巴黎足球晚会:梅西再获金球奖 RFI - 德媒炮轰金球奖:丑闻!为什么又是梅西 新浪网 金球奖2021 Goal.com 梅西斩获生涯第7座金球奖刷新历史记录| 体育 马来西亚东方日报 C罗炮轰法国足球主编:这种方式撒谎是不可接受的 新浪网
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
中国发布丨核酸检测试剂可以检出奥密克戎变异株吗?现有药物还有效吗?专家回应-中国网 - 中国网
新冠病毒变异毒株Omicron:世卫组织警告在全球有“非常高感染风险” BBC 中文网 奥密克戎新冠变种如何在一周内惊动全球? 华尔街日报中文网 Omicron|世卫警告奧密克戎感染激增风险非常高拜登发表讲话|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 福奇:“如果你们在攻击我就是在攻击科学” - 人物 cnBeta
Euro zone inflation rate hits a record 4.9% for November - CNBC
German inflation of 6% adds to pressure on ECB Financial Times Germany: Inflation hits 29-year high of 5.2% Deutsche Welle Inflation across eurozone hits record high of 4.9% KLBK | KAMC | EverythingLubbock.com Euro-Area Inflation Hits Record 4.9%, Beating All Forecasts Bloomberg
Dow Jones Futures Dive As Moderna CEO Predicts Less Effective Vaccines For Omicron Variant - Investor's Business Daily
Moderna CEO: Could take weeks for more clarity on omicron Covid variant CNBC Television Gold gains on Moderna CEO's Omicron warning CNBC Yields fall to three-week lows as vaccine worries spook investors Reuters Dow futures fall more than 400 points as Moderna CEO predicts existing vaccines will be less effective against omicron variant MarketWatch
Texas man who used COVID relief funds to buy Lamborghini sentenced to prison - New York Post
PPP loan fraud: Houston man Lee Price III gets 9 year sentence for spending CARES Act money on cars and strip clubs KTRK-TV Houston man who used $1.6 million in COVID relief money to buy Lambo, other luxury items is going to KHOU 11 Houston man sentenced to more than 9 years in prison for getting nearly $1.6M in PPP loans and spending it on Lamborghini, strip clubs KPRC Click2Houston Texas man got $1.6M for Lamborghini in COVID loan scheme: fed | Fort Worth Star-Telegram Fort Worth Star-Telegram
李湘王岳伦离婚,商业上已无关联,婚变次月女方豪掷1500万投私募 - 新浪网
《爸爸》王岳伦官宣离婚反咬前妻出轨|光华网 光华日报 王岳伦宣布与李湘离婚后删博 联合早报 王岳伦宣布离婚李湘自拍卖萌秀大钻戒配悲伤情歌|王岳伦|李湘|离婚_新浪娱乐_新浪网 新浪网 《爸爸》王岳伦3度爆出轨深夜搂妹回酒店|光华网 光华日报
为防止变种毒株奥密克戎扩散我国收紧入境措施 - Channel 8 News & Current Affairs
Channel 8 News & Current Affairs 北京:Omicron对冬奥会有冲击但能控制 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 我国多管齐下防堵奥密克戎毒株 联合早报 越南政府总理指示主动控制奥密克戎变异毒株 https://bit.ly/2OhLab1 Omicron来袭 中国压力山大 China Press
Brian Kelly to LSU -- What's next for Tigers and Fighting Irish - ESPN
OFFICIAL: Brian Kelly's deal with LSU is for $15M A YEAR [Insider Info] | CBS Sports HQ CBS Sports HQ How Brian Kelly's gutless move from Notre Dame to LSU exposed a broken system | Opinion Yahoo! Voices Sources: Brian Kelly to leave Notre Dame for LSU 953mnc.com Opinion: Notre Dame might be better off without Brian Kelly Fighting Irish Wire
Covid-19 Antibody Drugs Are Challenged by Omicron, Preliminary Testing Indicates - The Wall Street Journal
Regeneron says its COVID-19 drug could be less effective against Omicron Reuters
李湘王岳伦离婚商业上已无关联婚变次月女方豪掷1500万投私募 - 东方财富网
王岳伦宣布离婚李湘自拍卖萌秀大钻戒配悲伤情歌|王岳伦|李湘|离婚_新浪娱乐_新浪网 新浪网 《爸爸》王岳伦官宣离婚反咬前妻出轨|光华网 光华日报 王岳伦宣布与李湘离婚后删博 联合早报 王岳伦宣布与李湘离婚两人于今年7月已和平分手|王岳伦|李湘|离婚_新浪娱乐_新浪网 新浪网
习近平:关于《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》的说明_党和人民_发展_全党 - 搜狐
从六中全会公报看世界第一大党中国共产党是什么样的? 东北网 联播+丨跟着总书记领悟党的宝贵经验——坚持统一战线 新浪网 不忘初心,方得始终| 从六中全会公报看世界第一大党 东北网
First Thing: Trump called aides at command center hours before Capitol riot - The Guardian
Trump Made Desperate Phone Calls on Jan. 6 to Ask How to Stop Biden Win, Says Report The Daily Beast Trump called aides hours before Capitol riot to discuss how to stop Biden victory The Guardian
世乒赛登顶之路,樊振东、王曼昱两位“新王”经历了什么? - 西部网(陕西新闻网) - 西部网
樊振东4比0横扫瑞典黑马首次问鼎世乒赛男单冠军 新浪网 “00后”首进世乒赛男单决赛!德国老将波尔以3-4负于瑞典19岁选手莫雷加德 环球网 ◤世界乒乓锦标赛◢王曼昱女单封后 樊振东首次称王 China Press 名场面!颁奖典礼奖杯盖砸头樊振东你咋现在才来 新浪网
中国将为非洲援助实施10个绿色环保和应对气候变化项目-北极星碳管家网 - 北极星电力新闻网
习近平:再向非洲提供10亿剂疫苗 Deutsche Welle 中非合作论坛召开,中非合作现隐忧 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 为了中非27亿人民的福祉习近平宣布共同实施“九项工程” 新浪网 中非論壇降級召開 分析:幻想破滅時刻來臨 大纪元
Omicron could be the most infectious COVID-19 variant yet : Goats and Soda - NPR
November 29 Omicron Covid-19 variant news CNN Omicron may cause milder symptoms. But experts aren’t breathing easy yet. NBC News Singapore says two travellers to Sydney with Omicron transited at Changi Reuters Scientist who helped discover Omicron variant warns of its potential: "This is probably the most mutated virus we'd ever seen" CBS News
Barbados Drops the Queen and Becomes a Republic - The New York Times
Barbados to cut ties with UK, Queen Elizabeth as head of state amid Prince Charles' arrival Fox News Barbados removes Queen as head of state to become Republic - BBC News BBC News Barbados declares 'diamond' Rihanna a national hero Reuters Barbados drops British colonial ties, replaces Queen Elizabeth as head of state CNN
梅西:萨拉赫与莱万都处巅峰状态未来将获得金球 - 新浪网
金球奖2021 Goal.com 梅西斩获生涯第7座金球奖刷新历史记录| 体育 马来西亚东方日报 德媒炮轰金球奖:丑闻!为什么又是梅西 新浪网 金球奖30日揭晓 梅西大热? China Press
满洲里市落实各项防控措施严防疫情扩散蔓延_呼伦贝尔新闻 - 呼伦贝尔日报
满洲里首轮核酸检测检出阳性样本60份 新浪网 告急!超20国限制入境,变异毒株为何恐怖?钟南山最新研判!内蒙古确诊19例,多家A股公司发声 网易 【一線採訪】病例劇增 內蒙滿洲里急封鎖 大纪元 内蒙古满洲里新增本土确诊8例:最小9岁,最大72岁 新浪网
最狠一天暴跌60%!"赌王洗米华"被捕,这两家公司跌惨了 - 新浪网
娱乐大亨周焯华等11人被正式逮捕,澳门博彩业股价暴跌 美国之音 【內幕】抓澳門小賭王涉權鬥 習打擊江派 大纪元 新京报:“亚洲新赌王”周焯华的结局早已注定 新浪网 洗米华案|周焯华被捕震散濠赌股|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网
Brian Kelly's exit from Notre Dame quickly got messy - New York Post
OFFICIAL: Brian Kelly's deal with LSU is for $15M A YEAR [Insider Info] | CBS Sports HQ CBS Sports HQ How Brian Kelly's gutless move from Notre Dame to LSU exposed a broken system | Opinion Yahoo! Voices Notre Dame football head coach Brian Kelly set to coach LSU next season WNDU-TV Opinion: Notre Dame might be better off without Brian Kelly Fighting Irish Wire
中国外交部:新冠变种会带来一些防控方面的挑战 但冬奥会会如期顺利举行 - 路透
北京:Omicron对冬奥会有冲击但能控制 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 我国多管齐下防堵奥密克戎毒株 联合早报 越南政府总理指示主动控制奥密克戎变异毒株 https://bit.ly/2OhLab1 Omicron来袭 中国压力山大 China Press
新冠病毒变异毒株Omicron:世卫组织警告在全球有“非常高感染风险” - BBC 中文网
奥密克戎新冠变种如何在一周内惊动全球? 华尔街日报中文网 Omicron|世卫警告奧密克戎感染激增风险非常高拜登发表讲话|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 福奇:“如果你们在攻击我就是在攻击科学” - 人物 cnBeta 【遠見快評】Omicron驚全球2原因 有專家說不可怕 大纪元
Jonas Valanciunas goes 7-for-7 from 3 in first half, scores career-high 39 as Pelicans beat Clippers again - ESPN
New Orleans Pelicans vs LA Clippers Nov 29, 2021 Game - Scores, Stats & Highlights NBA.com Valanciunas’ career night paces Pelicans to 123-104 victory over Clippers The Bird Writes Clippers can't contain Jonas Valanciunas's career night in 123-104 loss Clips Nation Pelicans vs. Clippers - Game Recap - November 29, 2021 ESPN
Trump called aides hours before Capitol riot to discuss how to stop Biden victory - The Guardian
Trump Made Desperate Phone Calls on Jan. 6 to Ask How to Stop Biden Win, Says Report The Daily Beast First Thing: Trump called aides at command center hours before Capitol riot The Guardian
Pfizer CEO on variant: We are very well prepared to win this battle - CNN
Will the Vaccines Stop Omicron? Scientists Are Racing to Find Out. Yahoo! Voices Pfizer CEO on Omicron Covid-19 Variant, Vaccine Supply Bloomberg Markets and Finance 'This is not going to be good' — Moderna CEO on what scientists are telling him about the omicron coronavirus variant MarketWatch BioNTech starts work on Omicron-specific vaccine The Jerusalem Post
Monday, November 29, 2021
侠客岛:新冠病毒出现“超级变异” 疫苗还管用吗? - 新浪网
为避免冒犯中国,世卫组织跳过“Xi”命名新变种病毒 纽约时报中文网 更多国家报告奥密克戎病例,多国升级防控措施 华尔街日报中文网 综述:英德意发现Omicron确诊病例 多国对非洲南部实施旅行限制 路透 世衛組織繞過「Xi」病毒 美共和黨抨擊 大纪元
British pubgoers trapped in bar with Oasis cover band amid blizzard - New York Post
Snowstorm Leaves Dozens Stranded in Remote U.K. Pub The New York Times Lock in: Dozens stuck in England's highest pub after storm The Washington Post Customers face fourth night snowed in at Britain’s highest pub The Guardian Snowstorm strands 61 in pub for third night, ‘plenty of beer available’ Fox News
New England Patriots’ Dynasty May Not Be Over - The New York Times
Tom Brady, Bill Belichick are equals again as best bets for NFL MVP, coach of the year Sporting News Just like old times: Patriots positioning themselves for a potential bye in playoffs The Athletic Game Notes: Patriots win their sixth game in a row Patriots.com Bill Belichick should be NFL's Coach of the Year favorite as he puts together 2021 masterpiece CBSSports.com
The best tech deals we found for Cyber Monday - Engadget
All the best Amazon Cyber Monday deals you can shop now CNN Amazon's Cyber Monday sale is breaking the internet: Snag 75+ deals on iRobot, Samsung and more Yahoo Lifestyle The 125+ Best Cyber Monday Deals 2021 Worth Your Money The New York Times Best Cyber Monday board game deals 2021 TechRadar
The Best Apple Cyber Monday Deals: Apple Watch SE, MacBook Air, iPhone 13 Cases and More - The New York Times
Apple Watch Cyber Monday live blog: all the best Apple Watch price cuts Creative Bloq Amazon's Early Cyber Monday Apple AirPods Deals Start at $100 | PEOPLE.com PEOPLE The Jabra Elite 75t are half off for Cyber Monday PhoneArena MacBook Cyber Monday deals – save on the MacBook Air and Pro with our live blog Creative Bloq
Lincoln Riley's move from Oklahoma to USC 'genius,' Heisman Trophy winner says - Fox News
Lincoln Riley leaving Oklahoma to be USC head football coach ESPN Opinion: Lincoln Riley to USC was a no-brainer. He avoids SEC mayhem, has shot at a championship. Yahoo Sports Horning: Departing Sooners, Riley takes path of less resistance (and lies about it, too) Norman Transcript Lincoln Riley to USC shakes up college football The Washington Post
立陶宛将开设所谓“在台湾代表处”?外交部:损害中国主权,必将付出应有代价 - 新浪网
立陶宛将开设所谓“在台湾代表处”?外交部:必将付出应有代价 环球网 中国外交部:立陶宛在台设代表处必将付应有代价 联合早报 立陶宛外长在华盛顿叫苦,这只是个开始…… 新浪网 小国立陶宛何以成为抗中先锋? Deutsche Welle
中非合作论坛:稳健发展或「梦醒时分」? - Deutsche Welle
中非論壇降級召開 專家:中非緊密關係不再 大纪元 王毅会见塞拉利昂外长弗朗西斯 环球网 中国非洲 幻灭时刻 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 荣景不再:他们对中国的期待已经幻灭 加国无忧
北京冬奥会张家口赛区首场国际测试赛结束场馆运行顺畅赛事保障有力(走向冬奥)-国内国际-手机江西网 - 江西日报
张家口赛区首场测试赛结束场地获高度评价 手机网易网 ◤2022北京冬奥◢将办20个赛项 云顶滑雪公园准备就绪 China Press 张家口赛区古杨树场馆群整装待“检” --图片频道--人民网 人民网
Study Reveals Wide Spectrum of COVID-19 Brain Complications – Including Stroke, Hemorrhage, and Other Fatal Complications
The largest multi-institutional international study to date on brain complications of COVID-19 has found that approximately one in 100 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 will likely... The post appeared first on SciTechDaily .
