谢中国观众的支持,并且呼吁大家不要过度攻击运动员本身。在 https://bit.ly/3zHOJcS
7月29日下午13:34,肖若腾微博发文,感谢中国观众的支持,并且呼吁大家不要过度攻击运动员本身。在 https://bit.ly/3zHOJcS
梳理各地卫健委通报的流调信息发现:在9天的时间里,南京本地疫情已蔓延至15省份26市.在7月29日的 https://bit.ly/374OsnZ
北京2例确诊病例系夫妻 初步判断密接654人
初步判断上述确诊病例密切接触者654人,已落实集中隔离医学观察措施。其他密接人员正在核实中。 曾乘坐 https://bit.ly/3BUTy4s
初步判断上述确诊病例密切接触者654人,已落实集中隔离医学观察措施。其他密接人员正在核实中。 曾乘坐 https://bit.ly/3BUTy4s
7月28日,湖北武汉市房管局发布公告,对加强购房资格管理工作进行征求意见,今后将进入“凭房票买房”的 https://bit.ly/3f8G8Ik
7月28日,湖北武汉市房管局发布公告,对加强购房资格管理工作进行征求意见,今后将进入“凭房票买房”的 https://bit.ly/3f8G8Ik
京广隧道失联少年李某某遗体被另一失联少年家属错认,已被火化 50% 75% 100% 画中画 VID https://bit.ly/3j4g6r7
京广隧道失联少年李某某遗体被另一失联少年家属错认,已被火化 50% 75% 100% 画中画 VID https://bit.ly/3j4g6r7
COVID-19 Delta Variant: California health officials recommend wearing face mask indoors even if you're vaccinated - KABC-TV
- COVID-19 Delta Variant: California health officials recommend wearing face mask indoors even if you're vaccinated KABC-TV
- Newsom's California pushes for masking indoors statewide regardless of vaccination status Fox News
- Nightly Check-In: California Department of Public Health Recommends Wearing Masks Indoors NBC 7 San Diego
- California Calls For Universal Masking In Indoor Public Settings 1 Week After Newsom Said, “We Don’t Need Masks” Yahoo Entertainment
- California now recommends indoor masks for everyone following CDC delta variant guidance SFGate
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宁德时代第一代钠离子电池正式发布:低温/快充性能超锂电 - 新浪网
- 宁德时代第一代钠离子电池正式发布:低温/快充性能超锂电 新浪网
- 宁德时代将发布钠离子电池- 硬件 cnBeta
- 宁德时代:钠离子电池计划于2023年形成基本产业链 华尔街见闻
- 瞄准500亿市场!“新能源一哥”明天放大招股价应声大涨 东方财富网
- 宁德时代钠离子电池上线:低温、充电难题被解决- 硬件 cnBeta
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Anti-mask protesters forced a Florida school board to postpone a meeting about back-to-school requirements - CNN
- Anti-mask protesters forced a Florida school board to postpone a meeting about back-to-school requirements CNN
- DeSantis blasts CDC for K-12 mask recommendation: 'It isn't based in science' Fox News
- Amid anti-mask protests, Broward school district opts to await CDC decision on masks Miami Herald
- Column: School officials are making mask decisions with fingers crossed Chicago Tribune
- Opinion | The benefits of in-person learning still outweigh the risks The Washington Post
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Nevada brings back mask mandate in high-transmission areas, echoing CDC guidance - Fox News
- Nevada brings back mask mandate in high-transmission areas, echoing CDC guidance Fox News
- New mask mandate for Nevada KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas
- Nevada orders indoor mask use for its cities KHON2
- Nevada issues emergency order requiring masks — vaccinated or not — in a dozen counties starting Friday Reno Gazette Journal
- New mask mandate for 12 Nevada counties goes into effect July 30 KTNV Las Vegas
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南京机场疫情已溢出6省机场保洁其实早已外包 - 新浪网
- 南京机场疫情已溢出6省机场保洁其实早已外包 新浪网
- 新冠抗疫政策要“个案清零”还是“与毒共存”背后的经济考量 BBC 中文网
- 南京禄口机场失守125人被感染:保洁竟是外包 驱动之家
- 媒体:南京这波疫情背后有个“致命疏失” 新浪网
- Delta变种病毒引发中国南京疫情 机场确诊者多已接种疫苗 BBC 中文网
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
Tokyo reports record virus cases days after Olympics begin - Associated Press
- Tokyo reports record virus cases days after Olympics begin Associated Press
- USA softball falls to rival Japan in dramatic gold-medal game | Tokyo Olympics | NBC Sports NBC Sports
- The Tokyo Olympics are turning into NBC's worst nightmare Yahoo News
- Olympians' tattoos are out in full force in Tokyo, where the art form has a complex history CNN
- Column: For Simone Biles, it finally all becomes too much Associated Press
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Satellite Systems & 5G Technology Market Size 2023 Booming Worldwide by 2031 - Benzinga
Satellite Systems & 5G Technology Market Size 2023 Booming Worldwide by 2031 https://bit.ly/469mDrn
New COVID-19 outbreaks reported at schools in Grand Rapids, Michigan Tech and St. Clair County The Detroit News https://bit.ly/2JzXh0w
State health officials prepare for COVID-19 vaccine despite 'extremely unlikely' November timeline KTOO https://ift.tt/3jTYVXK
MDH: 444 new COVID-19 cases, 6 new deaths KSTP https://ift.tt/3iie9WJ