- ‘Pudgy guys with crazy hair’: Trump found soulmate in Johnson, book says The Guardian
- Putin coughed and cleared his throat throughout a 2019 meeting with Trump, apparently trying to trigger his germaphobia, book says Yahoo! Voices
- Lack of helicopter space forced Ivanka Trump, Kushner to drop plans to meet Queen Elizabeth II: book | TheHill The Hill
- Trump had 'Cats' and 'Phantom of the Opera' played to soothe him, a new book claims MSNBC
- Takeaways from Trump aide's account of chaotic White House Associated Press
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Thursday, September 30, 2021
‘Pudgy guys with crazy hair’: Trump found soulmate in Johnson, book says - The Guardian
US stocks trending higher as S&P claws back from losses and leads market back into positive territory - Fox Business
- US stocks trending higher as S&P claws back from losses and leads market back into positive territory Fox Business
- Dow futures rise more than 180 points as market gets set to close out a losing month CNBC
- S&P 500 Ekes Out Gain as Government Shutdown, Growth Worries Persist By Investing.com Investing.com
- These high-flying stocks of 2021 dropped the most on Tuesday MarketWatch
- Dow industrials attempt to bounce back after Tuesday's yield-driven selloff MarketWatch
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Former Nazi death camp secretary, a 96-year-old woman, stands trial - The Times of Israel
- Former Nazi death camp secretary, a 96-year-old woman, stands trial The Times of Israel
- Nazi camp secretary skips German trial, sought on warrant Yahoo News
- Former concentration camp secretary to Nazis, 96, flees before trial The Guardian
- German 96-year-old Nazi war crimes suspect flees ahead of trial CNN
- Former Nazi Death Camp Secretary Flees Before Trial, Is 'on the Run' msnNOW
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Brian Laundrie doppelganger becomes overnight TikTok sensation - New York Post
- Brian Laundrie doppelganger becomes overnight TikTok sensation New York Post
- Timeline of events since Gabby Petito's fiancé returned to Florida becomes clearer CNN
- Brian Laundrie manhunt: Dog the Bounty Hunter sends in the K-9 unit Fox News
- Search for Brian Laundrie continues at Carlton Reserve, areas with water remain a focus WFLA
- Was Brian Laundrie Spotted in the Background of This Photo? Inside Edition
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叫停授课、医护短缺……防疫措施不到位美国疫情日趋严重 - 中国新闻网
- 叫停授课、医护短缺……防疫措施不到位美国疫情日趋严重 中国新闻网
- 媒体:猫染新冠病毒被安乐死该如何对待染疫宠物? 新浪网
- 俄罗斯冠病死亡病例连续两天达新高 联合早报
- 本地新增2268起病例再创单日新高 Channel 8 News & Current Affairs
- 多地公布国庆防疫提示,去这些省份需要48小时核酸阴性证明 新浪网
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恒指跌0.36%,大型科技股普跌,阿里跌超4%,恒大概念股下挫,恒大汽车跌10%_核电 - 搜狐
- 恒指跌0.36%,大型科技股普跌,阿里跌超4%,恒大概念股下挫,恒大汽车跌10%_核电 搜狐
- 恒大七天内两度跳票 海外投资人恐损失惨重 Deutsche Welle
- 市场热谈:高负债压顶 “落水凤凰”恒大的盘子谁来接 路透
- 中国恒大徘徊在违约边缘,全球债主考虑追索选项 华尔街日报中文网
- 恆大債券利息到期 部分海外投資人未收到 大纪元
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
NASA Refuses To Rename James Webb Space Telescope - NPR
- NASA Refuses To Rename James Webb Space Telescope NPR
- The future of astronomy, from the Webb Space Telescope to gravitational waves Vox
- Cryogenic Testing of the Webb Telescope's Primary Mirror Segment NASA Planetary Science
- Investigating the potential for life around the galaxy's smallest stars Phys.Org
- Hubble Telescope finds 6 DEAD galaxies! Killed by Fast and Furious lifestyle Hindustan Times
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House braces for infrastructure vote that progressive Democrats vow to block - NBC News