汪文斌说奥运成功精彩不取决于个别国家官员是否出席 - 中国经济网
知情人士:中国没有大规模邀请计划从未邀请美国政客|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 2022北京冬奥:外交抵制影响若何? Deutsche Welle 走近冬奥|评论:鼓噪“外交抵制”严重违背奥林匹克核心价值 手机网易网 美官员或不出席冬奥会北京:希望个别国家摆正自己的位置|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网
Samsung finally brings one of the most requested features to its Internet browser - PhoneArena
Samsung Internet Browser Gets Some Interesting New Features Android Headlines Samsung Internet browser now supports the ability to move the URL bar to the bottom - MSPoweruser MSPoweruser
DOJ prosecutors push back against Bannon for wanting to publicize evidence against him - CNN
DOJ: Bannon attempting ‘frivolous’ effort to turn court case into media spectacle Politico Steve Bannon Faces Over 1,000 Pages of Evidence and Materials From Prosecution in Contempt Case Newsweek Steve Bannon Wants to Turn His Criminal Charges Into a Media Circus: DOJ The Daily Beast Bannon pushes for documents in court case to be released | TheHill The Hill
Lincoln Riley to USC - What it means for the Trojans and the Pac-12 - ESPN
Opinion: Lincoln Riley to USC was a no-brainer. He avoids SEC mayhem, has shot at a championship. Yahoo Sports Lincoln Riley to USC shakes up college football The Washington Post Horning: Departing Sooners, Riley takes path of less resistance (and lies about it, too) Norman Transcript Lincoln Riley leaving Oklahoma to be USC head football coach ESPN
Japan shuts borders to nonresident foreigners in response to omicron variant - The Washington Post
As Omicron variant cases spread, countries rush to impose travel bans: Live updates CNN Japan bars foreign visitors due to Omicron Reuters South Africa informed the world of Omicron. Then it was hit with travel bans : Coronavirus Updates NPR Covid-19 and Omicron Variant News: Live Updates The New York Times
现有疫苗对上Omicron变体应能有效防重症及住院--南非专家 - 路透
世衛批評對八個非洲國家實行旅行禁令 大纪元 南非总统:南非未来几周内或将迎来第四波新冠疫情 新浪网 流行病学家:南非本周日增冠病确诊病例或破万 联合早报 变种Omicron已蔓延全南非数周内将迎来第4波疫情 诗华资讯
Cyber Monday monitor deals 2021 — best sales right now - Tom's Guide
All the best Amazon Cyber Monday deals you can shop now CNN All the best Cyber Monday 2021 video game deals we can find, in one place Ars Technica The 125+ Best Cyber Monday Deals 2021 Worth Your Money The New York Times Best Cyber Monday board game deals 2021 TechRadar
国乒组合王楚钦/孙颖莎世乒赛混双夺冠中美组合林高远/张安摘铜_樊振东王楚钦无缘世乒赛男双4强_中美混双跨国组合获世乒赛铜牌_决赛 - 搜狐
世乒赛七局逆转奥运冠军王曼昱率先闯入女单决赛 新浪网 击败日本队!王楚钦孙颖莎夺混双金牌,拿下世乒赛首金 环球网 ◤世界乒乓赛◢内战险胜陈梦 王曼昱孙颖莎争后 China Press 陈梦大满贯梦碎无缘打破张继科神奇纪录 新浪网
Steve Bannon Wants to Turn His Criminal Charges Into a Media Circus: DOJ - The Daily Beast
DOJ prosecutors push back against Bannon for wanting to publicize evidence against him CNN DOJ: Bannon attempting ‘frivolous’ effort to turn court case into media spectacle Politico Steve Bannon Faces Over 1,000 Pages of Evidence and Materials From Prosecution in Contempt Case Newsweek Bannon pushes for documents in court case to be released | TheHill The Hill
With new Omicron case detected, UK awaits COVID booster advice - Reuters UK
Covid: Third case of Omicron variant detected in the UK BBC News UK set to expand COVID vaccine boosters amid omicron fears The Washington Post Omicron variant: G7 to hold emergency Covid meeting as Japan closes its borders The Guardian COVID variant spreads to more countries as world on alert ABC 4
王毅:中非合作论坛将树立新的里程碑--国际 - 人民网
中非論壇降級召開 專家:中非緊密關係不再 大纪元 中国非洲 幻灭时刻 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 荣景不再:他们对中国的期待已经幻灭 加国无忧 中国与非洲:中非合作论坛的历史、现状和未来 BBC 中文网
As World Shuts Borders to Stop Omicron, Japan Offers a Cautionary Tale - The New York Times
As Omicron variant cases spread, countries rush to impose travel bans: Live updates CNN Japan bars foreign visitors due to Omicron Reuters South Africa informed the world of Omicron. Then it was hit with travel bans : Coronavirus Updates NPR Japan bans entry of foreign visitors as omicron spreads SFGate
日媒:日本“封国”防疫措施“暂定持续一个月” - 环球网
病毒太凶猛!日本刚刚宣布封国,世卫组织发出预警:风险"非常高"!新能车也受影响?供应链危机再现 网易 以色列今起关闭边境 防堵冠状新变体 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 岸田文雄宣布:明日起全面禁止所有外国旅客入境 环球网 岸田文雄|日本自11月30日起全面禁止外国人入境|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网
Moderna COVID booster: What to know about the new omicron variant, side effects, CDC rules - CNET
What are the side effects to the COVID-19 booster shot? FingerLakes1.com So how much more protection does a COVID booster shot offer? mlive.com Doctors suggest waiting for 6-month intervals before getting COVID-19 booster Bangor Daily News Study: Protection offered by booster shot beats "natural immunity" Hot Air
Netflix Star Victoria Pedretti Exits True Crime Film After Accused Is Exonerated - The Blast
‘Didn’t Hang Together’: Netflix Picked Up Her Story, But a Suspicious Producer Set Things In Motion That Led to the Exoneration of the Black Man Centered and Wrongly Convicted Yahoo News Black Man Who Served 16 Years In Prison Exonerated Of Raping Author Alice Sebold Black Enterprise Behind the ‘Lucky’ exoneration: 2 lives filled with pain and a man’s 40-year fight for justice syracuse.com Alice Sebold rape case film dropped after exoneration of wrongly accused Anthony Broadwater TheGrio
Sunday, November 28, 2021
澳门警方侦破不法经营赌博案周某等11人被移送检察院 - 新浪网
澳门太阳城创办人周焯华被捕 Deutsche Welle 澳门娱乐大亨周焯华被温州检察院批捕后遭澳门警方带回调查 美国之音 “小赌王”洗米华被捕!百亿身家、各色情妇都成浮云 新浪网 涉案金额特别巨大澳门“小赌王”周焯华被批捕警方披露细节|多维新闻|中国 多维新闻网
Omicron variant: UK, German, Italian health officials identify cases of new coronavirus strain first identified in South Africa - KABC-TV
British Prime Minister Johnson Announces Covid Omicron Variant Detected in U.K. NBC News Omicron COVID-19 variant cases identified in UK: LIVE UPDATES Fox News COVID booster advice should come imminently, says UK minister Reuters UK Covid: Tighter rules to be set out after two cases of new variant found in UK BBC News
Moderna Says New Vaccine for Omicron May Be Ready in Early 2022 - Bloomberg
Pfizer said an updated version of its COVID-19 vaccine will be 'ready in 100 days' if the new Omicron variant is resistant to its current vaccine Yahoo! Voices Pfizer/BioNTech seeking data on new COVID variant Reuters Pfizer and Moderna set to adapt to Omicron COVID variant New York Post Moderna plans to produce a booster vaccine shot specifically for the new coronavirus variant Omicron Yahoo! Voices
Canada's 'OPEC of maple syrup' taps into strategic reserves amid global shortage - Fox Business
Canada taps strategic maple syrup stockpile to deal with low production and spike in demand The Washington Post Sappy ending: Canada digs deep into strategic reserves to cover maple syrup shortage The Guardian Canada releases 50 million pounds from maple syrup reserve amid global shortage MarketWatch Canada taps into strategic reserves to deal with massive shortage ... of maple syrup Forex Factory
Magnitude 7.5 earthquake shakes Peru - CNN
No tsunami threat to Hawaii following strong earthquake in Peru Honolulu Star-Advertiser Peru earthquake: Large 7.5 magnitude tremors hit South American country, seismologists confirm The Independent USGS: Magnitude-7.5 earthquake strikes northern Peru WIVB.com - News 4
欧洲多国现奥密克戎毒株专家呼吁全球“疫苗平等”_新华报业网 - 新华报业网
英国德国意大利发现“奥米克戎”新冠变异病例 美国之音 多国发现“奥密克戎”病毒感染者它会引发什么症状 新浪网 英國德國和意大利現Omicron確診病例 大纪元 世界多国迅速采取行动 防范新冠变异毒株奥密克戎 美国之音
College Football Rankings: B/R's Top 25 After Week 13 - Bleacher Report
College football Week 13 winners and losers: How conference championship week will impact playoff picture Yahoo Sports College Football Playoff picks after Week 13 ESPN CFB Overtime: Winners and losers from an epic Week 13 247Sports College football winners, losers, overreactions for Week 13: Middle class gives playoff race new blood CBSSports.com
BTS Lights Up L.A.’s SoFi Stadium on Night One of Permission to Dance Tour - Variety
BTS Draws Thousands of Fans to L.A.’s SoFi Stadium Ahead of First Live Concert Since Start of Pandemic Yahoo Entertainment BTS' Jungkook's merch is the first to sell-out for 'Permission To Dance On Stage' Concert in LA allkpop BTS fans prepare for ‘Dynamite’ show at SoFi Stadium KTLA BTS set for first live concert since 2019 at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood Saturday KABC-TV
满洲里新增19例确诊!第一轮全员核酸正在进行!奥密克戎毒株已传播四大洲,钟南山、张文宏、吴尊友作出最新研判→ - 新浪网
内蒙古满洲里新增19起冠病本土病例 联合早报 內蒙古滿洲里爆疫情 公共交通停運 全員檢測 NTDTV 内蒙古满洲里发现三例阳性 启动全员检测 联合早报
Low expectations on nuclear talks as Iran creates facts on the ground - Reuters
Iran nuclear talks to restart as US emphasizes it's 'prepared to use other options' if diplomacy fails CNN Iran’s Nuclear Advances Weigh on Renewed Talks The Wall Street Journal Iranian negotiator arrives in Vienna for resumption of nuclear talks The Times of Israel Pressure likely to be exerted on Iran if it uses talks to boost nuclear programme -U.S. envoy Reuters
全球连线丨南非发现新冠病毒新变种多国加紧布防 - 新浪网
非洲新冠最新变种 我们如今知道什么? Deutsche Welle 拜登頒令 禁非洲八國非公民旅客入境美國 大纪元 Omicron|复旦教授:新毒株预计难成气候不会造成大规模流行|多维新闻|中国 多维新闻网 南非病毒会冲击A股吗?社科院专家这样说→ 网易
澳门警方证实侦破不法经营赌博案,周某等11人被移送检察院- 西部网(陕西新闻网) - 西部网
澳门太阳城创办人周焯华被捕 Deutsche Welle 澳门娱乐大亨周焯华被温州检察院批捕后遭澳门警方带回调查 美国之音 涉案金额特别巨大澳门“小赌王”周焯华被批捕警方披露细节|多维新闻|中国 多维新闻网 澳门特区政府:周焯华被带回警局调查 新浪网
Man hid in plane's landing gear from Guatemala to Miami, officials say - The Washington Post
Man hides in landing gear of American Airlines flight from Guatemala to Miami Fox News A stowaway was found in the landing gear of a plane at the Miami airport, authorities say CNN Man apprehended after emerging from wheel well of airplane that had just arrived from Guatemala WPLG Local 10 Stowaway emerges from wheel well of plane in Miami after flight New York Post
Stowaway emerges from wheel well of plane in Miami after flight - New York Post
Man hides in landing gear of American Airlines flight from Guatemala to Miami Fox News A stowaway was found in the landing gear of a plane at the Miami airport, authorities say CNN Man apprehended after emerging from wheel well of airplane that had just arrived from Guatemala WPLG Local 10 A frightful flight: Man stows away in plane's landing gear on flight from Guatemala to Miami USA TODAY
The 11 very best Black Friday speaker deals still live 2021 - What Hi-Fi?
Apple AirPods Cyber Monday 2021 early deals: Save up to 36% on AirPods Pro Business Insider Cyber Monday headphone deals: Wireless earbuds and over-ear headphones for your next workout Cyclingnews.com My all-time favorite earbuds are half off for Black Friday Android Police Black Friday deals are still going, save $50 on Apple's noise-canceling Beats Studio Buds USA TODAY
Bitcoin Traders Should Pay Close Attention to This Price Level Amid Crypto Market Pullback, Says On-Chain A... - The Daily Hodl
A Tiny Cryptocurrency Called Omicron Is Suddenly Rocketing—Even As The New Covid-19 Variant Tanks The Bitcoin Price And Crypto Markets Forbes Bitcoin holders rush to book profits before catastrophic price crash FXStreet Market Watch: Bitcoin Concludes Its Worst Day Since September CryptoPotato More Than $750M Worth Of Crypto Positions Liquidated On Concerns Over New COVID-19 Variant 'Omicron' - Be Benzinga
College Football Playoff: Where do teams stand after Week 13? - USA TODAY
College Football Playoff picks after Week 13 ESPN Winners and Losers from Week 13 of College Football Bleacher Report College football Week 13 winners and losers: How conference championship week will impact playoff picture Yahoo Sports CFB Overtime: Winners and losers from an epic Week 13 247Sports
内蒙古满洲里新增19起冠病本土病例 - 联合早报
內蒙古滿洲里爆疫情 公共交通停運 全員檢測 NTDTV 内蒙古满洲里发现三例阳性 启动全员检测 联合早报
澳大利亚首次发现两例“奥密克戎”病例,两人均已接种过疫苗 - 荆楚网
英国德国意大利发现“奥米克戎”新冠变异病例 美国之音 英、德、意大利等首现变异病毒Omicron确诊病例 约翰逊宣布新防疫举措 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 英國德國和意大利現Omicron確診病例 大纪元 世界多国迅速采取行动 防范新冠变异毒株奥密克戎 美国之音
Johns Hopkins virologist: “Pay close attention” to omicron variant cases - WTOP
Fauci would 'not be surprised' if omicron is already in US, predicts it will go 'all over' Fox News Health officials raise concern over Omicron variant's global impact CBS News Covid-19 Omicron Variant Emerges as Billions Remain Unvaccinated Bloomberg The Guardian view on the Omicron variant: caution needed The Guardian
Iran nuclear talks to restart as US emphasizes it's 'prepared to use other options' if diplomacy fails - CNN
Low expectations on nuclear talks as Iran creates facts on the ground Reuters Iran’s Nuclear Advances Weigh on Renewed Talks The Wall Street Journal Iranian negotiator arrives in Vienna for resumption of nuclear talks The Times of Israel Pressure likely to be exerted on Iran if it uses talks to boost nuclear programme -U.S. envoy Reuters
新冠超强变异毒株Omicron出现!检测和疫苗公司纷纷表态 - 新浪网
英国德国意大利发现“奥米克戎”新冠变异病例 美国之音 英國德國和意大利現Omicron確診病例 大纪元 多国发现“奥密克戎”病毒感染者它会引发什么症状 新浪网 英、德、意大利等首现变异病毒Omicron确诊病例 约翰逊宣布新防疫举措 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
Switzerland to vote on whether to keep Covid restrictions as cases surge - CNN
Covid-19 Pandemic: Live Updates and News for Nov. 28, 2021 Bloomberg Swiss vote on COVID-19 law amid surge in infections Aljazeera.com Tensions run high as Swiss vote on Covid vaccine certificate law The Guardian Swiss to vote on ending COVID-19 restrictions New York Post
NFL Odds, Picks, Predictions: Our Expert’s Week 12 Bets, Including Colts-Bucs Spread & Falcons-Jags Over/Under - The Action Network
NFL Odds, Picks, Predictions: Our Expert’s Week 12 Bets, Including Colts-Bucs Spread & Falcons-Jags Over/Under NFL Week 12 fantasy football questions and answers: Reporters give advice on Saquon Barkley, Tony Pollard, Titans RBs ESPN NFL Week 12 odds, picks, schedule, how to watch, streaming: Expert picks, teasers, survivor picks and more CBSSports.com TL;DR Week 12 4for4 NFL DFS Week 12 Main Slate Breakdown: Christian McCaffrey is Back Fantasy Labs
Wisconsin senators ask lawmakers to not politicize Waukesha attack - New York Post
Sens. Johnson, Baldwin condemn outside groups for trying to 'exploit' Waukesha tragedy Fox News Wisconsin senators warn in rare joint statement outsiders may try to exploit Waukesha tragedy for 'political purposes' CNN GoFundMe pulls fundraiser for Waukesha suspect Darrell Brooks FOX 6 Milwaukee Weekend Roundup: Waukesha parade arrest continues debate over bail reform Wisconsin Public Radio News
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Moderna says it will develop booster shot for new COVID variant - The Times of Israel
Omicron COVID-19 variant: Pfizer, BioNTech say vaccine could be reworked in 100 days to counter strain Fox Business Merck says its Covid antiviral treatment less effective than first thought Financial Times Pfizer/BioNTech seeking data on new COVID variant Reuters Omicron COVID-19 variant: Moderna announces strategy for addressing new variant Fox Business
ESA’s Solar Orbiter Spacecraft Is Skimming Earth for a Gravity Assist – And It’s One of the Riskiest Planetary Flybys Ever - SciTechDaily
Europe's Solar Orbiter will fly by Earth tonight. Here's how to spot it in the night sky. Space.com Solar Orbiter to perform risky flyby of Earth Daily Mail European spacecraft to perform riskiest manoeuvre around Earth today: Attempt to pass through two debris rings India Today Russian ASAT test adds risk to Solar Orbiter's super close Earth flyby Space.com
Paolo Banchero leads No. 5 Duke to thrilling win over No. 1 Gonzaga - New York Post
No. 5 Duke takes out No. 1 Gonzaga in clash of unbeaten teams ESPN BYU basketball: The Cougars’ untold connections and history with the Big 12, its coaches Deseret News Three keys: What Gonzaga needs to do to beat Duke KREM.com Duke vs. Gonzaga score, takeaways: Paolo Banchero leads No. 5 Blue Devils to upset of top-ranked Zags CBSSports.com
Concerns over COVID variant trigger more travel curbs on southern Africa - Reuters
WHO names new 'variant of concern' Omicron CNN EXPLAINER: What is this new COVID variant in South Africa? Yahoo News The Guardian view on the Omicron variant: caution needed The Guardian Omicron, a new Covid-19 variant with high number of mutations, sparks travel bans and worries scientists CNN
美股、油价和政府债券收益率均暴跌 - 华尔街日报中文网
突发大风暴!史上最凶猛变种新冠病毒,日本欧洲股市暴跌,原油崩5%,美股盘前狂泻800点! 新浪网 新毒株引爆美股70年来最惨“黑五”:道指狂泄逾千点,美油跌破70美元,欧美国债价格狂飙 华尔街见闻 综述:新变种病毒恐慌令股市急挫油价崩跌 欧美急发旅行限制但仍恐太迟 路透 盘前:恐慌情绪席卷全球道指期货跌2.2% 新浪网
Bettors like Ohio State over Michigan, by a lot, inside and outside our state - The Detroit News
Stephen A. on Ohio State vs. Michigan: 'Thats not a rivalry, thats DOMINANCE!' | First Take ESPN Discussion: Wanting a win against Ohio State is obvious, but will Michigan deliver? Maize n Brew Ohio State vs. Michigan score predictions: Will The Game be a game, or will the Buckeyes’ dominance continue? cleveland.com Michigan’s best chance to beat Ohio State? Play keep away mlive.com
No. 6 Duke holds off No. 1 Gonzaga 84-81 in early-season college basketball showdown - USA TODAY College
No. 5 Duke takes out No. 1 Gonzaga in clash of unbeaten teams ESPN BYU basketball: The Cougars’ untold connections and history with the Big 12, its coaches Deseret News Three keys: What Gonzaga needs to do to beat Duke KREM.com Duke vs. Gonzaga score, takeaways: Paolo Banchero leads No. 5 Blue Devils to upset of top-ranked Zags CBSSports.com
Nashville shooting leaves at least 3 dead, 4 wounded: reports - Fox News
Three dead, four injured in West Nashville shooting Friday night NewsChannel 5 3 dead and 4 injured in shooting inside a Nashville apartment, police say CNN Metro PD: 7 shot, 3 dead in West Nashville WSMV Nashville Victim shot, killed in East Nashville; police release photos of suspect WKRN News 2
诺瓦瓦克斯针对南非新变种毒株的疫苗未来几周可进入测试与生产 - 联合早报
新冠肺炎|Omicron来势汹汹辉瑞:预计两周内判断现有疫苗成效|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 BioNTech:两周内评估新病毒影响最坏情况下100天上架新疫苗 新浪网 辉瑞和BioNTech:若需要可在100天内输出为新变种毒株量身定制的新疫苗 联合早报 多个疫苗生产商表示已启动对Omicron的研究 Channel 8 News & Current Affairs
新毒株Omicron引爆黑色星期五,道指盘中狂泻千点,美油暴跌13% - 一财网
美股、油价和政府债券收益率均暴跌 华尔街日报中文网 突发大风暴!史上最凶猛变种新冠病毒,日本欧洲股市暴跌,原油崩5%,美股盘前狂泻800点! 新浪网 新毒株引爆美股70年来最惨“黑五”:道指狂泄逾千点,美油跌破70美元,欧美国债价格狂飙 华尔街见闻 今日财经市场5件大事:黑色星期五在“黑色”中揭幕全球市场吓坏了提供者Investing.com 英为财情
Rep. Boebert apologizes after anti-Muslim comments about colleague surface - FOX31 Denver
Boebert apologizes to Muslim community after Ilhan Omar comments: 'I have reached out to her' Fox News Video shows Republican congresswoman making racist remarks about colleague CNN Citing lawmaker's anti-Muslim slur, Popovich calls for speaking out against lies San Antonio Express-News Ilhan Omar accuses Lauren Boebert of fabricating 'anti-Muslim' story told to supporters Fox News
Experts concerned new COVID variant ‘omicron’ could be more contagious, more vaccine resistant - WDIV ClickOnDetroit
What we know about the Omicron variant CNN New COVID omicron variant triggers travel bans KSL.com The Omicron Variant Panic The Wall Street Journal South Africa Omicron cases appear mild, but too soon to know severity businessinsider.com
California smash-and-grab crew steals hammers, tools from Home Depot - New York Post
Group of suspects stole hammers, crowbars at The Home Depot in Lakewood FOX 11 Los Angeles Group Of Men Steal Tools From Lakewood Home Depot CBS Los Angeles Smash-and-grab crew steals tools from Lakewood Home Depot: Sheriff’s Department KTLA Lakewood Home Depot Raided by Large Group of Thieves NBC Southern California