- House braces for infrastructure vote that progressive Democrats vow to block NBC News
- With Biden's agenda hanging in the balance, progressive frustration with Sinema boils over Yahoo News
- Schumer announces Senate will vote Thursday on stopgap bill to avert shutdown CNN
- Opinion | Kyrsten Sinema's latest moves pose a dire threat to Biden's agenda The Washington Post
- Lee and Romney oppose debt relief just to make democrats look bad Salt Lake Tribune
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White House gives a wink to progressives as they threaten Biden’s infrastructure bill - Politico
- White House gives a wink to progressives as they threaten Biden’s infrastructure bill Politico
- Joe Biden locked in 'precarious' talks to save landmark legislation Financial Times
- Joe Manchin Explains His Problem With Climate Rules in Joe Biden's $3.5T Plan Newsweek
- Get a Grip: There Will Be a Budget Resolution The American Prospect
- WH races against the clock to save infrastructure bill PBS NewsHour
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U.S. Treasury yields ease back slightly following bond sell-off - CNBC
- U.S. Treasury yields ease back slightly following bond sell-off CNBC
- Jerome Powell's week from hell CNN
- Fed Chair Powell calls inflation 'frustrating' and sees it running into next year CNBC
- Powell dallies too much on inflation MarketWatch
- Dollar's Upswing Pounds Home a Zero-Sum Divide Bloomberg
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斯洛伐克新增新冠肺炎确诊病例1427例累计确诊412507例 - 新浪网
- 斯洛伐克新增新冠肺炎确诊病例1427例累计确诊412507例 新浪网
- 俄罗斯冠病死亡病例连续两天达新高 联合早报
- 本地新增2268起病例再创单日新高 Channel 8 News & Current Affairs
- 媒体:猫染新冠病毒被安乐死该如何对待染疫宠物? 新浪网
- 一家十口9染疫父病逝全家仅剩2岁童无事|中國報 China Press
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
Blink-182's Mark Hoppus tells fans he is 'cancer free' - BBC News
- Blink-182's Mark Hoppus tells fans he is 'cancer free' BBC News
- Mark Hoppus says he's cancer-free CNN
- Mark Hoppus Says He's Cancer-Free After Months of Chemotherapy: 'I Feel So Blessed' Yahoo Entertainment
- Blink-182 bassist and vocalist Mark Hoppus says he is 'cancer free' NBC News
- Blink-182’s Mark Hoppus Says He’s Now Cancer Free Pitchfork
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As deaths rise, vaccine opponents find a foothold in Bosnia - Yahoo News
- As deaths rise, vaccine opponents find a foothold in Bosnia Yahoo News
- AP-NORC poll: Virus fears linger for vaccinated older adults Associated Press
- Fatal flood used to put COVID toll in perspective Associated Press
- Virus fears linger for vaccinated older adults Fox News
- How long after exposure to COVID can a test detect the virus? When should I get my booster shot? Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV
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Possible future waves of SARS-CoV-2 infection generated by variants of concern with a range of characteristics
Nature Communications, Published online: 30 September 2021; doi:10.1038/s41467-021-25915-7
Understanding the potential impacts of new variants of SARS-CoV-2 is important for pandemic planning. Here, the authors develop a model incorporating hypothetical new variants with varying transmissibility and immune evasion properties, and use it to project possible future epidemic waves in the UK. https://go.nature.com/3F853qP就地过节、减少聚集性活动……哈尔滨发布“十一”期间防疫举措 - 环球网
- 就地过节、减少聚集性活动……哈尔滨发布“十一”期间防疫举措 环球网
- 吸烟者更易感染新冠?最新研究:吸烟者感染新冠概率比普通人高80% 新浪网
- 俄罗斯冠病死亡病例连续两天达新高 联合早报
- 本地新增2268起病例再创单日新高 Channel 8 News & Current Affairs
- 媒体:猫染新冠病毒被安乐死该如何对待染疫宠物? 新浪网
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
中方在“国际军事比赛-2021”中取得优异成绩 - 中华人民共和国国防部
- 中方在“国际军事比赛-2021”中取得优异成绩 中华人民共和国国防部
- 波音获得美国国防部238亿美元的后续合同 新浪网
- 国防部:台湾的事,是中国的事,不关日本什么事 环球网
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
国家统计局:9月中国制造业采购经理指数为49.6% - 中国新闻网
- 国家统计局:9月中国制造业采购经理指数为49.6% 中国新闻网
- 中国9月官方制造业PMI降至49.6,陷入萎缩区间 华尔街日报中文网
- 2021年9月中国采购经理指数运行情况 中华人民共和国国家统计局
- 中国9月制造业PMI 49.6|pmi|临界点 网易
- 中国9月财新制造业PMI 50,前值49.2 华尔街见闻
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
对话丨谌龙:在质疑与自我怀疑中卷土重来 - 桂龙新闻网
- 对话丨谌龙:在质疑与自我怀疑中卷土重来 桂龙新闻网
- ◤羽球◢未来男单群雄并起谌龙点名李梓嘉 China Press
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
“故意选翻译迷惑特朗普”后,美媒又称:普京故意清嗓子吓特朗普 - 新浪网
- “故意选翻译迷惑特朗普”后,美媒又称:普京故意清嗓子吓特朗普 新浪网
- 美军罕见接洽俄罗斯军方借用基地监测阿富汗恐怖威胁 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 克里姆林宫公布普京钓鱼照片国防部长陪同- 无忧资讯 加国无忧
- 普京称身边有约30人感染新冠包括一起工作的助手 新浪网
- 美国询问俄罗斯有关使用其军事基地监测阿富汗恐怖威胁的提议 华尔街日报中文网
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Psaki acknowledges Biden spending carries a cost, says wealthy to 'pay more' to cover expense - Fox News
- Psaki acknowledges Biden spending carries a cost, says wealthy to 'pay more' to cover expense Fox News
- Biden canceling Chicago trip as his legislative agenda hangs in the balance CNN
- Jen Psaki slams Newsmax reporter for yelling questions after briefings end Salon
- WATCH: White House Reporters Grill Psaki Over Biden Quip About the Press as if He'd Just Insulted Their Mothers Mediaite
- Questions over how long 'increasingly vague' Joe Biden can remain in the White House Sky News Australia
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Netflix Reveals Viewership Data for Most Popular TV Shows and Movies - Collider
- Netflix Reveals Viewership Data for Most Popular TV Shows and Movies Collider
- 'Bridgerton' tops Netflix's list of most watched TV shows ever, while 'Extraction' leads among movies NBC News
- Netflix’s Top 10 Originals Revealed Gizmodo
- Netflix finally reveals the audiences to its most popular shows Broadband TV News
- Netflix just revealed something we thought would be a secret forever BGR
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McConnell stops Schumer's latest attempt to raise debt ceiling - CBS News
- McConnell stops Schumer's latest attempt to raise debt ceiling CBS News
- What's at stake after GOP blocks second attempt by Senate Democrats to address government funding… CBS News
- The United States is heading for a cliff -- and taking the world with it CNN
- Opinion | The Republican Senate Spending Bill Vote Was Sabotage The New York Times
- Opinion | Mitch McConnell's ugly tactics should prompt Democrats to nullify the debt limit The Washington Post
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Biden bets it all on unlocking the Manchinema puzzle - POLITICO
- Biden bets it all on unlocking the Manchinema puzzle POLITICO
- 'Follow The Money': Obama Vet Blasts Joe Manchin And Kyrsten Sinema MSNBC
- Kyrsten Sinema target of more progressive media ire for opposition to Build Back Better Fox News
- Opinion | Manchin and Sinema Should Just Say No to Big Spending Plans The New York Times
- Democrats Should Pass a Carbon Tax and Buy Out US Coal Miners Bloomberg
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Republicans at Odds Over Infrastructure Bill as Vote Approaches - The New York Times
- Republicans at Odds Over Infrastructure Bill as Vote Approaches The New York Times
- Sanders: No bipartisan infrastructure deal unless $3.5T spending bill passes first Fox Business