India tells public to shun Musk-backed Starlink until it gets licence - Reuters
DoT asks Elon Musk’s Starlink to stop bookings, says ‘not a licencee’ The Indian Express Centre asks public to shun Elon Musk's Starlink until it gets licence | Onmanorama Onmanorama Govt clarifies Starlink not a licensee; asks public not to subscribe to service being advertised Deccan Herald Elon Musk's Starlink barred in India from accepting orders for its broadband services Economic Times
Fans erect memorial outside Stephen Sondheim Theatre after death of Broadway legend - New York Post
60 Minutes Archive: Stephen Sondheim 60 Minutes Stephen Sondheim, Titan of the American Musical, Is Dead at 91 The New York Times With death of Stephen Sondheim, Broadway loses a musical genius The Washington Post Broadway composer Stephen Sondheim dead at 91 Fox News
Mike Lindell is fundraising for his 'legal offense fund' - Business Insider
Mike Lindell’s Promised Election-Reversing Lawsuit Turns Into 96-Hour Pillow Sale Yahoo News Mike Lindell's 96-Hour 'Thanks-A-Thon' Derailed by Thanksgiving Dinner The Daily Beast Mike Lindell's 'Thanks-A-Thon' Viewed by Dozens on YouTube After He Says 'Millions' Watching Newsweek Mike Lindell claims ‘millions’ watching his Thanksgiving TV special The Independent
Covid: Dozens test positive on SA-Netherlands flights - BBC News
New Covid Variant Triggers U.S. Travel Restrictions From 8 African Nations NBC News World races to contain new COVID threat, the omicron variant Yahoo News Ireland considering restarting mandatory hotel quarantine Reuters Omicron COVID-19 variant: US to limit travel from 8 southern Africa countries Fox News
'House of Gucci' true story: The real people of Gucci case - Los Angeles Times
The Real Stars of House of Gucci Are the Powerful Noses The Cut What 'House of Gucci' Left Out: Ferrets, Parrots and Prison Daily Beast 'House of Gucci' fact check: Was Salma Hayek's character a witch? Did Maurizio flee to Switzerland? USA TODAY House of Gucci Review: Hell hath no fury like a 'fashionably ferocious' Lady Gaga scorned PINKVILLA
3 dead and 4 injured in shooting inside a Nashville apartment, police say - CNN
Nashville shooting leaves at least 3 dead, 4 wounded: reports Fox News 3 dead, at least 4 more injured in shooting near McKissack Park WKRN News 2 Metro PD: 7 shot, 3 dead in North Nashville WSMV Nashville One person shot and killed in East Nashville; police searching for suspect NewsChannel5.com
东吴期货:新冠病毒变异对全球市场造成的冲击短期影响持续原油类期货品种或仍以下跌为主 - 东方财富网
国际原油市场上油价大跌 新冠变异毒株引发恐慌情绪 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 原油一日狂泻逾10%创19个月最大跌幅!机构高呼反应太过头定价体现最坏结果 华尔街见闻 新毒株突袭油价暴跌,下周两件大事恐再掀风云 新浪网 焦点:OPEC+正监控新的新冠病毒变种 部分人士担心油市前景恶化--消息 路透
非洲新冠最新变种 我们如今知道什么? - Deutsche Welle
新冠病毒:最新变异株Omicron 我们已经知道些什么? BBC 中文网 拜登頒令 禁非洲八國非公民旅客入境美國 大纪元 比德尔塔更可怕的毒株来袭,有哪些风险与机会| Investing.com 英为财情 世卫命名新变种病毒"Omicron" 呼吁各国不要仓促实施入境限制 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
Best Black Friday deals on TVs live right now at Best Buy, Amazon and more - NBC News
The 30+ Best Black Friday TV Deals 2021 from TCL, LG, Vizio and Samsung The New York Times Last Minute Black Friday TV Deal: Hisense 55" U8G 4K Quantum Series ULED Android TV for $699.99 - IGN IGN These 75-inch TVs are all under $750 for Black Friday 2021 Digital Trends Black Friday TV deals you can shop right now from Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon and more CBS News
Omicron covid variant fears prompt New York Gov. Hochul to declare emergency - The Washington Post
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul issues state of emergency in response to omicron variant Fox News Omicron Variant: NY Declares State Of Emergency Ahead of Potential Spike NBC New York Hochul: Order boosts hospital capacity ahead of new variant WKBW-TV New York declares state of emergency amid variant threat The Detroit News
What 'House of Gucci' Left Out: Ferrets, Parrots and Prison - Daily Beast
'House of Gucci' fact check: Was Salma Hayek's character a witch? Did Maurizio flee to Switzerland? USA TODAY The Real Stars of House of Gucci Are the Powerful Noses The Cut House of Gucci Review: Hell hath no fury like a 'fashionably ferocious' Lady Gaga scorned PINKVILLA These are the real people of 'House of Gucci.' Here's how their stories compare to the movie Yahoo News
Gun violence sends Black Friday shoppers scurrying in North Carolina, Washington state - Reuters
Three People Shot At North Carolina Mall Says Durham Police Chief NBC News North Carolina Black Friday mall shooting sends customers scrambling, 3 shot, 1 in custody Fox News Sheriff's office investigating after man shot on Piner Road WWAY NewsChannel 3 Durham mall workers describe scene after 3 shot inside mall CBS 17
Friday, November 26, 2021
Ole Miss trolls Mississippi State fans after Egg Bowl win - Saturday Down South
Ole Miss at Mississippi State | Full Game Highlights ESPN College Football Opinion: Where is Lane Kiffin headed next? To the New Year's Six with Ole Miss USA TODAY Three key players return for Mississippi State football ahead of Egg Bowl Jackson Clarion Ledger How Mike Leach and Lane Kiffin are influencing the new era of the Egg Bowl rivalry ESPN
Israel warns of 'emergency' after detecting new virus strain - Associated Press
Israel detects its first case of new, highly mutated COVID-19 strain The Times of Israel Israel reports first COVID-19 case involving 'worrying' Africa variant Business Insider Israeli PM warns of state of emergency due to new coronavirus variant Reuters Bennett warns Israel entering ’emergency situation’ over new COVID-19 strain The Times of Israel
Photos: Thanksgiving 2021 - CNN
Macy's Is Auctioning Off Thanksgiving Day NFTs, And Bids Are Topping $300,000 HuffPost CBS presents the 95th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade live from New York City CBS Mornings Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Returns, With All the Trimmings NBC New York Macy's Thanksgiving parade returns, with all the trimmings KSL.com
Tom Brady on Drew Brees's Tribute: 'Thank You for Retiring, Don't Come Back' - Sports Illustrated
Buffalo Bills get neccesary, but potentially costly, win to keep pace in AFC - Buffalo Bills Blog- ESPN ESPN Saints vs Bills Pregame Huddle | 2021 NFL Week 12 New Orleans Saints NOLA Saints fans make it known that they want Taysom Hill at QB Who Dat Dish [BN] Blitz: Josh Allen has a chance to make another Thanksgiving statement Buffalo News
Southern Africa’s New Covid-19 Variant Prompts Wave of Travel Restrictions - The Wall Street Journal
Covid Updates: South Africa Identifies New Variant The New York Times European and Asian nations suspend flights to southern Africa as new Covid variant raises concerns CNBC EU wants to stop flights from southern Africa over variant | AP News Associated Press WHO meets amid global alarm over new Covid-19 variant found in southern Africa NBC News
南非发现新型变异新冠病毒各国提高警惕 - 共同社
南非发现新变种病毒 英国停飞非洲六国航班 Deutsche Welle 南非就新变异毒株发出警告 华尔街日报中文网 南非发现新冠新变体,英国以色列执行新旅行禁令- IT 与健康 cnBeta 新变种病毒引爆"黑色星期五" 原油、商品货币和股市跳水避险资产受追捧 新浪网
Treasury yields sink amid concerns around a new Covid variant - CNBC
Stocks markets under pressure after news of new COVID variant emerges | Latest English News | WION WION Equities, Oil Sink as New Covid Variant Discovered Bloomberg Markets and Finance What investors are saying about the new virus variant Reuters Dow futures drop more than 800 points on fears of new Covid variant found in South Africa CNBC
彭博社:中国或要求滴滴全球退出华尔街 - RFI - 法国国际广播电台
彭博社:中国或要求滴滴全球退出华尔街 RFI - 滴滴出行据报遭中国监管部门要求从美国退市|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网 美媒:防数据洩露 中国要求滴滴從美国下市 Deutsche Welle 报道:中国因数据安全担忧要求滴滴制定退市计划 华尔街日报中文网 消息:中共要求滴滴出行從美國退市 大纪元
Black Friday 2021: Live Updates - The New York Times
Holiday season moves into high gear but challenges remain | AP News Associated Press How will supply chain issues impact holiday shopping? FOX31 Denver Supply chain issues: 13 things you may (or may not) have trouble finding during the 2021 holiday season CBS News Supply chain and inflation could make holiday shopping challenging KTRK-TV
Russia mourns more than 50 dead in Siberia coal mine tragedy - Aljazeera.com
Russia: Death toll in Siberian coal mine blast raised to 52 Yahoo News Russian Mine Blast Kills Dozens, Among Them Rescuers The New York Times Russian coal mine: Death toll soars to 52 after accident - reports BBC News Death toll in Russian mine tragedy jumps past 50 Reuters
Bitcoin enters bear market territory as risk assets plunge on new Covid variant - cnbc.com
Bitcoin slumps as coronavirus variant shakes markets Reuters Bitcoin hits 6-week lows in hours as 24-hour crypto liquidations near $650M Cointelegraph Bitcoin Slips to $55k as Renewed Covid Concerns Jolt Traditional Markets Coindesk Crypto Market Down $200B as Wall Street Futures Tumble on Renewed COVID-19 Concerns CryptoPotato
Stocks, oil tumble on virus variant fears, safe havens gain - Reuters
Stocks markets under pressure after news of new COVID variant emerges | Latest English News | WION WION Dow futures drop more than 800 points on fears of new Covid variant found in South Africa CNBC What investors are saying about the new virus variant Reuters Equities, Oil Sink as New Covid Variant Discovered Bloomberg Markets and Finance
Strangers donate $1M to Kevin Strickland fund in less than 2 days - fox4kc.com
Thousands of people have raised more than $1 million for a man who served 43 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit CNN Donations pour in for man who served 43 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit KSL.com Donations to exonerated former Missouri inmate approach $1 million on Thanksgiving STLtoday.com Donors raise over $1M for wrongfully convicted Missouri man Axios
Horoscope Today, November 26, 2021: See daily astrology prediction for zodiac sign Aries, Taurus, Capricorn - PINKVILLA
Daily horoscope for November 25, 2021 Chicago Tribune Horoscope Today, 26 November 2021: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and ot Times of India 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day on November 26, 2021 YourTango
Game Data: Stakes high once again as Ohio State, Michigan meet in The Game - 247Sports
Across The Field: Q&A with Michigan Writer Isaiah Hole on How Wolverines Have Improved, What They Must Do to End Losing Streak Against Ohio State Eleven Warriors Why Michigan football must keep it close vs. Ohio State, prove this year was not a mirage Detroit Free Press Opinion: Why Ohio State will take down Michigan for the ninth consecutive time OSU - The Lantern Game Prediction: #2 Ohio State Buckeyes at #5 Michigan Wolverines CalBearsMaven
习近平就俄罗斯发生煤矿事故造成重大人员伤亡向俄罗斯总统普京致慰问电 - 新浪网
俄罗斯西伯利亚煤矿发生重大矿难 逾50人丧生 美国之音 俄羅斯發生10年來最致命礦難 至少52人喪生 大纪元 俄罗斯一矿井起火冒烟已致11死46伤 新浪网 西伯利亚矿灾罹难者升至52人含6救难人员| 国际 马来西亚东方日报
肖迪:融入“适老元素”,安享幸福晚年 - 河北新闻网
中共促成年子女照顾好老人"靠政府养老"成空头支票 自由亚洲电台 中国老龄人口逼近3亿“60后”会催生银发经济龙头企业吗? 新浪网 中央发布:研究制定住房等支持政策鼓励子女与父母就近居住或共同生活 东方财富网 老龄化|中国发文积极发展适老产业鼓励子女与老年父母共同生活|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网
美媒:防数据洩露 中国要求滴滴從美国下市 - Deutsche Welle
滴滴出行据报遭中国监管部门要求从美国退市|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网 报道:中国因数据安全担忧要求滴滴制定退市计划 华尔街日报中文网 消息:中共要求滴滴出行從美國退市 大纪元 彭博社:中国或要求滴滴全球退出华尔街 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
外交部:中国驻立陶宛外交机构更名为代办处 - 中国经济网
力挺台湾惹怒北京 中驻立陶宛使馆短暂停止业务 Deutsche Welle 中国就立陶宛发布紧急通知立陶宛官员或集体缺席北京冬奥会|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 访美求援,立陶宛外长鼓动“抵抗中国”! 新浪网 试图将体育运动政治化!立媒:立陶宛体育部长宣称不会出席北京冬奥会 环球网
Dallas Cowboys suffer heartbreaking overtime loss to the Las Vegas Raiders on Thanksgiving - CNN
2021 NFL season, Week 12: What we learned from Thanksgiving tripleheader NFL.com Raiders' Offense “Coming to Fruition” on Thanksgiving Sports Illustrated NFL Thanksgiving grades: Raiders earn 'B+' for shocking Cowboys, Bears don't impress in win, Saints fall flat CBSSports.com Detroit Lions find new way to meltdown, lose on another last-second kick on Thanksgiving: Live updates recap mlive.com
This Gigabyte gaming laptop is $400 off for Black Friday - save 25% - Eurogamer.net
26 Best Black Friday Laptop Deals and Home Office Deals (2021) WIRED Want a cheap laptop that doesn't suck? You're getting a Dell TechRadar LIVE: Best Black Friday laptop deals at Amazon Mashable 47 Best Black Friday Video Game Deals (2021): Accessories, Switch, PC, PlayStation, Xbox WIRED
Apple's mixed reality headset may be a standalone device - Engadget
Kuo: Apple plans to replace the iPhone with AR in 10 years 9to5Mac Top analyst says iPhone has 10 years left before it is replaced by AR PhoneArena Kuo: Apple AR Headset Coming in Late 2022 With Mac-Level Computing Power Mac Rumors Kuo: Apple’s AR headset to launch in 2022 with Mac-level computing power, will operate without the iPhone 9to5Mac
中国监管层要求滴滴出行从美国退市 因担心数据安全问题--消息人士 - 路透
滴滴出行据报遭中国监管部门要求从美国退市|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网 消息:中共要求滴滴出行從美國退市 大纪元 报道:中国因数据安全担忧要求滴滴制定退市计划 华尔街日报中文网 美媒:防数据洩露 中国要求滴滴從美国下市 Deutsche Welle
'We got justice': Ahmaud Arbery's mother delivered a special message on Thanksgiving Day - USA TODAY
How a Prosecutor Addressed a Mostly White Jury and Won a Conviction in the Arbery Case The New York Times This is what's next for Ahmaud Arbery's killers CNN Their own words may have doomed men who killed Ahmaud Arbery Yahoo News Legal expert weighs in after jury convicts 3 men in murder of Ahmaud Arbery CBS News
世乒赛男单冷门迭爆,对国乒是好事还是坏事? - 新浪网
日本男乒全部出局,张本智和:我现在就这实力,打谁都可能输 环球网 世乒赛-王楚钦横扫日本独苗林昀儒惜败无缘16强 新浪网 世乒赛王曼昱石川佳纯横扫过关冯天薇遭逆转出局 新浪网 日本乒乓球队再遭沉重打击男单第三轮就全军覆没 新浪网
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Global Ultrapure Water Market Outlook & Forecasts, 2021-2026 - Transition to 5G, Evolving Microelectronics Market, Increasing Demand in Semiconductor Industry & Increasing Demand for Cleanrooms - PRNewswire
Global Ultrapure Water Market Outlook & Forecasts, 2021-2026 - Transition to 5G, Evolving Microelectronics Market, Increasing Demand in Semiconductor Industry & Increasing Demand for Cleanrooms
Thanksgiving weather in Los Angeles: Santa Ana winds to raise Southern California fire danger; possible power shutoffs - KABC-TV
Southern California faces year's worst fire threat amid Santa Ana wind event The Washington Post Southern California could face most dangerous fire weather yet over holiday The Guardian Malibu Families Left Hoping SCE Will Hold Off Until The Turkey Is Done, Before Killing Power In Santa Anas Malibu Times San Diego's East County Prepares for Red Flag Winds NBC 7 San Diego
The Best Black Friday PS5 SSD Deal: XPG GAMMIX S70 Blade 1TB PS5 SSD Upgrade for Only $129.99 (Heatsink Included) - IGN - IGN
Black Friday SSD deal: These two NVMe drives are nicely discounted. PC Gamer Best Black Friday SSD And Hard Drive Deals: NVMe SSDs For PS5, External Hard Drives, And More GameSpot Deal: The 1TB WD Black SN850 PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 SSD is on sale for Black Friday Notebookcheck.net AT Deals: Gigabyte Aorus Gen 4 1TB SSD Drops to $140 AnandTech
Family Of 82-Year-Old Driver Beaten By ATV Riders In Boston Asks For Help Finding Attackers - CBS Boston
Boston police searching for suspects who allegedly attacked 82-year-old man The Denver Channel Massachusetts man, 82, attacked in Boston by dirt bike, ATV riders, police say Fox News 82-Year-Old Man Attacked By Dirt Bike, ATV Riders In Boston CBS Boston 82-year-old brutally attacked by mob of dirt bike, ATV riders, Massachusetts cops say Kansas City Star
2021 NFL expert predictions, odds and spreads: Picks for Week 12, including Bucs at Colts and Rams at Packers - The Athletic
NFL Fantasy 2021 Start 'Em, Sit 'Em Week 12: Running backs NFL.com Matthew Berry's Week 12 Fantasy Football advice - Love, Hate and Thanks ESPN NFL Week 12 picks: Four big upsets on the menu this week! Will Dolphins-Panthers be one? | Opinion Miami Herald Prisco's NFL Week 12 picks: Cowboys rout Raiders, Buccaneers roll over Colts, Giants upset Eagles CBSSports.com
《战狼2》发贺图庆祝《长津湖》票房登顶!网友:海报中四座大山另有深意…… | 每经网 - 每日经济新闻
《战狼2》发图庆《长津湖》登顶华语电影票房冠军|长津湖|战狼2|票房冠军_新浪娱乐_新浪网 新浪网 时光早报:《战狼2》祝贺《长津湖》票房登顶,音乐动画《欢乐好声音2》曝终极预告 Mtime时光网 导筒directube|《长津湖》在马来西亚被禁止公映 China Digital Times 马来西亚禁映《长津湖》 有网民称是"宣扬共产主义"|马来西亚|长津湖|马来西亚媒体 新浪网
美联储将从1月开始加快缩减计划--高盛 - 路透
国际投行预测:明年沪深300指数挑战5500点看好这些板块 新浪网 高盛:预计美联储将在2022年两次加息|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网 摩根大通:美联储加息临近2022年美元料走强 新浪网
What grocery stores are open on Thanksgiving? Kroger, Albertsons, Safeway, Whole Foods and more - USA TODAY
Target's bold holiday move is a win for us all CNN Many stores bucking tradition, closing their doors on Thanksgiving this year 69News WFMZ-TV 10 Grocery Stores Open Thanksgiving 2021 - Thanksgiving Day Hours for Wegmans, Food Lion, and More Country Living A pandemic silver lining? Most stores will remain closed on Thanksgiving WBUR
Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson Hold Hands During Yet Another Dinner Date: PIC - Entertainment Tonight
Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson are dating but taking things 'extra slow' CNN Kim Kardashian's Recent Struggles With Kanye West May Actually Explain Her Interest in Pete Davidson Yahoo Entertainment Did Kim Kardashian Give Pete Davidson a HICKEY?! | Daily Pop | E! News E! News Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson Hold Hands After L.A. Dinner: 'They Were Very Flirty,' Source Says PEOPLE.com
“乒乓外交”50周年,“小球转动大球”代代传承 - 新浪网
2021年休斯敦世乒赛首日比赛两对中美跨国混双组合完胜晋级 环球网 早说| 早报 Lianhe Zaobao 中美乒协主席切磋球技网友:巴黎混双没你俩不看 新浪网 休斯敦世乒赛中美跨国混双组合首次合练交换球衣 环球网
国盾量子:公司及子公司被美国商务部列入实体清单不会影响公司现有产品的生产、销售和服务-手机金融界 - 金融界
美国商务部将12家中国企业列入贸易黑名单|中美关系|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 打压!外媒:美商务部将27个实体和个人列入“军事最终用户”,包括12家中企 新浪网 美国再把12家中企拉入清单,赵立坚:美国已到歇斯底里、不择手段的地步 环球网 12个中企被指对美国国家安全构成"隐患"列入黑名单 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
Manchester City defeats Paris Saint-Germain as both teams qualify for Champions League knockout stages - CNN
Manchester City 2-1 Paris Saint-Germain: Champions League – as it happened The Guardian Manchester City vs. PSG score: Guardiola betters Pochettino to secure top spot in Champions League Group A CBSSports.com Manchester City vs. Paris Saint-Germain - Football Match Report - November 24, 2021 ESPN Lionel Messi Made Raheem Sterling Look Silly With Brilliant Nutmeg In Champions League Game SPORTbible
The Beatles Lord of the Rings Movie That Could Have Been - Vulture
Peter Jackson says his Beatles doc ‘Get Back’ dispels myth band was feuding while recording famous last album Yahoo Entertainment 'The Beatles: Get Back' Review: Peter Jackson's 3-Part Documentary Is Great, and There's TheWrap 'The Beatles: Get Back' Disney+ documentary isn't something we needed NBCNews.com Watch The Beatles rehearsing “Don't Let Me Down” in "The Beatles: Get Back" The Beatles
Lung Autopsies of COVID-19 Patients Reveal How Virus Spreads and Damages Tissue, Treatment Clues
SARS-CoV-2 prevents lung tissue repair, regeneration. Lung autopsy and plasma samples from people who died of COVID-19 have provided a clearer picture of how the... The post appeared first on SciTechDaily .