- Pelosi Says Infrastructure, Social Safety Net Will Be Voted On Separately MSNBC
- Why Democrats are struggling to avoid shutdown and pass Biden's agenda The Week Magazine
- Joe Biden's Build Back Better Agenda is being held up by moderate Democrats MSNBC
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美国政府可能再次关门 - 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin
- 美国政府可能再次关门 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin
- 英为财情市场速递:美国政府陷入停摆危机提供者Investing.com 英为财情
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童贝里痛批各国对抗气候变迁毫无作为 - RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 童贝里痛批各国对抗气候变迁毫无作为 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 瑞典环保少女痛批对抗气候变迁各国毫无作为| 国际 马来西亚东方日报
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
确诊病例持续增长柬埔寨将进行大规模筛查 - 中国新闻网
- 确诊病例持续增长柬埔寨将进行大规模筛查 中国新闻网
- 柬逾82%人口打至少一剂疫苗洪森盼11月实现群体免疫 联合早报
- ◤全球大流行◢柬逾82%人口打至少一剂疫苗 洪森:11月实现群体免疫 China Press
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
Pregnant people face 'severe risk of severe disease' from COVID-19. That's not motivating them to get vaccinated. - Yahoo News
- Pregnant people face 'severe risk of severe disease' from COVID-19. That's not motivating them to get vaccinated. Yahoo News
- COVID-19: Some parents push for vaccine approval for children Global News
- Novant fires unvaccinated employees for not complying with mandate Winston-Salem Journal
- OB-GYN says COVID vaccine has no impact on IVF KCTV5 News
- Duke Health worker speaks out after she’s placed on leave for not getting COVID-19 vaccine WGHP FOX 8 Greensboro
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La Palma residents told to lock down as volcano lava pours into sea - CNN
- La Palma residents told to lock down as volcano lava pours into sea CNN
- Watch live: La Palma volcano eruption Sky News
- Lava from Spanish island volcano quickens pace toward sea Reverb MSN Music
- La Palma declared disaster zone, beachgoers unfazed Reuters
- La Palma volcano: Drone footage shows path of devastation as lava makes its way to ocean Global News
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Greta Thunberg, youth climate activists call out leaders for delivering 'blah, blah, blah' - USA TODAY
- Greta Thunberg, youth climate activists call out leaders for delivering 'blah, blah, blah' USA TODAY
- Greta Thunberg roasts world leaders for being 'blah, blah, blah' on climate action CNN
- Greta Thunberg mocks world leaders in 'blah, blah, blah' speech - BBC News BBC News
- ‘Blah, blah, blah’: Greta Thunberg lambasts leaders over climate crisis The Guardian
- Why has Greta Thunberg had such an impact on the world? Sky News
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Google Weather’s Material You widgets will initially be a Pixel 6 exclusive - 9to5Google
- Google Weather’s Material You widgets will initially be a Pixel 6 exclusive 9to5Google
- Alleged Google Pixel 6 price just leaked, and it’s not bad at all Android Authority
- New Android 12.1 leak shows Google is embracing foldable phones Android Police
- Latest Pixel 6 leak offers possible European pricing and color names 9to5Google
- Pixel 5A review: This is the Android smartphone most people should get GEEKSPIN
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Terry McAuliffe says $3.5T reconciliation price tag is 'too high' - POLITICO
- Terry McAuliffe says $3.5T reconciliation price tag is 'too high' POLITICO
- NBC's Chuck Todd calls for security as third-party Virginia candidate disrupts McAuliffe-Youngkin debate Fox News