Deal: The 1TB WD Black SN850 PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 SSD is on sale for Black Friday - Notebookcheck.net
Black Friday SSD deal: These two NVMe drives are nicely discounted. PC Gamer The Best Black Friday PS5 SSD Deal: XPG GAMMIX S70 Blade 1TB PS5 SSD Upgrade for Only $129.99 (Heatsink Included) - IGN IGN Best Black Friday SSD And Hard Drive Deals: NVMe SSDs For PS5, External Hard Drives, And More GameSpot Save $40 on Samsung 980 1TB PCIe Gen 3 M2 SSD Black Friday 2021 WePC - PC Building Community
How The Beatles almost broke up while making 'Let It Be,' their final album - New York Post
Peter Jackson says his Beatles doc ‘Get Back’ dispels myth band was feuding while recording famous last album Yahoo Entertainment Watch The Beatles rehearsing “Don't Let Me Down” in "The Beatles: Get Back" The Beatles 'The Beatles: Get Back' Review: Peter Jackson's 3-Part Documentary Is Great, and There's TheWrap 'The Beatles: Get Back' Disney+ documentary isn't something we needed NBCNews.com
This pricey Thanksgiving is costing farmers, too - CNN
Thanksgiving Dinner Is 14% More Expensive Than Last Year Bloomberg Markets and Finance South Carolina economist says inflation will be felt beyond Thanksgiving dinner ABC NEWS 4 Most expensive Thanksgiving ever? It's not all inflation | TheHill The Hill Rising cost for Thanksgiving an example of Democrats’ failed policies | Letter lehighvalleylive.com
电影《长津湖》登顶中国电影票房榜 - 西安新闻网
《战狼2》发图庆《长津湖》登顶华语电影票房冠军|长津湖|战狼2|票房冠军_新浪娱乐_新浪网 新浪网 长津湖|票房超《战狼2》成中国影史冠军网民:吴京打败吴京|多维新闻|中国 多维新闻网 时光早报:《战狼2》祝贺《长津湖》票房登顶,音乐动画《欢乐好声音2》曝终极预告 Mtime时光网 马来西亚禁映《长津湖》 有网民称是"宣扬共产主义"|马来西亚|长津湖|马来西亚媒体 新浪网
【机会挖掘】加强新时代老龄工作的意见发布第三支柱养老保险亟待破题_ 证券时报网 - 证券时报
中央发布:研究制定住房等支持政策鼓励子女与父母就近居住或共同生活 东方财富网 中国老龄人口逼近3亿“60后”会催生银发经济龙头企业吗? 新浪网
N.F.L. Thanksgiving Schedule: What to Watch for Today's Games - The New York Times
Is it time to boot the Lions out of Thanksgiving slot? Here’s why TV execs say that’s not a good idea. Yahoo Sports NFL Thanksgiving Day games - Schedule guide, picks, fantasy football tips, odds, injuries and more ESPN Thanksgiving Day NFL Previews | CBS Sports HQ CBS Sports HQ NFL Thanksgiving games: TV schedule, matchups and what to watch The Washington Post
日本决定释放数十万千升石油储备专家:效果短暂 - 每日经济新闻
焦点:中国仍未对美国释放原油储备的要求做出承诺 OPEC+按兵不动 路透 白宫释出战略储备石油杯水车薪 美国油价重回高位 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 日本破例释放国家石油储备背后:稳油价还是“追随”美国? 新浪网 中国未对美国释放原油储备要求做出承诺|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网
中国国盾量子回应被美国列入实体清单:不会影响现有产品生产、销售和服务 - 路透
美国商务部将12家中国企业列入贸易黑名单|中美关系|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 打压!外媒:美商务部将27个实体和个人列入“军事最终用户”,包括12家中企 新浪网 美国再把12家中企拉入清单,赵立坚:美国已到歇斯底里、不择手段的地步 环球网 12个中企被指对美国国家安全构成"隐患"列入黑名单 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
Peter Jackson Takes Us Inside the Beatles' Earth-Shattering Divorce - The Daily Beast
Watch The Beatles rehearsing “Don't Let Me Down” in "The Beatles: Get Back" The Beatles Peter Jackson says his Beatles doc ‘Get Back’ dispels myth band was feuding while recording famous last album Yahoo Entertainment 'The Beatles: Get Back' Review: Peter Jackson's 3-Part Documentary Is Great, and There's TheWrap 'The Beatles: Get Back' Disney+ documentary isn't something we needed NBCNews.com
Latest grab-and-run theft hits Southern California Nordstrom - Associated Press
Rampant smash-and-grab theft part of failure to prosecute criminals, tolerated by officials, experts say Fox News 'Experts' Say Mass Robberies in California Aren't Looting. That's Not as Crazy as It Sounds. Mediaite District attorneys from several Bay Area counties form alliance to combat organized retail theft KGO-TV Los Angeles Nordstrom robbed for handbags, security guard assaulted: reports Fox News
Initial unemployment claims last week fell to a half-century low. - The New York Times
U.S. jobless claims decline to lowest level in over 50 years CNBC Television New unemployment claims fall to 52-year low: Here are the best and worst states for jobs Yahoo Finance Stocks Pull Back While US Dollar Moves To New Highs FX Empire Weekly jobless claims post stunning decline to 199,000, the lowest level since 1969 CNBC
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
San Francisco D.A. charges nine in shoplifting wave - Los Angeles Times
9 Charged In Smash-and-Grab Robberies at Louis Vuitton, Other Stores At San Francisco's Union Square KPIX CBS SF Bay Area San Francisco DA says eight people will be charged after 20 people ransacked Louis Vuitton store Daily Mail Chesa Boudin announces felony charges for nine suspects in San Francisco Union Square robbery SFGate San Francisco will limit car access to combat high-end retail raids The Independent
Grammy nominations 2022: See the list of nominees - CNN
Jon Batiste, ABBA, Morgan Wallen, Arooj Aftab: Biggest snubs and surprises of the 2022 Grammy nominations Yahoo Entertainment Grammys 2022: Making Sense Of The Nominations Stereogum 2022 GRAMMYs Awards Show: Complete Nominations List grammy.com Grammy Nominations: Carrie Underwood, Kacey Musgraves, Mickey Guyton, Jimmie Allen and More CMT.com
Karim Benzema: Real Madrid star found guilty of complicity in attempted blackmail in sex tape case - CNN
French footballer Benzema gets one-year suspended jail term in 'sex tape' trial • FRANCE 24 FRANCE 24 English Real Madrid's Karim Benzema handed 12-month suspended prison sentence in sex-tape trial ESPN Karim Benzema: French footballer guilty in sex tape blackmail case BBC News Benzema handed 1-year suspended sentence in sex tape case New York Post
Biden administration invites Taiwan to its 'Summit for Democracy,' infuriating Beijing - CNN
China accuses US of ‘mistake’ after Biden invites Taiwan to democracy summit The Guardian Biden administration invites Taiwan to its Summit for Democracy yahoo.com Opinion | Biden's Summit for Democracy shouldn't be just a photo op The Washington Post Biden's democracy summit must cast a wide, inclusive net | TheHill The Hill
Real Madrid's Karim Benzema handed 12-month suspended prison sentence in sex-tape trial - ESPN
French footballer Benzema gets one-year suspended jail term in 'sex tape' trial • FRANCE 24 FRANCE 24 English Karim Benzema: Real Madrid star found guilty of complicity in attempted blackmail in sex tape case CNN Karim Benzema: French footballer guilty in sex tape blackmail case BBC News Benzema handed 1-year suspended sentence in sex tape case New York Post
Rittenhouse blames former lawyers for meeting with Proud Boys at a bar - INSIDER
Kyle Rittenhouse update: Biden administration asked about 'white supremacist' comments LiveNOW from FOX Hear Rittenhouse's message to Biden CNN I'm a Black Ex-Felon. I'm Glad Kyle Rittenhouse Is Free | Opinion Newsweek Tucker Carlson: Kyle Rittenhouse speaks for many of us Fox News
Rosenthal: Why it’s difficult to say Wander Franco sold himself short by agreeing to a $182 million contract with Rays - The Athletic
What Wander Franco's 12-Year Contract Means for the Looming MLB CBA Battle | The Rich Eisen Show The Rich Eisen Show Sources: Major deal for Tampa Bay Rays young star Wander Franco ESPN BREAKING: Wander Franco & Rays Agree to 12-Year Deal | CBS Sports HQ CBS Sports HQ Rays, Wander Franco Agree To 11-Year Extension MLB Trade Rumors
HP stock surges as sales, earnings blow past Street estimates - MarketWatch
HP shares jump after earnings beat, CEO says return to office driving PC demand CNBC HP leaps 12% as commercial PC sales drive easy revenue beat Seeking Alpha HP Inc. Reports Fiscal 2021 Full Year and Fourth Quarter Results Yahoo Finance HP's Earnings Top Estimates. Demand for PCs Is Still Strong. Barron's
望海楼·解读中共百年奋斗的历史经验①:坚持党的全面领导不动摇-手机新民网 - 新民网
刘鹤人民日报刊文:必须实现高质量发展 华尔街见闻 【每日一习话·十个坚持】坚持和加强党的全面领导--时政--人民网 人民网 把握三个要点!解码党的第三份重大历史决议 东北网 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想- China Digital Space China Digital Times
美国释放石油储备仅够消费数日影响有限 - 共同社
美国将协同中国等国释放战略石油储备 华尔街日报中文网 焦点:美国叫板OPEC+ 首次与中国等消费大国联手释放储备打压油价 路透 社评:为抑制通胀,华盛顿又来求北京了 环球网 拜登紧急释放石油储备日韩英印跟进北京专家称中国将自主决定|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网
中国汇市:美指高位震荡人民币早盘小跌,结汇需求仍多短期强势不改 - 路透
人民币兑美元逼近年内高点市场预计明年上半年或遇贬值压力 财新网金融频道 在岸人民币下跌,鲍威尔获连任提名后美指大涨 华尔街日报中文网 在岸人民币周五微跌;李克强称经济出现新的下行压力,要做好跨周期调节 华尔街日报中文网
学习进行时丨关于而立之年的中国—东盟关系,习近平的讲话蕴含大智慧 - 新浪网
中国财经媒体报道汇总:习近平:启动中国东盟自贸区3.0版建设 华尔街日报中文网 中国东盟峰会达成31项共识,专家:相对于某些习惯“画饼”的域外大国,中国是东盟真正的朋友 环球网 时政新闻眼丨一场特殊的纪念峰会,为20多亿民众带来这些好消息 新浪网 如何推动中国东盟关系提质升级?习近平指明方向--时政--人民网 人民网
Australia's Great Barrier Reef Is Spawning In Explosion of Color - NPR
Great Barrier Reef explodes into life in 'magical' spawning event CNN Great Barrier Reef bursting with life following its annual coral spawning event | 7NEWS 7NEWS Australia Australia’s Barrier Reef Erupts in Color as Corals Spawn U.S. News & World Report New corals spawn on Australia’s Barrier Reef (Video) SocialNews.XYZ
刚获得连任美联储主席提名投资者“迫不及待”押注鲍威尔将更加积极应对通胀? - 新浪网
拜登提名鲍威尔连任美联储主席 通胀威胁依然高悬 BBC 中文网 焦点:鲍威尔和布雷纳德被提名为美联储的一、二把手 下一步呢? 路透 时事看台: 鲍威尔若连任美联储主席将如何影响美国经济? 美国之音中文网 鲍威尔获得连任提名华尔街有哪些期待|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网
Netflix is weirdly reviving a dead mobile game as it expands its Android library - Android Police
Netflix’s gaming service adds two more titles, including the return of Gameloft’s Asphalt Xtreme TechCrunch Netflix Adds 2 New Games to Its Catalog PCMag.com The newest game on Netflix is actually an old game The Verge
Kyle Rittenhouse claims ex-lawyer 'set him up' for Proud Boys pic - New York Post
Psaki refuses to retract Biden's characterizations of Kyle Rittenhouse as White supremacist Fox News Hear Rittenhouse's message to Biden CNN I'm a Black Ex-Felon. I'm Glad Kyle Rittenhouse Is Free | Opinion Newsweek Tucker Carlson: Kyle Rittenhouse speaks for many of us Fox News
中国在立陶宛踢铁板 分析人士:民主集体防御机制成形 - 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin
中国在立陶宛踢铁板 分析人士:民主集体防御机制成形 美国之音中文网 - 台湾代表处在立陶宛挂牌:中国与欧盟的关系是否会进一步生变 BBC 中文网 立陶宛利用台湾召唤美国关爱台湾外交突破反身陷大国博弈危局|多维新闻|台湾 多维新闻网 俄学者:立陶宛打台湾牌将“自食苦果” 拉脱维亚是前车之鉴 参考消息 外交部强烈回应!赵立坚:美方支持立陶宛是不打自招 东北网
Chet Holmgren puts on show to lead No. 1 Gonzaga to easy win over No. 2 UCLA - New York Post
No. 1 Gonzaga dominates No. 2 UCLA in men's basketball showdown ESPN No. 2 UCLA beats Bellarmine at Empire Classic Miami Herald UCLA vs. Gonzaga: How to watch the No. 2 Bruins vs. the No. 1 Bulldogs Los Angeles Times No. 1 Gonzaga turns showdown with No. 2 UCLA into 83-63 rout WLNS
Jury set to begin second day of deliberations in the trial over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery - CNN
Jury weighs verdict in Ahmaud Arbery killing, after a trial that laid bare America’s racial animus Toronto Star Defense In Arbery Murder Trial Full Of 'Racial Undertones': Paul Henderson MSNBC Standout moments from death of Ahmaud Arbery trial 11Alive.com WXIA Ahmaud Arbery defied a white man. That’s why he was killed. The Boston Globe
Ethiopia's Haile Gebrselassie and Feyisa Lilesa ready to join Tigray war - BBC News
Ethiopia’s PM has gone to the battlefront: State-affiliated media Aljazeera.com Ethiopia's Nobel Peace Prize-winning leader says he'll lead troops on front lines against rebels CNN Ethiopia's Tigray conflict: PM Abiy Ahmed vows to lead from the war front BBC News Ethiopian Leader Delegates Duties to Deputy to Go to War's Front Lines U.S. News & World Report
Young Dolph's GF Sees Business Boom, Aims to Help Gun Violence Victims - TMZ
Memphis mentor calls on members of the hip-hop community to stop promoting guns in music FOX13 Memphis
驻东盟大使邓锡军发表署名文章:《面向未来,携手共建更为紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体》 — 中华人民共和国外交部 - 中华人民共和国外交部
时政新闻眼丨一场特殊的纪念峰会,为20多亿民众带来这些好消息 新浪网 中国财经媒体报道汇总:习近平:启动中国东盟自贸区3.0版建设 华尔街日报中文网 如何推动中国东盟关系提质升级?习近平指明方向--时政--人民网 人民网 中国东盟峰会达成31项共识,专家:相对于某些习惯“画饼”的域外大国,中国是东盟真正的朋友 环球网
Hong Kong broadcaster RTHK deletes report on Peng Shuai, China tennis star who accused ex-official of sexual assault - Hong Kong Free Press
The unanswered questions of the Peng Shuai case Financial Times Peng Shuai: China says tennis star case maliciously hyped up BBC News The Guardian view on Peng Shuai: some things are bigger than business The Guardian Virtual Call With Missing Tennis Player Peng Shuai Raises More Concerns About Her Safety Jezebel
The Buttigieg presidential buzz has penetrated the White House - Politico
POLITICO Playbook: Buzz grows about Buttigieg 2024 - POLITICO Politico
Black Friday 2021 deals: Live updates on deep price cuts from Walmart, Samsung and more - USA TODAY
Best Black Friday deals 2021: Top sales right now CNN Shop the Best Tumi Luggage Black Friday 2021 Deals Travel+Leisure Best Black Friday deals CNET 15 Serious Black Friday Steals to Score This Holiday Season Us Weekly
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Giants leadership comes under fire after latest debacle against the Bucs - Fox News
Giants at Buccaneers score: Tampa Bay rolls over New York in a rout; Tom Brady throws for over 300 yards CBSSports.com Giants look horrendous, have to contemplate future after ugly loss to Buccaneers Yahoo Sports Brady, Bucs look to avoid three-game skid tonight vs. Giants Bay News 9 Giants' loss to Buccaneers makes ownership's nightmare a reality - New York Giants Blog- ESPN ESPN
康美事件后,A股独董离职潮真相 - 新浪网
教授拒绝挽留辞任独董上市公司董事长怒了:是可忍孰不可忍 东方财富网 什么情况?一周超20位独董离职,刘姝威却公开这么说 网易 震惊A股!上任不到5个月独董“执意”离职!董事长怒了 新浪网 10万年薪背亿级债务康美案引发独董辞职潮(图) - 财经观察- (移动版) 看中国
Hear Rittenhouse's message to Biden - CNN
Kyle Rittenhouse recounts Kenosha riots, reacts to media portrayal of trial in first interview since acquittal Fox News Rittenhouse says his lawyers left him in jail to fundraise bail money The Independent Tucker Carlson: Kyle Rittenhouse speaks for many of us Fox News Kyle Rittenhouse Speaks Out CBS New York
AMAs 2021: Watch Chloe Bailey FANGIRL Over BTS! - extratv
2021 AMAs red carpet: The top 5 best looks from the 49th annual show Fox News Olivia Rodrigo wore sheer, sparkly dress to American Music Awards INSIDER Fans and netizens are loving J-Hope and Becky G's friendship and hope they have another collaboration allkpop BTS: Jimin gets love from plus sized women for finding Lizzo 'attractive'; ARMY goes GAGA – view tweets Bollywood Life
Anti-Lockdown Protests Rock Europe - Bloomberg
Protests against Covid rules and lockdowns erupt across Europe CNBC Photos: Europeans protest Covid-19 restrictions CNN Protests over COVID restrictions break out across Europe CBS News Tens of thousands clash with police in Belgian capital over tighter COVID-19 rules The Times of Israel
Microsoft’s Qualcomm exclusivity deal for Windows on Arm reportedly ending soon - The Verge
There's No Windows for Arm Macs Yet Because Microsoft Has Secret Exclusivity Deal With Qualcomm Mac Rumors Microsoft and Qualcomm special deal coming to an end could mean Windows for M1 Macs 9to5Mac Windows on ARM Laptops Reportedly Hamstrung by Qualcomm, but That Might Soon Change Gizmodo Windows 11 could come to Apple Silicon Macs after all iMore
Philippine Supply Boats Reach Marines On Disputed Shoal in South China Sea - NPR
Philippines redeploys boats to shoal after Chinese blockade Yahoo News Philippines set to resume resupply mission to South China Sea after standoff with China CNN Philippines Sends Resupply Boats to Disputed Shoal NPR Philippines' Duterte tells summit he 'abhors' maritime incident involving China Reuters
开山股份控股股东谴责辞职独董,称保证不有意造假董秘办:不代表上市公司的意见 - 新浪网
教授拒绝挽留辞任独董上市公司董事长怒了:是可忍孰不可忍 东方财富网 什么情况?一周超20位独董离职,刘姝威却公开这么说 网易 教授拒绝挽留,辞任独董,上市公司董事长怒了:是可忍孰不可忍 新浪网 10万年薪背亿级债务康美案引发独董辞职潮(图) - 财经观察- (移动版) 看中国
Samsung to Choose Taylor, Texas, for $17 Billion Chip-Making Factory - The Wall Street Journal
Report: Samsung picks Taylor as site for $17 billion chip plant Yahoo! Voices Samsung set to announce new $17 billion advanced chip plant in Texas: report The Verge Samsung’s $17 billion chip plant to reportedly come up in Texas SamMobile Report: Samsung to build $17B plant in Taylor KXAN.com
Kyle Rittenhouse claims he's looking into legal action after acquittal - New York Post
'View' host Whoopi Goldberg claims Kyle Rittenhouse committed murder despite acquittal Fox News Rittenhouse tells Fox News 'not a racist person,' backs BLM ABC News Group protests in Kenosha as part of Nationwide Day of Action WKOW In Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal, a lesson about laws that allow more guns to be carried in public | Editorial The Philadelphia Inquirer
NBA Top 10 Plays Of The Night | November 22, 2021 - NBA
Treasury yields fall as investors digest Powell renomination - CNBC
Biden Keeps Powell as Fed Chair, Elevates Brainard to Vice Chair: Live Updates The New York Times Grateful for Jerome Powell? The Week Magazine Biden Signs Up for Powell’s Inflation The Wall Street Journal Opinion | Biden's renomination of Jay Powell as fed chairman over Elizabeth's Warren's objections is the right move The Washington Post
SpaceX ready for first launch with NASA interplanetary mission – Spaceflight Now - Spaceflight Now
NASA is deliberately smashing into an asteroid to try and save the planet CNET NASA's DART spacecraft will smash into asteroid to test planetary defense tool NPR What would happen if an asteroid headed towards Earth? | ABC News ABC News (Australia) Nudging an asteroid off course could one day save the world Financial Times
Starting Nov. 23, Public Health offers walk-in COVID-19 vaccines & boosters every weekday – City and Borough of Juneau - City and Borough of Juneau
Starting Nov. 23, Public Health offers walk-in COVID-19 vaccines & boosters every weekday – City and Borough of Juneau
网络主播雪梨、林珊珊偷逃税被罚近亿致歉称税收法律意识淡薄_中国经济网——国家经济门户 - 中国经济网
被罚6500万,“偷税人”雪梨还能直播吗?_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr 起底网红主播逃税套路:如何赚最快的钱,逃最多的税? | 红像 新浪网 浙江两名网络主播涉偷逃税款被罚合共近一亿元人民币 自由亚洲电台 起底网红主播逃税套路:如何赚最快的钱,逃最多的税?_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr
辞职引发股价大跌?独董“辞职热”冲击A股,上市公司坐不住了!董事长:是可忍孰不可忍 - 证券时报
震惊A股!上任不到5个月独董“执意”离职!董事长怒了 新浪网 教授拒绝挽留辞任独董上市公司董事长怒了:是可忍孰不可忍 东方财富网 什么情况?一周超20位独董离职,刘姝威却公开这么说 网易 教授拒绝挽留,辞任独董,上市公司董事长怒了:是可忍孰不可忍 新浪网
AMD Radeon & NVIDIA GeForce Graphics Cards Are Still Twice As Expensive As Their MSRP & GPU Prices Aren’t Going To Get Better Any Time Soon - Wccftech
AMD Radeon & NVIDIA GeForce Graphics Cards Are Still Twice As Expensive As Their MSRP & GPU Prices Aren’t Going To Get Better Any Time Soon
Peng Shuai: China says tennis star case maliciously hyped up - BBC News
The IOC says Peng Shuai is safe. Experts say the IOC has become a vehicle for Chinese propaganda Yahoo Sports What's going on in Beijing’s messaging on #WhereIsPengShuai? Quartz Where politicians are failing to act on Peng Shuai, angry athletes are taking a stand The Guardian Chinese tennis star reappears but there are more questions CNN
Britain's Prince Charles to open new AstraZeneca research centre - Reuters
Britain's Prince Charles to open new AstraZeneca research centre Yahoo News Prince Charles to visit Cambridge market before visits to Homerton and AstraZeneca Cambridge Independent Prince Charles to open new AstraZeneca research centre Geo News Royal approval! New £1bn AstraZeneca centre opens to 'break new boundaries' in medicine Daily Express
Roku promises to fix issues with HBO, Netflix, and more caused by 10.5 update - The Verge
Roku's Latest Update Reportedly Breaks the YouTube TV App Gizmodo YouTube TV has been freezing up on smart TVs everywhere Android Police Roku’s latest update is causing issues with the YouTube TV app Engadget Roku update breaks YouTube TV and other apps, causing freezing issues 9to5Google
总结党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的重大意义 - 环球网
知识点!第三个历史决议:学什么,怎么学?--时政--人民网 人民网 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想- China Digital Space China Digital Times 第一观察|新的赶考,读懂决议中的这一层含义--时政--人民网 人民网 时政微视频丨继续推进马克思主义中国化时代化--时政--人民网 人民网
新冠是否要接种第三针新冠疫苗有必要接种加强针吗-新冠肺炎概况 - https://bit.ly/3b6Rgno
开打前须知!儿科专业解读儿童新冠疫苗三要点 加国无忧 3-11岁人群接种新冠疫苗你想知道的都在这儿了 新浪网 开打前须知!儿科医院解读儿童新冠疫苗三要点 加国无忧
Elizabeth Holmes makes her case to the jury in fraud trial - POLITICO
Elizabeth Holmes testifies in own defense in criminal trial NBC News Elizabeth Holmes Concludes Day 2 of Her Testimony The New York Times Elizabeth Holmes tells the jury that at least some of Theranos was real The Verge Wealth and privilege allowed Elizabeth Holmes to start Theranos Ars Technica
Nordstrom store in Los Angeles sees ‘smash and grab’ attack by 20 looters: report - Fox Business
Dozens Of Looters Target California Nordstrom In Violent Robbery NBC News About 80 thieves ransack department store near San Francisco oregonlive.com San Jose Lululemon Looting, Other Bay Area Smash-and-Grabs Helping Fund Organized Crime Rings CBS San Francisco Organized thieves hit high-end California stores amid trend KOMO News
China's foreign ministry says Peng Shuai case should not be politicized - CNN
The IOC says Peng Shuai is safe. Experts say the IOC has become a vehicle for Chinese propaganda Yahoo Sports China's Tennis Mess Is an Unforced Soft Power Error Bloomberg Where politicians are failing to act on Peng Shuai, angry athletes are taking a stand The Guardian Chinese tennis star reappears but there are more questions CNN
Monday, November 22, 2021
A Google Pixel 6a specs leak lists a welcome camera surprise - PhoneArena
Leaked Pixel 6a renders showcase a design similar to the vanilla Pixel 6 XDA Developers Google Pixel 6a renders suggest compact midranger in the works - GSMArena.com news GSMArena.com Google Pixel 6a Leaks To Reveal Pixel 6-Like Design Android Headlines Render shows how the Pixel 6a will slot into Google's Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro lineup Notebookcheck.net
What we learned from testimony in the trial over Ahmaud Arbery's killing - CNN
'More Bubbas, no Black pastors': Attorney for man accused of killing Arbery decried as racist NBC News Closing arguments set to begin in Ahmaud Arbery trial l GMA Good Morning America In wake of Ahmaud Arbery killing, high school football team tackles race, justice issues Online Athens What's next in Arbery murder trial News4JAX
Protests against Covid rules and lockdowns erupt across Europe - CNBC
Thousands protest over COVID lockdowns in Europe Fox News Violent protests break out in Europe over vaccine mandates, lockdowns New York Post Mass protests against Covid restrictions in European cities - BBC News BBC News Covid latest: Austria locks down after weekend of Europe protests CNN
Mike Vrabel: Offense was its own worst enemy - NBC Sports
Texans vs. Titans - Game Recap - November 21, 2021 ESPN Tennessee is the latest stunning upset victim, falling to Texans 22-13 Yahoo Sports Ka'imi Fairbairn's 3 field goals mark difference for Texans in win Houston Chronicle Tennessee Titans' Week 11 Player of the Game: WR Nick Westbrook-Ikhine Titans Wire
Chile set for presidential runoff between leftist, far-right lawmakers | TheHill - The Hill
Chileans Will Vote For President on Sunday The New York Times Far-right populist, ex-protest leader set for runoff vote in Chile’s presidential election The Guardian Far-Right Populist Who Wants to Build Anti-Migrant Ditch Takes Lead in Chile Election The Daily Beast Pinochet's ghost haunts divisive Chilean election Reuters
How mental health conditions can raise COVID risk : Shots - Health News - NPR
Why people with mental illness are at higher risk of COVID 90.5 WESA
Stubborn Covid surges signal bleak winter - Politico
Fauci warns time running short to prevent ‘dangerous’ Covid surge in US The Guardian Why CNY’s second winter of Covid could be just as bad as the first syracuse.com With COVID Cases Surging, Thanksgiving Has Health Care Workers Concerned WCCO | CBS Minnesota Less time to prevent Covid surge in US as holidays approach, says Fauci WION
Starbucks worker's hepatitis A diagnosis sparks New Jersey vaccination drive - The Washington Post
A Starbucks employee tested positive for hepatitis A, possibly exposing thousands of customers to the virus CNN South Jersey Starbucks Worker Exposed Customers To Hepatitis A: Health Department Garfield Daily Voice NJ Health Department Urges Customers to Get Vaccinated After Starbucks Employee Tests Positive for Hepatitis A Complex Starbucks employee tested positive for hepatitis a, possibly exposing thousands of customers to the virus KDRV
Ferrari Daytona SP3 (2022) - pictures, information & specs - NetCarShow.com
Ferrari Daytona SP3 (2022) - pictures, information & specs New FERRARI DAYTONA SP3! First Look at the Latest Icona Series Hypercar Shmee150 Ferrari Introduces the Daytona SP3, an 828-HP Tribute to the '60s autoevolution These are the cars that inspired the lovely new Ferrari Daytona SP3 Top Gear Ferrari Reveals 840HP Daytona SP3 As A Tribute To Their 1967 Daytona Victory HotCars
NASA's DART spacecraft will smash into asteroid to test planetary defense tool - NPR
NASA's DART mission will move an asteroid and change our relationship with the solar system Space.com NASA Is About to Launch a Probe That Will Smash Into an Asteroid, Nudging Its Orbit ScienceAlert NASA taking aim at asteroid is first step toward planetary defense UPI.com Asteroid Didymos: NASA's galactic target practice for DART Space.com
State epidemiologist says Thanksgiving could fuel COVID-19 surge in Arkansas - KLRT - FOX16.com
State epidemiologist says Thanksgiving could fuel COVID-19 surge in Arkansas KLRT -
Lazada第二季订单量同比增长82% 为阿里东南亚旗舰电商平台_资讯频道 - IT专家网
阿里巴巴投资亏损致利润下降,下调收入预期 华尔街日报中文网 阿里巴巴面临的新挑战:楼市调控或致经济放缓 华尔街日报中文网
“感觉一切正常”!普京已接种新冠疫苗加强针,还要参加鼻喷新冠疫苗的试验 - 新浪网
◤全球大流行◢ 俄罗斯总统普汀 已接种加强针 China Press 俄罗斯总统普京已接种新冠疫苗加强针 新浪网
Titans Texans recap What now - Music City Miracles
Texans vs. Titans - Game Recap - November 21, 2021 ESPN Tennessee is the latest stunning upset victim, falling to Texans 22-13 Yahoo Sports Ka'imi Fairbairn's 3 field goals mark difference for Texans in win Houston Chronicle Texans stun Titans 22-13 as Ryan Tannehill throws four interceptions NBC Sports
中美跨国组合亮相休斯顿乒乓外交掀新篇章 - 新浪网
国际乒联发布消息:中美派出男女选手联合出战世乒赛[图]|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 庆祝乒乓外交50周年 中美乒乓外交新版本来了? RFI - 法国国际广播电台 中美选手将组队出战休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛 新浪网 乒乓外交? 中美选手合组征战世锦赛| 国际 马来西亚东方日报
内蒙古本轮本土集中救治新冠肺炎确诊病例清零!-新闻中心 - 内蒙古新闻网
大连市发布昨日新增3例本土确诊病例行程轨迹 新浪网 ◤全球大流行◢ 中国新增4例本土确诊 官方:进入扫尾阶段 China Press
November Update Reaches Galaxy A52s 5G & Galaxy A52 - Android Headlines
November Update Reaches Galaxy A52s 5G & Galaxy A52
Bidenflation: Thanksgiving Dinner Costs Hit Record High, Up 14% From Last Year - Breitbart
Buying food for Thanksgiving dinner could make a dent in Arizonans' pockets 12 News Turkey prices on the rise KNWA Inflation Hits the Holidays: Thanksgiving Will Be Pricey This Year Bloomberg No Thanksgiving turkey, no problem | Calavia-Robertson nj.com
NASA Is About to Launch a Probe That Will Smash Into an Asteroid, Nudging Its Orbit - ScienceAlert
NASA's DART spacecraft will smash into asteroid to test planetary defense tool NPR NASA's DART mission will move an asteroid and change our relationship with the solar system Space.com NASA taking aim at asteroid is first step toward planetary defense UPI.com NASA is pulling a "Deep Impact": New spacecraft will test asteroid deflection methods Salon
People Can't Get Enough Of Emma Thompson Dancing Her Heart Out To Adele - HuffPost
Adele Bursts into Tears Onstage During Reunion with Former Teacher: 'You Really Did Change My Life' PEOPLE.com Adele breaks down in tears after being reunited with her beloved teacher during London show Yahoo Entertainment An Audience with Adele, ITV review: with her new album 30 and this TV special she's out for world domination MSN UK Get Ready To Bawl With Adele As She's Surprised On Stage By A Childhood Teacher HuffPost
CDC Expands Eligibility for COVID-19 Booster Shots to All Adults Ages 18 Years and Older
On November 19, CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, M.D., M.P.H., endorsed the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) expanded recommendations for booster shots to... The post appeared first on SciTechDaily .