- Terry McAuliffe, Virginia's Democratic candidate for governor, tries to put Trump on the ballot Yahoo News
- Opinion | Virginians see through Glenn Youngkin's double talk The Washington Post
- Opinion | Virginia's economy is at risk The Washington Post
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柬埔寨向中国出口芒果迅猛增长-中新网 - 中国新闻网
- 柬埔寨向中国出口芒果迅猛增长-中新网 中国新闻网
- 柬逾82%人口打至少一剂疫苗洪森盼11月实现群体免疫 联合早报
- ◤全球大流行◢柬逾82%人口打至少一剂疫苗 洪森:11月实现群体免疫 China Press
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
Covid: 37% of people have symptoms six months after infection - The Guardian
- Covid: 37% of people have symptoms six months after infection The Guardian
- Long Covid more common than ‘long flu’, study suggests The National
- 37% of COVID-19 Patients Diagnosed With A Long-COVID Symptom Technology Networks
- At least one long-term symptom seen in a third of COVID-19 patients -study Reuters
- People also suffer 'long flu', study shows BBC News
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Petito family's message for Brian Laundrie: 'Turn yourself in' - FOX 13 Tampa Bay
Utah Sen. Mike Lee says people are scared of Biden's vaccine mandate. 'I'm here to defend them' - Deseret News
- Utah Sen. Mike Lee says people are scared of Biden's vaccine mandate. 'I'm here to defend them' Deseret News
- Majority now does not trust Biden on COVID-19 information, poll finds Yahoo News
- Is there an economic argument for COVID-19 boosters? MarketWatch
- Biden’s Vax Mandate To Be Enforced By Fining Companies $70,000 To $700,000? Forbes
- At critical moment, confidence in Biden's ability to handle range of issues eroding: POLL ABC News
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‘Oh My God’: Dave Grohl Makes Surprise Discovery About An Iconic Nirvana Song - HuffPost
- ‘Oh My God’: Dave Grohl Makes Surprise Discovery About An Iconic Nirvana Song HuffPost
- Dave Grohl on Leaving Scream, Joining Nirvana, and What He Bought With His 1st Check The Howard Stern Show
- ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ Is ‘Exactly The Same’ As ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ – and 11 Other Things We Learned From Dave Grohl Yahoo Entertainment
- Dave Grohl nearly joined GWAR as a teenager and even started designing his own costume NME.com
- Dave Grohl Demonstrates How He Drums With His Teeth The Howard Stern Show
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Wenham Man Charged with Fraud Scheme Related to COVID-19 Pandemic Relief - Department of Justice
Wenham Man Charged with Fraud Scheme Related to COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Department of Justice https://bit.ly/39PIE38
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Stock Futures Slip as Bond Yields Hit Three-Month High - The Wall Street Journal
- Stock Futures Slip as Bond Yields Hit Three-Month High The Wall Street Journal
- Tech pulls Nasdaq, S&P 500 down as Treasury yields rise Reuters
- Stock market news live updates: Stocks end mixed as investors eye DC votes Yahoo Finance
- Dow Jones Futures: Pelosi Makes Key Infrastructure Decision; Tesla, AMD Are In Buy Areas Investor's Business Daily
- US stocks trending lower with Dow, tech-heavy Nasdaq leading the way Fox Business
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Top US general to face heated questions in Congress after Woodward revelations - The Guardian
- Top US general to face heated questions in Congress after Woodward revelations The Guardian