美国前总统尼克松外孙:乒乓外交是促进国家间交流的典范 - 新浪网
国际乒联发布消息:中美派出男女选手联合出战世乒赛[图]|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 乒乓外交? 中美选手合组征战世锦赛| 国际 马来西亚东方日报 中美选手将组队出战休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛 新浪网 中美选手混合组队出战世界乒乓球锦标赛乒乓外交再现 联合早报
全球民主现况报告:美国首度列入倒退名单 - 联合早报
全球民主现况报告出炉自由度降美首列倒退国 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily 全球民主现况报告 美首度列入 倒退名单 China Press
Naval Academy student from Atlanta selected as Rhodes Scholar - Atlanta Journal Constitution
Three Mass. residents among 32 Rhodes scholars for 2022 The Boston Globe US Rhodes scholars for 2022 include record number of women ABC News Record number of American women selected as Rhodes scholars | TheHill The Hill Clemson University student named Rhodes Scholar, first in university's history ABC NEWS 4
Report card: Bob Condotta grades the Seahawks’ loss to the Cardinals - The Seattle Times
Top Plays from Week 11 Win vs. Seahawks | Arizona Cardinals Arizona Cardinals Cardinals vs. Seahawks - Game Recap - November 21, 2021 ESPN Seahawks vs. Cardinals: Week 11 preview and prediction Seahawks Wire Arizona Cardinals QB Kyler Murray (ankle) inactive for third straight game ESPN India
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Peng Shuai: Video claims to show Chinese tennis player at tournament - BBC News
Missing Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai makes public reappearance at youth tournament in Beijing ESPN Chinese state TV posts photos of missing Chinese tennis star New York Daily News What Peng Shuai's disappearance means for upcoming Beijing Olympics CNN UN, White House demand proof of Peng Shuai's safety, China says it's ‘not aware’ of issue Fox News
扎希称选情对国阵有利"还不支持国阵就亏大了" - KiniTV
获三分二优势不必合组政府国阵在甲州选举赢得21席 联合早报 陆兆福:望万和牙力已失利彭加兰峇株和鲁容争取重看废票|光华网 光华日报 被甲州选民唾弃!四人帮3叛将全败选 精彩大马 马六甲州选纳吉成最大赢家 联合早报
新华全媒+|寒潮“速冻”:东北又迎暴风雪南方多地降温如“换季” - 中国经济网
超20省份将遭遇寒潮速冻,看看你家何时被“冻” 新浪网 超20省份将遭寒潮速冻全国冰冻线进程图展示你家何时“冻上” - 科学探索 cnBeta 寒潮蓝色预警!局地降温幅度可达12℃ 新浪网 全国羽绒服预警地图:江南黄淮等地部分地区降温可达12℃ - 警告! cnBeta
北交所开市首周龙头效应凸显:成交额超212亿新三板创新层股最高涨幅超三倍 - 东方财富网
8家全售罄!首批"北交所"基金热销:半天狂卖至少80个亿! 证券时报 北交所主题基金今天发售!4只上午已售罄 新浪网
云南哀牢山救援行动进行时277名森林消防员投入搜救 - 环球网
云南失联地质人员雨衣碎片被发现,亲属:心头一紧 新浪网 云南搜救地质队员进展:陆续发现脚印和食品袋,暂未发现踪迹 手机网易网
康美案后一批独董火速辞职上市公司会否掀起董责险采购潮? - 新浪网
独董大撤退!康美案后一周23家A股独董辞职,他们在怕什么 华尔街见闻 漏夜"闪辞"!多名大学教授连夜辞任独董,发生了什么?康美案余威显现,10万年薪"背上"亿级债务? 网易 震惊资本圈!上演“大逃亡”?超20家A股独董密集辞职! 东方财富网 康美药业独董年十万酬劳被判上亿连带赔偿后,上市公司独董惊现辞职潮 华尔街见闻
北京给立陶宛外交关系降级 立陶宛表示遗憾 台湾批中共“蛮横” - 美国之音
中国决定降级与立陶宛外交关系,“严正抗议”在该国设立台湾代表处 BBC 中文网 快评:立陶宛和台美勾连搞“一中一台” 北京怎么办?|多维新闻|中国 多维新闻网 外交部:将中立两国外交关系降为代办级 新浪网 立陶宛“惹怒中方”后,美国马上“奖励”:下周双方将签6亿美元出口信贷协议 环球网
联播+丨“一带一路”是一条怎样的“路”?习近平这样阐释_光明网 - 光明网
习近平称国际格局仍对中国有利 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展,习近平提出三个目标--时政--人民网 人民网 习近平:以高标准可持续惠民生为目标继续推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展 新浪网 实打实、沉甸甸的成就——习近平总书记出席第三次“一带一路”建设座谈会侧记--时政--人民网 人民网
Manchester United Fires Solskjaer After a Loss Too Far - The New York Times
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer expects Manchester United sacking after Watford loss - sources ESPN Manchester United Player Ratings vs Watford: Awful Maguire gets 2;... The Hard Tackle Man Utd inform Ole Gunnar Solskjaer he will be sacked 90min Ole Gunnar Solskjaer leaves Manchester United after dismal Watford defeat ESPN
Missing Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai makes public reappearance at youth tournament in Beijing - ESPN
WTA chief says new video of Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai 'insufficient' to assure her safety CNN Chinese state TV posts photos of missing Chinese tennis star New York Daily News UN, White House demand proof of Peng Shuai's safety, China says it's ‘not aware’ of issue Fox News Peng Shuai appears in Beijing, WTA not reassured Nikkei Asia
Peng Shuai reappears in Beijing, WTA not reassured - Reuters
Missing Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai makes public reappearance at youth tournament in Beijing ESPN Chinese state TV posts photos of missing Chinese tennis star New York Daily News What Peng Shuai's disappearance means for upcoming Beijing Olympics CNN UN, White House demand proof of Peng Shuai's safety, China says it's ‘not aware’ of issue Fox News
'Flash mob' loots California Nordstrom, at least two people arrested - New York Post
WALNUT CREEK LOOTING: Dozens Of Looters Ransack Walnut Creek Nordstrom Store KPIX CBS SF Bay Area 3 arrested, firearm recovered from Walnut Creek Nordstrom store looting involving 80 people: Police KGO-TV Looters Target Nordstrom Store in Walnut Creek NBC Bay Area ‘It Was Insane’; Dozens Of Looters Ransack Walnut Creek Nordstrom Store CBS San Francisco
Palestinian carries out deadly shooting in Jerusalem - The Washington Post
One dead, four injured, in shooting attack in Jerusalem; assailant also killed CNN Palestinian kills 1, injures 4 before police shoot him dead Associated Press Hamas gunman kills 1, wounds 4 in terror shooting in Jerusalem Old City The Times of Israel Palestinian gunman kills one in Jerusalem's Old City, is shot dead, Israeli police say Yahoo News
云南哀牢山救援行动进行时野外发现失联人员雨衣 - 杭州网
云南失联地质人员雨衣碎片被发现,亲属:心头一紧 新浪网 云南搜救地质队员进展:陆续发现脚印和食品袋,暂未发现踪迹 手机网易网
Cygnus cargo freighter ends mission at International Space Station – Spaceflight Now - Spaceflight Now
Northrop Grumman Cygnus cargo ship departs space station to conduct experiment in orbit Space.com Northrop Grumman Cygnus departs from Space Station (Video) SocialNews.XYZ Northrop Grumman Cygnus departs from Space Station Associated Press Space Station Crew Packs Cargo Ship for Departure and Preps for Spacewalk SciTechDaily
NASA’s DART Mission To Crash a Spacecraft Into an Asteroid Is Set To Launch – Watch It Live - SciTechDaily
NASA to crash spacecraft into asteroid to test planetary defense: What to know Fox News Whose job is it to prevent Armageddon? Politico SpaceX & NASA to Crash Satellite Into Asteroid | HYPEBEAST HYPEBEAST DART mission set to launch from Vandenberg Space Force Base on Tuesday KSBY San Luis Obispo News
三十载携手成果丰硕中国-东盟共启新未来--国际 - 人民网
依斯迈明出席 中国东协对话30周年峰会 China Press 2021年11月19日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会— 中华人民共和国外交部 中华人民共和国外交部
云南哀牢山失联人员搜救工作发现新线索 - 新浪网
云南搜救地质队员进展:陆续发现脚印和食品袋,暂未发现踪迹 手机网易网 云南失联地质人员雨衣碎片被发现,亲属:心头一紧 新浪网
Why Apple changed its mind on Right to Repair - Engadget
Apple allows users to self-repair iPhone and Mac | Tech It Out WION Apple's new self-service repair program: What it means for you and your Apple devices CNET Why is the “right to repair” gadgets and machines spreading? The Economist Top Stories: Apple Self Service Repair, iOS 15.1.1 Released, and More Mac Rumors
Google might fix iMessage chats for iPhone and Android users - Macworld
Google Messages starts fixing those pesky iMessage reactions Android Central Google is changing iOS reactions in Android texts Mashable Blue and Green Bubble Gap Weakens as Google Messages Will Show iMessage Reactions as Emojis Wccftech WhatsApp working on message reaction notifications for its Android app - GSMArena.com news GSMArena.com
How the U.S. Lost Ground to China in the Contest for Clean Energy - The New York Times
A Power Struggle Over Cobalt Rattles the Clean Energy Revolution The New York Times
Dutch police detain dozens in a second night of COVID-19 rioting - Reuters
Dutch police clash with anti-lockdown rioters - BBC News BBC News Dutch police arrest more than 30 amid ongoing unrest The Washington Post Rioting in Rotterdam over new 'corona pass' Reuters Dutch police arrest 7 amid unrest in The Hague Associated Press
此次寒潮华北地区为何没有明显降雪?专家解读:缺乏水汽 - 新京报
超20省份将遭遇寒潮速冻,看看你家何时被“冻” 新浪网 超20省份将遭寒潮速冻全国冰冻线进程图展示你家何时“冻上” - 科学探索 cnBeta 寒潮蓝色预警!局地降温幅度可达12℃ 新浪网 全国羽绒服预警地图:江南黄淮等地部分地区降温可达12℃ - 警告! cnBeta
'More Bubbas, no Black pastors': Attorney for man accused of killing Arbery decried as racist - NBC News
Lawyer in Ahmaud Arbery case complains of 'woke left mob' Reuters Subdivision's social posts reflected fear before Arbery shot Yahoo News Closing arguments set to begin in Ahmaud Arbery murder trial next week WTOC For Black residents of Ahmaud Arbery's hometown, trust in the justice system is on trial right alongside his accused killers CNN
任泽平:慢转弯——央行3季度货币政策执行报告传递的信号_市场利率 - 搜狐
焦点:中国“六稳六保”压力只增未减 央行报告释放政策松动蛛丝马迹? 路透 降准气息又浓郁了?央行最新报告透露货币政策新动向 新浪网 中国央行:坚持不将房地产作为短期刺激经济的手段目前风险可控|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Covid: WHO says it is very worried about Europe surge - BBC News
Europe is learning a crucial lesson -- vaccines work, but they alone won't stop Covid now CNN Europe's COVID crisis pits vaccinated against unvaccinated Associated Press Europe's COVID Crisis Pits Vaccinated Against Unvaccinated U.S. News & World Report Bloomberg Evening Briefing: Europe Struggles to Control Covid-19 Again Bloomberg
英媒:顶流主播与欧莱雅发生纠纷,欧莱雅为促销机制“过于繁杂”向顾客道歉 - 环球网
“挟流量以令诸侯”失效,李佳琦薇娅这次真急了_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr 消失的“全网最低价” 欧莱雅危情48小时 新浪网 欧莱雅事件,会是品牌方反击的开始吗?| 见智研究 华尔街见闻 “废话道歉”后又送券,欧莱雅是啥危机公关套路?_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr
2021广州车展|岚图卢放:满足市场对高端MPV的需求与外资豪华品牌竞争_用户 - 搜狐
【图】2021广州车展:阿图柯AIRTREK开启预售 汽车之家 【图】豪华新体验岚图梦想家MPV实拍图解 汽车之家 【图】2021广州车展:岚图全新MPV正式亮相 汽车之家
腾讯收购转转股权案违反反垄断法,被罚50万元_中国经济网——国家经济门户 - 中国经济网
收购未依法申报,百度阿里京东腾讯滴滴等被罚款- 最新消息 cnBeta 反垄断|阿里腾讯百度等涉案企业分别被罚50万元|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网 触犯“反垄断法” 阿里巴巴 腾讯罚款33万 China Press
时政新闻眼丨第三次召开“一带一路”建设座谈会,习近平作出这个重要论断 - 西部网
习近平称国际格局仍对中国有利 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展习近平作出最新部署--时政--人民网 人民网 习近平:以高标准可持续惠民生为目标继续推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展 新浪网 以高标准可持续惠民生为目标继续推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展--时政--人民网 人民网
关于我国运载火箭的冷知识你知道几个? - 环球网
中国长四乙发射高分十一号03星“高分”家族添新成员|多维新闻|中国 多维新闻网 中国成功发射高分十一号03星 联合早报 长四乙送“高分”!长征火箭第397次发射圆满成功 环球网
More than a million Americans may have long-term loss of smell due to COVID-19, new research says - WJCL News
Many Have a Long-Term Loss of Smell After COVID—Why That's a 'Concern' | Health.com Health.com Up to 1.6 Million People in the U.S. Have Long-Term Smell Loss Due to Covid-19 Smithsonian Does smell training work for Covid-19 anosmia? Here's what scientists know Inverse Doctors see influx in patients suffering from loss of smell after they catch COVID-19 WKMG News 6 & ClickOrlando
Joe Manchin Fears BBB Is Expensive — yet Infrastructure Bill Was Pricier - Business Insider
House narrowly passes Biden's massive spending bill Fox News House passes bill including paid family leave. Advocates call it a ‘once-in-a-generation change’ CNBC House Passes Biden’s Build Back Better Bill The New York Times House approves Biden's mammoth spending package, sending bill to Senate: LIVE UPDATES Fox News
43张反垄断罚单腾讯和阿里系领走25张为何罚金仅50万 - 新浪网
收购未依法申报,百度阿里京东腾讯滴滴等被罚款- 最新消息 cnBeta 反垄断|阿里腾讯百度等涉案企业分别被罚50万元|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网 触犯“反垄断法” 阿里巴巴 腾讯罚款33万 China Press
造车容易造梦难沙龙品牌广州车展亮相 - 新浪网
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本次疫情为何短期内得到有效控制?国家卫健委:得益于我国较高的疫苗接种率--健康·生活--人民网 - 人民网
国家卫健委:全国本轮疫情整体上进入扫尾阶段 新浪网 【国家卫健委相关负责人回应疫情防控热点问题】我国现阶段将继续坚持“动态清零”目标 新浪网
Five takeaways: House passes Biden's sweeping benefits bill | TheHill - The Hill
House narrowly passes Biden's massive spending bill Fox News House Passes Biden’s Build Back Better Bill The New York Times House Democrats secure votes to pass social spending bill Fox Business Passed in House, climate change measures in Build Back Better face uncertain future in Senate Yahoo News
汽车被烧,警方鸣枪:荷兰反防疫抗议酿骚乱致7伤 - 环球网
荷兰收紧防疫措施引发暴力冲突警方开枪至少两人受伤 联合早报 【新冠肺炎】荷兰收紧防疫举措引发示威警鸣枪至少2伤| 国际 马来西亚东方日报 ◤全球大流行◢荷兰收紧防疫引发骚乱 警民冲突7人伤 China Press
英国正考虑外交抵制北京冬奥会--泰晤士报 - 路透
彭帅事件或加剧抵制呼声 美国对北京冬奥的外交抵制意味着什么? 美国之音 拜登若抵制北京冬奥会中国该如何应对|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网 跟进美国 英议员联名要求约翰逊外交抵制北京冬奥 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 抗议中国迫害人权,北京冬奥恐遭外交抵制 选手表态双重冲击 美国之音
德国萨克森州新冠疫情严重为防疫将限制公共生活 - 新浪网
德国染疫数狂飙 抗疫新措施效果待检测 Deutsche Welle 組圖:德國疫情嚴峻 單日新增確診逾6.5萬人 大纪元 单日新增病例破6万,默克尔坐不住了 新浪网 新冠肺炎|德国确诊病例回升全国或实施封城|多维新闻|全球 多维新闻网
时政新闻眼丨第三次召开“一带一路”建设座谈会,习近平作出这个重要论断 - 云南信息报
习近平称国际格局仍对中国有利 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展习近平作出最新部署--时政--人民网 人民网 习近平:以高标准可持续惠民生为目标继续推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展 新浪网 以高标准可持续惠民生为目标继续推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展--时政--人民网 人民网
Ghostbusters: Afterlife Director Jason Reitman Addresses Whether Ghostbusters II Is Actually Canon - /Film
Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Ending Explained, Post Credits and Easter Eggs | Canon Fodder IGN Review: Ghostbusters: Afterlife sinks under treacly, over-the-top fan service Ars Technica Geek Review - Ghostbusters: Afterlife Geek Culture 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife' breathes new life into the franchise's '80s fantasy fun NBCNews.com
Here's what legal experts say helped acquit Kyle Rittenhouse - CNN
Rittenhouse verdict reactions roll in: From 'a travesty' to 'justice has been served' Yahoo News Anger and elation in Kenosha after Rittenhouse acquittal Washington Post Kyle Rittenhouse verdict sends a chilling message to Wisconsin and the rest of the country Madison.com Tucker Carlson: Lying media had no effect on Rittenhouse verdict and propaganda was defeated Fox News
发布会要点丨全国疫情整体向好,但有一地需要警惕 - 新浪网
国家卫健委:全国本轮疫情整体上进入扫尾阶段 新浪网 【国家卫健委相关负责人回应疫情防控热点问题】我国现阶段将继续坚持“动态清零”目标 新浪网
What's in the House-passed Build Back Better bill? Paid leave, universal pre-K and more - USA TODAY
House Passes the Largest Expenditure on Climate in U.S. History The New York Times House narrowly passes Biden's massive spending bill Fox News House passes bill including paid family leave. Advocates call it a ‘once-in-a-generation change’ CNBC House Democrats secure votes to pass social spending bill Fox Business
Bodycam footage of 'Horror House' raid shows cops rescue abused Turpin kids - New York Post
Turpin Child Who Escaped 'House of Horrors' Discusses Her Future: 'I Want to Give My Kids the Best Life Ever' PEOPLE.com Never-before-seen police video reveals moments after Jordan Turpin's escape l GMA Good Morning America Turpin daughter on escape: 'If something happened to me, at least I died trying' ABC News Turpin Sisters Who Escaped Calif. 'House of Horrors' Say Parents 'Used the Bible' to Explain Abusive Behavior PEOPLE.com
微梦创投被罚50万:收购金华睿安36%股权未依法申报经营者集中 - 东方财富网
收购未依法申报,百度阿里京东腾讯滴滴等被罚款- 最新消息 cnBeta 反垄断|阿里腾讯百度等涉案企业分别被罚50万元|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网 触犯“反垄断法” 阿里巴巴 腾讯罚款33万 China Press
MAGIC at NETS | FULL GAME HIGHLIGHTS | November 19, 2021 - NBA
"Steph Curry is the best basketball player in the world" - Kendrick Perkins praises Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors Sportskeeda Stephen Curry is the BEST player in the world - Kendrick Perkins | NBA Today ESPN "Steph Curry is the best basketball player in the world" Toys Matrix CLIPPERS at PELICANS | FULL GAME HIGHLIGHTS | November 19, 2021 NBA
43张反垄断罚单腾讯和阿里系领走25张,为何罚金仅50万_申报 - 搜狐
收购未依法申报,百度阿里京东腾讯滴滴等被罚款- 最新消息 cnBeta 反垄断|阿里腾讯百度等涉案企业分别被罚50万元|多维新闻|经济 多维新闻网 触犯“反垄断法” 阿里巴巴 腾讯罚款33万 China Press
高分十一号03星发射圆满成功-中国科技网 - 科技日报
中国长四乙发射高分十一号03星“高分”家族添新成员|多维新闻|中国 多维新闻网 长四乙送“高分”!长征火箭第397次发射圆满成功 环球网 中国成功发射高分十一号03星 联合早报
Friday, November 19, 2021
New England Patriots whitewash lowly Atlanta Falcons for fifth straight victory - The Guardian
Improving and impressive Patriots win fifth in a row, shutting out the Falcons Yahoo Sports Patriots at Falcons score: New England beats up Matt Ryan, blanks Atlanta for fifth consecutive win CBSSports.com November 18, 2021: Patriots 25, Falcons 0 The Atlanta Journal Constitution Bedard: Patriots are rolling and now the fun really begins with 4-game stretch bostonsportsjournal.com
Bond Yields, Oil Drop on Covid-19 Lockdown Concerns - The Wall Street Journal
Dow futures slide as European Covid woes dent global sentiment CNBC European Stocks Turn Sharply Lower as Lockdown Rears Its Ugly Head By Investing.com Investing.com World stocks struggle near record highs; Europe in focus Reuters Europe markets lower as investors digest ECB comments, Austria lockdown; banks down 2.5% CNBC
China facing WTA pullout over Peng disappearance - The Washington Post
WTA chairman willing to pull out of China if tennis star Peng Shuai not fully accounted for CNN Peng Shuai Email Sends a Disturbing Message As China Prepares For Olympics Bloomberg The WTA stands up to China over Peng Shuai while Olympic official demur The Washington Post Top athlete goes missing after accusing Chinese official of sexual assault CNN
NIH-Supported Long-Term Study of Children With COVID-19 Begins
NIH-supported research will track effects of COVID-19 infection on children over three years. A large, long-term study of the impacts of COVID-19 on children has... The post appeared first on SciTechDaily .
Spotify has added lyrics to all of its songs for all users. Here's how to find them. - USA TODAY
Spotify launches lyrics feature globally for free and paying users The Verge You Can Finally Get Real-Time Lyrics on Spotify Lifehacker You Can Now Find the Lyrics to Your Favorite Songs in Spotify. Here's How. — Spotify spotify.com Spotify's most requested feature goes live for all Free and Premium users PhoneArena
Biden has a major economic decision to make and he can’t seem to pull the trigger - Politico
Major economists think Biden's spending plan could push inflation even higher Fox Business Democrats urge Biden to do more about inflation Axios How Biden's policies ignited inflation Fox Business Biden’s war on inflation is a battle to change human behavior Politico
7 winners and 1 loser from the Patriots’ win over the Falcons - Pats Pulpit
Patriots at Falcons score: New England beats up Matt Ryan, blanks Atlanta for fifth consecutive win CBSSports.com Patriots vs. Falcons - Game Recap - November 18, 2021 ESPN Falcons 0, Patriots 25: Atlanta’s offense stumbles to an ugly loss The Falcoholic B-Dub’s pick’em: NFL Week 11 game picks Cat Scratch Reader
中央组织部负责人就党的二十大代表选举工作答新华社记者问_新华报业网 - 新华报业网
中共开始推选20大代表:定2300人 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 中共中央发出通知部署党的二十大代表选举工作 新浪网 中共预计明年6月底前选出2300名二十大代表 Lianhe Zaobao 中共中央發出通知 部署黨的二十大代表選舉工作 中時新聞網
同款面膜直播间和官网差价172元欧莱雅被近万名消费者投诉_中国经济网——国家经济门户 - 中国经济网
“挟流量以令诸侯”失效,李佳琦薇娅这次真急了_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr 消失的“全网最低价” 欧莱雅危情48小时 新浪网 薇娅、李佳琦玩不起“全网最低价” 华尔街见闻 薇娅李佳琦敢不敢“封杀”整个欧莱雅集团?_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr
BPS reveal COVID-19 cases and quarantine figures; encouraging parents to vaccinate their kids to help turn the trend around - WIVB.com - News 4
BPS reveal COVID-19 cases and quarantine figures; encouraging parents to vaccinate their kids to help turn the trend around WIVB.com -
Samsung early Black Friday 2021 deals have arrived—get savings on smartphones, TVs and more - Yahoo Finance
Best Black Friday TV deals: Lowest prices yet on 65-inch TCL 6-Series, LG C1 OLED CNET Samsung's already got great Black Friday deals on its best phones Android Police Ends today - exclusive $200 off Galaxy S21 series with Samsung's Black Friday deals TechRadar NVIDIA's Shield TV drops to $130 in early Black Friday sale Engadget
LIVE: Spain's La Palma volcano continues to erupt - Reuters
La Palma Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ERUPTION AT 20210919/1410Z ASH EMISSION ONGOING OBS VA DTG: 19/0300Z to 10000 ft (3000 m) VolcanoDiscovery La Palma volcano in numbers: €700m in damages, 5,100 quakes and 7,000 evacuated EL PAÍS in English La Palma volcano, live updates today: eruption, tsunami warning and latest news | Canary Islands AS English La Palma volcano forges new river of fiery magma La Prensa Latina
Red Carpet Alert: See what everyone was wearing at the Latin Grammy Awards - NPR
Latin Grammys 2021 Live Updates: Christina Aguilera Performs The New York Times Anitta on Performing With Gloria Estefan and Directing Her ‘Envolver’ Music Video (Exclusive) Entertainment Tonight Photos: The 2021 Latin Grammys CNN The biggest moments from the Latin Grammys : Alt.Latino NPR
台湾驻立陶宛代表处挂牌:北京强烈抗议称“后果自负” - BBC 中文网
台湾突破中共外交封锁 驻立陶宛代表处终于冠上关键字 美国之音 北京警告立陶宛与台湾必将自食其果 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 德语媒体:迁就中国 有害无益 Deutsche Welle 外交部回应立陶宛批准台当局设立所谓“驻立陶宛台湾代表处” 新浪网
中共开始推选20大代表:定2300人 - RFI - 法国国际广播电台
中共开始推选20大代表:定2300人 RFI - 中共中央发出通知部署党的二十大代表选举工作 新浪网 中共预计明年6月底前选出2300名二十大代表 Lianhe Zaobao
水庆霞执掌女足后首次亮相:心情蛮激动的希望打好亚洲杯_中国女足 - 搜狐
女足选帅大翻转!竞聘不做数水庆霞临危受命当选 新浪网 玩呢?肇俊哲陈婉婷参加女足竞聘足协选个没参加的_手机网易网 手机网易网 记者:水庆霞被体育总局主要领导召唤进京面谈 新浪网 女足选帅肥皂剧不了了之竞聘闹剧后需要不折腾 新浪网
Head of RNC says Biden won 2020 election, the first time she's clearly acknowledged his victory - CNN
GOP’s post-Trump planning hits Trumpian obstacles: The Note ABC News GOP chair concedes that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump, sort of The Dallas Morning News Republican Chair Ronna McDaniel Warns Republicans Can't Win Without Trump: 'We Would Lose' Newsweek
Starbucks employee at NJ location tests positive for hepatitis A, patrons told to be vaccinated - Fox Business
4000 residents may be impacted after Starbucks worker contracts hepatitis A 6abc Philadelphia South Jersey Starbucks Worker Tests Positive For Hepatitis A CBS Philly Customers told to get vaccines after N.J. Starbucks employee tests positive for hepatitis A nj.com Starbucks employee tests positive for hepatitis A in Gloucester Township WPVI-TV
New Hampshire governor condemns tweet offering a ‘bounty’ on teachers - NBC News
Moms for Liberty New Hampshire offered a $500 reward for reporting teachers who break critical race theory law The Washington Post Sununu rebukes cash prize offer for allegations about NH teachers New Hampshire Public Radio Commentary: Bounties on New Hampshire teachers? Enough is enough. Seacoastonline.com NH Governor Condemns Tweet Offering a ‘Bounty' on Teachers NBC10 Boston
Austria Announces Nationwide Lockdown and Plans Vaccine Mandate - The New York Times
Austria announces Europe's first nationwide vaccine mandate and reimposes lockdown as Covid-19 soars CNN Czechs, Slovaks target unvaccinated with new restrictions WJXT News4JAX Austria re-imposes a full Covid lockdown and makes vaccination mandatory CNBC Austria to go into full lockdown as Covid surges BBC News
ECB's Lagarde says a rate hike unlikely for 2022 - CNBC
ECB Mustn't Tighten Despite 'Painful' Inflation, Lagarde Says Bloomberg ECB should not react to current inflation spike - Lagarde Reuters ECB's Lagarde: Inflation drivers are to fade over the medium-term FXStreet Lagarde Says ECB Shouldn't Tighten Policy Too Soon Bloomberg
House Democrats delay Build Back Better vote after McCarthy stalls floor action overnight - CNN
Kevin McCarthy speech on House floor, other top stories | LiveNOW from FOX LiveNOW from FOX AOC allegedly interrupts McCarthy to say she voted for Biden to be a new FDR Fox News LIVE: Rep. Kevin McCarthy Holds Weekly Briefing On Capitol Hill | NBC News NBC News McCarthy slams Biden spending bill in marathon floor speech, delaying vote Fox Business
康美药业案一审判决影响持续发酵,独董辞职人数创同期新高 - 新浪网
昔日大佬被判刑12年策划、指挥百亿级造假向国家工作人员行贿700多万 东方财富网 康美药业原董事长马兴田一审被判有期徒刑12年 网易 12万年薪连带上亿赔偿康美案将改变独董生态 新浪网 马兴田获刑12年!康美药业原董事长一审宣判,操纵证券市场、单位行贿等数罪并罚,并处罚金120万 证券时报
Belarus Clears Migrant Camp, Easing Border Standoff With Poland - The New York Times
Minsk proposes plan to ease Belarus-Poland border crisis Al Jazeera English Belarus says camps on Polish border have been cleared of people The Guardian How the Belarus Standoff Is Unlike Recent Migrant Crises The New York Times Who is benefitting from the Poland-Belarus border crisis? Aljazeera.com
McCarthy slams Biden spending bill in marathon floor speech, delaying vote - Fox Business
Kevin McCarthy speech on House floor, other top stories | LiveNOW from FOX LiveNOW from FOX AOC allegedly interrupts McCarthy to say she voted for Biden to be a new FDR Fox News LIVE: Rep. Kevin McCarthy Holds Weekly Briefing On Capitol Hill | NBC News NBC News House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy has spent more than 3 hours delivering a rambling, erratic speech referencing Elon Musk, Abraham Lincoln, China, and Afghanistan in bid to delay passage of Biden spending bill Yahoo News
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Israelis freed from Turkish prison: ‘A Hanukkah miracle — we were jailed for 8 days’ - The Times of Israel
Turkey releases Israeli couple held for photographing Erdogan's residence Reuters Israeli couple arrive home after being held in Turkish prison as suspected spies The Times of Israel Biden's Moment of Truth on Turkey | Opinion Newsweek Israeli couple is home after weeklong detention in Turkey ABC News
Google confirms our findings: Pixel 6 Pro charging capped at 23W - Android Authority
Google explains how Pixel 6 charging works, reveals peak wired power draw & variable charge rates 9to5Google Google Pixel 6 review GSMArena Official Goodbye Google Pixel 6 Pro: 9 reasons it's not the phone for me ZDNet Google explains the tradeoffs that led to Pixel 6’s slow charging complaints The Verge
Famous Discovery of Four-Legged Snake Fossil Turns Out to Have a Twist in The Tale - ScienceAlert
Paleontologists debunk fossil thought to be missing link between lizards and first snakes Phys.Org
Google explains how Pixel 6 charging works, reveals peak wired power draw & variable charge rates - 9to5Google
Google explains how Pixel 6 charging works, reveals peak wired power draw & variable charge rates Google Pixel 6 review GSMArena Official The best Android phones in 2021 Android Police Google confirms our findings: Pixel 6 Pro charging capped at 23W Android Authority Goodbye Google Pixel 6 Pro: 9 reasons it's not the phone for me ZDNet
Alibaba misses expectations as earnings plunge 38% in the September quarter - CNBC
Alibaba Earnings: What to Look For From BABA Investopedia Will Alibaba stock losses halt on Q2 revenue, e-commerce strength? Seeking Alpha Alibaba Stock Slides After Q2 Revenue Miss As Beijing Crackdown Bites TheStreet Why Alibaba Shares Are Falling Benzinga
Travis Scott and Astroworld organisers sued for $750m - BBC News
12000 people could have entered Astroworld Festival without tickets: Harris County Sports & Convent KHOU 11 Travis Scott Is Being Sued For $750 Million Over The Astroworld Tragedy While W Magazine Has Decided Against Digitally Promoting A New Cover Featuring Him And Kylie Jenner In The Wake Of The Backlash BuzzFeed News NRG Park management board meets after Astroworld Festival tragedy KHOU.com Astroworld medics risked their own lives 'going into the mob and pulling out patients,' firm chief says USA TODAY
When politicians make the maps, winning is easy — or impossible - POLITICO
Republicans likely to gain seat with new congressional map 11Alive SC House to return Dec. 1 for redistricting special session The State OPINION: GOP can slow change with redistricting, but they can’t make it stop Atlanta Journal Constitution Gerrymandering surges ahead of 2022 midterms CBS News
首批北交所主题基金明日开售首批8只每家限额5亿元 - 新浪网
北交所开市首日 中小企业新股涨幅破100% Deutsche Welle 北交所开市首日10只新股大幅上涨 华尔街日报中文网 北交所首日:81家资本新贵全画像_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr 北京证交所开张 81家企业首批交易 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
中国人寿寿险公司党委传达学习党的十九届六中全会重要精神- 财经要闻- 中国衡阳新闻网站 - 衡阳新闻网
跟着总书记领悟党的宝贵经验——坚持独立自主 新浪网 推动中国特色社会主义事业航船劈波斩浪一往无前——党的十九届六中全会在全军引起热烈反响 手机网易网 这个决议特殊重要 一财网 从公报中读出“昨天、今天、明天”的深意--新闻报道-中国共产党新闻网 人民网
Xbox November update brings quick controller swaps, lower latency, and accessibility tags - The Verge
Here's What's Included In The Xbox November 2021 Update Pure Xbox Xbox One and Xbox Series X November Update Includes Several New Features Comicbook.com Xbox November update brings new accessibility options, audio settings and more Windows Central Latest Xbox Console Update Adds New Game Accessibility Feature Tags GameSpot
NFL Week 11 Picks Against The Spread - The New York Times
Will NFL's upset trend continue in Week 11? NFL.com NFL Week 11 odds, point spreads, picks and best bets The Washington Post NFL picks 2021: Full list of Week 11 predictions with confidence levels DraftKings Nation NFL Game Picks: Week 11 ABC 10 UP
Julius Jones' family, friends call on Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt to stop Thursday's execution - USA TODAY
Julius Jones execution: Protests erupt outside Governor's mansion, mother speaks | LiveNOW from FOX LiveNOW from FOX Browns QB Baker Mayfield becomes emotional discussing Julius Jones' planned execution USA TODAY Julius Jones' Mother Pleas For Her Son's Life Ahead Of His Scheduled Execution News On 6 Readers sound off on an impending execution, Robert Moses and NYC retiree benefits New York Daily News
NASA Invites Media to Webb Telescope Science Briefings - NASA
You asked, we answered: NASA's new telescope and the search for clues about our universe explained CNN The Most Powerful Telescope Ever Made Will Launch Next Month. A Texas Astronomer Is Leading Its Biggest Project. Texas Monthly Powerful Webb space telescope featuring Canadian instruments set for Dec. 18 launch CTV News Reaching for the Stars From Kourou – Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana SciTechDaily
收评:创业板指跌逾1%,锂电池、风电概念表现活跃,元宇宙概念大幅回落_ 证券时报网 - 证券时报
A股三大股指齊跌 滬指結束兩連升 大纪元 A股收跌“喝酒吃药”行情再现军工股集体哑火 华尔街见闻 收评:三大指数午后全线走低创指失守3400点军工板块持续下行 新浪网
中国人寿寿险公司党委传达学习党的十九届六中全会重要精神_保险_金融频道首页_财经网- CAIJING.COM.CN - 《财经网》
跟着总书记领悟党的宝贵经验——坚持独立自主 新浪网 这个决议特殊重要 一财网 十九届六中全会,习近平总书记再谈“窑洞对”--时政--人民网 人民网 推动中国特色社会主义事业航船劈波斩浪党的十九届六中全会在全军引起热烈反响 新浪网
商务部:中美元首视频会晤为中美经贸领域沟通确定了基调 - 中国经济网
拜登习近平视频峰会落幕,你该知道的几个重点 BBC 中文网 每周时事分析:拜登给了中国声望,但核心利益没给 FT中文网 中美元首视频会晤向世界释放积极信号 手机网易网 白宫申明:拜登不认为习近平是“老朋友” RFI - 法国国际广播电台
欧莱雅PK李佳琦、薇娅,到底谁误导了消费者_品牌 - 搜狐