- Afghanistan withdrawal: Milley, Austin testify in front of Congress on decision: LIVE UPDATES Fox News
- 'Speed equals safety': Inside the Pentagon's controversial decision to leave Bagram early Politico
- A U.S. general warned the Taliban to stay out of Kabul or be bombed. The Taliban rolled into Kabul anyway. Yahoo News
- Lawmakers set to grill top military leaders on Afghanistan for first time since troop withdrawal CNN
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Jimmie Allen's Rumba – Dancing with the Stars - Dancing With The Stars
- Jimmie Allen's Rumba – Dancing with the Stars Dancing With The Stars
- DWTS: Cobra Kai Star Martin Kove Is the First Contestant to Be Eliminated on Season 30 PEOPLE
- ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Sends Home the First Couple of Season 30 Us Weekly
- First Elimination of Season 2021 - Dancing with the Stars Dancing With The Stars
- Mel C Says 'All the Spice Girls Are So Excited' for Her to Be Competing on Season 30 of DWTS Yahoo Entertainment
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白皮书:中国全面建成小康社会是对世界和平与发展的巨大贡献 - 杭州网
- 白皮书:中国全面建成小康社会是对世界和平与发展的巨大贡献 杭州网
- 中国称全面小康 国务院今发白皮书 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
- 体现共同富裕本质要求中国发表小康白皮书| 国际 马来西亚东方日报
- 在Google 新闻上查看完整报道
3万亿资产狂刷跌停,"限电"重创A股?国家电网最新发声!400亿资金狂涌白酒龙头,市场咋走? - 国际能源网
- 3万亿资产狂刷跌停,"限电"重创A股?国家电网最新发声!400亿资金狂涌白酒龙头,市场咋走? 国际能源网
- 中国拉闸限电冲击居民生活 背后三个原因 BBC 中文网
- 中国多地限电停电:为何会出现电力短缺? 纽约时报中文网
- 中國東北大規模停電無預警 民眾受苦 大纪元
- 【网络民议】台湾停电是“严重事故”,东北停电仅“让人遗憾” China Digital Times
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COVID kills 1, infects 308 since last Friday in region - WWNY
- COVID kills 1, infects 308 since last Friday in region WWNY
- Michigan reports 7,733 new COVID cases, 35 deaths -- average of 2,578 cases per day WDIV ClickOnDetroit
- US COVID-19 deaths on the rise | Coronavirus | 9 News Australia 9 News Australia
- More than 500 Covid-19 cases in schools in Erie, Niagara counties Buffalo News
- 2 New COVID-19 Deaths and 88 New Cases In Tuolumne MyMotherLode.com
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Stock Market Today: Dow, S&P Live Updates for Sep. 28, 2021 - Bloomberg
- Stock Market Today: Dow, S&P Live Updates for Sep. 28, 2021 Bloomberg
- Asian markets mostly fall on China energy, Evergrande worries MarketWatch
- Shares drop for third day, yields soar as markets brace for rate hikes By Reuters Investing.com
- Markets reassured as Evergrande promises payment AP Archive
- Stocks Steady as Treasury Yields, Energy in Focus: Markets Wrap Yahoo Canada Finance
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Sanofi ditches mRNA COVID-19 vaccine amid rivals' success - Reuters
- Sanofi ditches mRNA COVID-19 vaccine amid rivals' success Reuters
- What Happens If You Mix COVID Vaccine Doses? HuffPost
- Pfizer launches mRNA flu vaccine trial Medical Xpress
- On The Same Page Episode 573 Ottawa Citizen
- Moderna CEO Predicts Pandemic Could End in 2022: Here's Why the Stock Could Plunge If He's Right Motley Fool
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Satellite Systems & 5G Technology Market Size 2023 Booming Worldwide by 2031 - Benzinga
Satellite Systems & 5G Technology Market Size 2023 Booming Worldwide by 2031 https://bit.ly/469mDrn
New COVID-19 outbreaks reported at schools in Grand Rapids, Michigan Tech and St. Clair County The Detroit News https://bit.ly/2JzXh0w
State health officials prepare for COVID-19 vaccine despite 'extremely unlikely' November timeline KTOO https://ift.tt/3jTYVXK
MDH: 444 new COVID-19 cases, 6 new deaths KSTP https://ift.tt/3iie9WJ