李佳琦、薇娅“封杀”欧莱雅,倒计时24小时_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr 凌晨,巴黎欧莱雅回应! 新浪网 李佳琦又被“坑”上热搜,大主播的“全网最底价”正在消失? 华尔街见闻 8点1氪丨李佳琦、薇娅暂停与欧莱雅合作;8家网盘承诺推出无差别速率产品;腾讯叫停企鹅号黎明计划并向UP主道歉_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr
成为中国首位F1车手周冠宇处子赛季要过多少“弯” - 西安新闻网
周冠宇:中国首位一级方程式赛车正式车手 BBC 中文网 周冠宇成为F1车手的五个关键时刻 新浪网 ◤赛车◢ 官宣加盟阿尔法罗密欧 周冠宇成F1中国第一人 China Press 下赛季起征战F1,中国首位F1车手周冠宇接受《环球时报》专访:希望能“稳扎稳打” 环球网
浙江各部门单位学习贯彻党的十九届六中全会精神_手机浙江网 - 浙江在线
跟着总书记领悟党的宝贵经验——坚持独立自主 新浪网 推动中国特色社会主义事业航船劈波斩浪一往无前——党的十九届六中全会在全军引起热烈反响 手机网易网 这个决议特殊重要 一财网 十九届六中全会,习近平总书记再谈“窑洞对”--时政--人民网 人民网
They gave up everything to get to Europe. Now hundreds are being sent home - CNN
Migrant crisis at Poland-Belarus border could last months, Poland's defense minister warns CBS Mornings Belarus-Poland Border Tensions Show Signs of Easing The New York Times Who is benefitting from the Poland-Belarus border crisis? Aljazeera.com The Poland-Belarus border crisis is what happens when humans are treated as weapons The Guardian
Asia looks to release oil reserves after U.S. request - Reuters
China Says Release From Strategic Oil Reserves In the Works Bloomberg U.S. Asks China To Release More Oil From Its Reserves OilPrice.com EXCLUSIVE U.S. asks Japan, China, others to consider tapping oil reserves -sources Reuters U.S. asks big countries to coordinate releases from oil reserves: sources Fox Business
中国青少年新媒体协会党的十九届六中全会精神专题学习座谈会召开_宣传 - 搜狐
跟着总书记领悟党的宝贵经验——坚持独立自主 新浪网 推动中国特色社会主义事业航船劈波斩浪一往无前——党的十九届六中全会在全军引起热烈反响 手机网易网 十九届六中全会,习近平总书记再谈“窑洞对”--时政--人民网 人民网 这个决议特殊重要 一财网
每经16点|商务部:中美元首视频会晤为中美经贸领域沟通确定了基调;办健身卡要求充值超五千元可投诉;德国股市开盘上涨0.16% - 每日经济新闻
拜登习近平视频峰会落幕,你该知道的几个重点 BBC 中文网 每周时事分析:拜登给了中国声望,但核心利益没给 FT中文网 中美元首视频会晤向世界释放积极信号 手机网易网 白宫申明:拜登不认为习近平是“老朋友” RFI - 法国国际广播电台
新民环球| 难民危机加剧白俄罗斯与西方矛盾-手机新民网 - 新民网
白俄罗斯与波兰边境移民危机的来龙去脉 BBC 中文网 关于白俄罗斯和波兰边境移民危机,你需要了解的几个问题 纽约时报中文网 难民危机持续发酵欧盟这招能奏效么? 新浪网 白波边境难民危机升级!波兰军队对难民使用水炮及催泪瓦斯_欧盟 搜狐
日本政府计划投入5000亿日元加强经济安全 - 共同社
大放水!日本狂抛40万亿日元刺激!股市将成新收入来源?日本楼市泡沫蠢蠢欲动 网易 大放水!日本突然放大招狂抛40万亿日元刺激!央行也在加码什么信号? 东方财富网 大放水!日本突然放大招,狂抛40万亿日元刺激!股市将成新收入来源?央行也在加码,什么信号? 新浪网
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Fugitive California couple sentenced in absentia in multimillion-dollar coronavirus fraud scheme - Fox News
California couple sentenced for $20 million in COVID fraud New York Post Husband and wife fugitives who helped run $18-million COVID relief fraud ring get years in prison Yahoo News Fugitive Tarzana couple convicted in major COVID relief fraud scheme is sentenced as search for them continues KTLA Fugitive Couple Convicted In $18 Million COVID-19 Loan Fraud Scheme Sentenced In Absentia CBS Los Angeles
文山州政协党组召开(扩大)会议传达学习党的十九届六中全会精神_要闻_文山频道_云南网 - 云南网
第一观察| 从公报中读出“昨天、今天、明天”的深意 新浪网 第三份历史决议不如习近平所愿(图) 陈破空- 时评- (移动版) 看中国 推动中国特色社会主义事业航船劈波斩浪一往无前——党的十九届六中全会在全军引起热烈反响 手机网易网 推动中国特色社会主义事业航船劈波斩浪党的十九届六中全会在全军引起热烈反响 新浪网
Coffee and Tea Linked With Reduced Rates of Stroke and Dementia – Here’s How Much To Drink - SciTechDaily
Your morning cups of coffee and tea could be associated with lower risk of stroke and dementia CNN Consumption of coffee and tea and risk of developing stroke, dementia, and poststroke dementia: A cohort study in the UK Biobank PLoS Blogs Coffee and Tea Linked to Lower Risk of Stroke and Dementia in 11-Year Study Gizmodo Coffee and tea drinking may be associated with reduced rates of stroke and dementia EurekAlert
Growth, jobs and inflation clash in Biden Fed choice - Reuters
Why Lael Brainard is best qualified to lead the Fed Yahoo Finance Biden Hints at Fed Chair Pick Soon as Senators Rush to React Bloomberg Why Jerome Powell must go Business Standard Who will be the new Chairperson of the US Fed? Moneycontrol.com
韩政府就俄反卫星试验表忧虑敦促各国和平利用太空|俄罗斯|反卫星|韩国 - 新浪网
俄罗斯进行反卫星导弹试验引发谴责 BBC 中文网 俄国防部称俄太空试验不会对空间站、航天器和太空活动构成威胁- 科学探索 cnBeta 法国强烈谴责俄罗斯试射反卫星导弹危及太空环境安全 RFI - 法国国际广播电台 美多部门猛批俄罗斯反卫星试验俄多方回击:“虚伪” 新浪网
首批北交所主题基金来了:周五开卖,一元起售_投资 - 搜狐
八十一家企业首批上市北京证券交易所开市 新浪网 北交所首日:81家资本新贵全画像_详细解读_最新资讯_热点事件 36kr 注意!北交所打新规则有调整“拼手速”变成“拼资金” 80%申购都中签或成历史 东方财富网 十只个股涨幅超100%,谁是北交所火爆行情背后的“金手指”? 华尔街见闻
中国女排在日本大阪首夺世界冠军40周年纪念活动举行 - 中国网
中国女排首夺世界冠军40周年:“女排管家”忆往事 新浪网 郎平:女排精神就是团队精神融入了排球人的血液 新浪网 女排精神40年:最宝贵的并非金牌和奖杯而是ta 新浪网 中国女排首夺世界冠军40周年已成为中国精神动力 新浪网
Target tops earnings estimates, says holiday sales may be higher than previously predicted - CNBC
Target blows past quarterly earnings expectations and says shelves are full for holiday season MarketWatch Target Stock Slides After Q3 Earnings Beat As Margin Pressures Mount TheStreet Target Q3 Earnings Preview: Stock's 50% Jump Signals Retailer's Competitive Edge Investing.com Target 3Q Profit, Revenue Surpass Expectations >TGT MarketWatch
Alternate No Way Home trailer has fans thinking missing Spider-Man actors have been edited out - GamesRadar+
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME - Official Trailer (HD) Sony Pictures Entertainment 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Trailer: Bring on the Bad Guys ScreenCrush SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME - Official Trailer Marvel Entertainment Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer – 5 things you may have missed Techradar
Nets' ugly loss to Warriors shows how much Kyrie Irving is missed - New York Post
WARRIORS at NETS | FULL GAME HIGHLIGHTS | November 16, 2021 NBA Opinion: Steph Curry Is The Best Player In The World And The Golden State Warriors Blew Out The Brooklyn Nets Sports Illustrated Kevin Durant gives his best respect to former teammates | Warriors vs Nets MLG Highlights Golden State Warriors vs Brooklyn Nets Nov 16, 2021 Game - Scores, Stats & Highlights NBA.com
《全球汇市》美元高涨,受美国乐观经济数据及鹰派言论提振 - 路透
外汇交易提醒:经济数据助推美元飙升,日元创56个月新低 新浪网 外汇交易提醒:美元从16个月高位下滑,周线仍录得近三个月来最大涨幅 新浪网
最新!进返京须知!乘飞机、乘车如何检验核酸证明 - 环球网
【一線採訪】北京防疫升級 被指為保冬奧會 大纪元 一文读懂北京明起实行的进返京政策和具体细节 新浪网 北京風聲鶴唳 警方:逢車必查 逢人必核 NTDTV 北京新增七起本土确诊病例进京政策收紧 Channel 8 News & Current Affairs
Miramax sues Tarantino over 'money grab' Pulp Fiction NFTs - Cointelegraph
Quentin Tarantino Sued By Miramax Over 'Pulp Fiction' NFT Auction TMZ Miramax Sues Tarantino Over ‘Pulp Fiction’ NFTs, Says His Team Is Acting ‘Recklessly’ and Greedily’ Yahoo Entertainment Miramax Sues Quentin Tarantino Over 'Pulp Fiction' NFT Plans - WSJ The Wall Street Journal Miramax sues Quentin Tarantino over planned 'Pulp Fiction' NFTs NBC News
Tim Weah scores for USMNT in 1-1 draw with Jamaica in World Cup qualifier - The Washington Post
Jamaica vs. United States - Football Match Report - November 16, 2021 ESPN.co.uk Jamaica vs. USA: Extended Highlights | CONCACAF WCQ | CBS Sports Golazo CBS Sports Golazo Richards, Busio enter US lineup for Cup qualifier at Jamaica WHIO Radio Zack Steffen will start for USMNT against Jamaica The Washington Post
Goldman Sachs CEO Says Market Greed Is Now Outpacing Fear - Bloomberg
Holiday Shoppers May Not Like Goldman Sachs' Forecast Newser Fed: Expect the first-rate lift-off in July 2022 – Goldman Sachs FXStreet Goldman CEO Solomon on Pandemic Exit, China, Climate Bloomberg Goldman Sachs outlook for the US economy and Fed policy ForexLive
美不满俄试射反卫星导弹俄媒:美国也在研发此类武器 - 新浪网
俄罗斯进行反卫星导弹试验引发谴责 BBC 中文网 俄国防部称俄太空试验不会对空间站、航天器和太空活动构成威胁- 科学探索 cnBeta 美多部门猛批俄罗斯反卫星试验俄多方回击:“虚伪” 新浪网 法国强烈谴责俄罗斯试射反卫星导弹危及太空环境安全 RFI - 法国国际广播电台
日本兵库县出现禽流感疫情超15万只鸡被扑杀_国际_新闻 - 星岛环球网
欧洲和亚洲地区近日暴发禽流感疫情正迅速蔓延开来 Channel 8 News & Current Affairs 禽流感来袭!扩散欧亚多国 China Press 紧急!多国暴发禽流感疫情!这里最高级别警报拉响 新浪网
今起进返京有新政需持48小时内核酸阴性证明-股城热点 - 股城网
【一線採訪】北京防疫升級 被指為保冬奧會 大纪元 一文读懂北京明起实行的进返京政策和具体细节 新浪网 北京風聲鶴唳 警方:逢車必查 逢人必核 NTDTV 北京新增七起本土确诊病例进京政策收紧 Channel 8 News & Current Affairs
College Football Playoff Rankings Daily Cavalcade: Think, Know, Believe On The Top 25 - College Football News
Top seven in College Football Playoff rankings remain unchanged as Houston debuts ESPN Latest CFP Rankings: Georgia, Alabama still at top; Ohio State & Oregon Remain Top 4 | CBS Sports HQ CBS Sports HQ CFB World Reacts To Playoff Chairman’s Controversial Comment The Spun Statistically, Michigan comes out on top over Michigan State - Gary Barta | College Football on ESPN ESPN
Biden touts infrastructure bill at snowy, rusty bridge in NH - Associated Press
President Biden visits New Hampshire to sell infrastructure bill CBS News Opinion | ‘We Finally Have Something to Celebrate’: The Infrastructure Bill Is Signed The New York Times We're about to receive the largest infrastructure investment in US history and it's a good thing Fox News Biden Infrastructure Win Won't Make Him More Popular Bloomberg
Amazon to stop accepting Visa's UK-issued credit cards over high fees - Reuters
Amazon to stop accepting Visa credit cards issued in the UK, citing high fees CNBC Amazon to stop accepting UK-issued Visa credit card payments Sky News Amazon to stop accepting Visa credit cards in UK BBC News Amazon says it will stop accepting UK-issued Visa credit cards on January 19th Engadget
What we learned as Steph drops 37 in statement win over Nets - NBC Sports Bay Area
WARRIORS at NETS | FULL GAME HIGHLIGHTS | November 16, 2021 NBA Opinion: Steph Curry Is The Best Player In The World And The Golden State Warriors Blew Out The Brooklyn Nets Sports Illustrated Kevin Durant gives his best respect to former teammates | Warriors vs Nets MLG Highlights Golden State Warriors vs Brooklyn Nets Nov 16, 2021 Game - Scores, Stats & Highlights NBA.com
反对议会多项提议,英政府拒绝认定新疆存在“种族灭绝”,不同意禁止进口新疆棉花 - 环球网
英政府未接受议会建议认定新疆发生“种族灭绝” 美国之音 英政府拒应国会要求认定新疆存在"种族灭绝" 全球维吾尔人持续发声 自由亚洲电台
康美药业原董事长一审被判12年并处罚金人民币120万元 - 东北网
康美药业原董事长马兴田一审被判处有期徒刑12年 新浪网 康美药业后,中国式集体诉讼还可以走多远? FT中文网 康美药业原董事长马兴田一审被判有期徒刑12年 网易
Correction Deepens as Bitcoin Trades Below $60K: Market Watch - CryptoPotato
Bitcoin Price Briefly Drops Below $60,000 as Strong Dollar Weighs on Crypto The Wall Street Journal Bitcoin briefly drops below $60,000 as major cryptocurrencies fall CNBC Bitcoin price continues slide below $60,000 Fox Business Crypto Market Crash: Why Algorand, Litecoin, Chainlink See Double-Digit Declines Motley Fool
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Iran releases footage of helicopter approaching USS Essex, blasted for ‘unsafe’ conduct - Fox News
Pentagon: Iran helicopter "circled" close to U.S. warship Axios Pentagon accuses Iran of unsafe helicopter maneuver near US Navy ship The Virginian-Pilot Iranian helicopter came close to U.S. warship- Pentagon Reuters Pentagon: Iranian Helicopter Buzzed San Diego-Based USS Essex in Gulf of Oman Times of San Diego
Hong Kong quarantines 130 pilots, stoking supply chain fears - Al Jazeera English
Coronavirus: Cathay Pacific imposes tough new rules on aircrew BBC News Hong Kong to Consider Stricter Flight Crew Curbs If Necessary Bloomberg Cathay tightens checks after new Covid case - RTHK RTHK Cathay Crew Who Flew From Frankfurt Doing 21-Day Quarantine Bloomberg
Bipartisan infrastructure bill passes: Here's what California will get - SFGate
Biden signs infrastructure bill, promoting benefits for Americans. The New York Times NY Gov. Kathy Hochul invited to White House for signing of infrastructure bill syracuse.com Biden signs $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill into law, unlocking funds for transportation, broadband, utilities CNBC Biden's support continues to sink as prices rise, economic concerns grow KOMO News
Poland turns water cannon on rock-throwing migrants at border - Reuters
Water cannons aimed at migrants in tense border standoff CNN Poland border crisis: EU to widen Belarus sanctions as row intensifies BBC News Migrants who fled Middle East for Belarus now showing up in Germany CBS News Poland, Lithuania and Latvia consider triggering NATO's Article 4 over the Belarus border crisis CNN
Alec Baldwin Scapegoated For 'Rust' Shooting Over Politics, Brother Daniel Says - TMZ
Trump Floats Reckless Claim About 'Rust' Shooting TheWrap
"美国再度前进":拜登签署万亿美元基建法案 - Deutsche Welle
美总统拜登签署万亿美元基建法案:让美国再次前进 新浪网 拜登总统签署1万亿美元基础设施法案 美国之音中文网 - VOA Mandarin 拜登签了!巴菲特“清仓”了!特斯拉熊市了!这一夜发生了什么? 东方财富网 焦点:拜登正式签署1万亿美元基建法案 完成立法程序 路透
EU agrees new sanctions on Belarus over border crisis - Al Jazeera English
Migrants who fled Middle East for Belarus now showing up in Germany CBS News Poland, Lithuania and Latvia consider triggering NATO's Article 4 over the Belarus border crisis CNN EU imposes new sanctions on Belarus as migrant crisis escalates - BBC News BBC News ‘No way I’m going back to Iraq’: Iraqi Kurds flee to Belarus Al Jazeera English
GOP revenge for the Bannon indictment may have to wait - POLITICO
Trump ally Steve Bannon released from custody pending trial on contempt of Congress charges CNN What Bannon's indictment means for other Trump allies CNN Trump adviser Steve Bannon's indictment and arrest are a win for the rule of law NBC News Weaponized Justice Department's double standard – one rule of law for Dems, another for GOP Fox News
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New COVID-19 outbreaks reported at schools in Grand Rapids, Michigan Tech and St. Clair County The Detroit News https://bit.ly/2JzXh0w
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